Aladdin Paperbacks.c1954.<Y17-A640>
National Diet Library
C. Scribner's Sonsc1954.<Y17-A519>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
HelenSewell 著 ; AliceDalgliesh 著Scribners1954
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Thanksgiving Story
AliceDalgliesh text ; HelenSewell illustrationsScribners1954
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe thanksgiving story
textbyAliceDalgliesh. ; illustrationsbyHelenSewell.Scrioners1954
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Thanksgiving story
by Alice Dalgliesh, with illustrations by Helen SewellAladdin Paperbacks1954
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by Alice Dalgliesh ; with illustrations by Helen SewellCharles Scribner's sonsc1954
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by Alice Dalgliesh,illustrated by Helen SewellCharles Scribner’sc1954
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by Alice Dalgliesh ; with illustrations by Helen SewellAladdin booksc1954
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Alice Dalgliesh, Helen SewellScribner1954.0
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Alice*Dalgliesh 作 ; Heleen*Sewell 絵Macmillan Publishers1954.
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