Search results 208
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsKing Arthur and the Tudor Dynasty ......rse Studies to the eighteenth cen......ham Validating the English church....../ Graham Parry The diggers and the Norman yoke / ......are A. Simmons The ballad revival and the rise of litera......ory / David Matthews Medieval for......smus Rask, and the origins of phi....../ Kirsten Wolf The Romantic Gothi......and revivals : the lake poet's architecture of the past / Tom Dug......lter Scott and the Medievalist no......l / James Watt The study of Anglo......axon poetry in the Victorian period / M. J....... Chaucer among the Victorians / Richard Utz The later Victorian recovery of Anglo-Saxon sculp...
- Subject, Britain. Southern Europe.
- Note (Content)In 1859, the historian Lord......nciples divide the world, and contend for the mastery, antiquity and the middle ages'. The influence on Victorian culture of the 'Middle Ages' ......dly understood then as the centuries between the Roman Empire and the Renaissance) w......r instance, to the rituals and ornament of the Medieval Catho......nism. It ledto the Saxon Witan be......g acclaimed as the forefathers of the British navy. ......n to cultivate the superlative be...... as typically 'Victorian'--in an attempt to emulate their Anglo-Saxon forefathers. Different f......periods before the Renaissance, w......minant mode in Victorian art and architecture, with 75...
National Diet Library
- Contents...rt I. Form and the senses. Genres......en's poetry in the world. Publish......or Marriage, motherhood, and dome...... / Jill Ehnenn Poets of style: poet......rt IV. Reading Victorian women's poetry......nt reading and Victorian women's poetry......en's poetry in the field of visio......l Armstrong Further reading Appendix: Poets' biographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Market and other poems Influen......nd restraint : Victorian women poets and the Rossettis The nonsense and w......: Rossetti and the sonnet traditi......tti's finale : The face of the deep (1892) and verses (1893)...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe many faces of Victorian biography Victorian hero-worship "The simple annals of the poor": biograp......oning Romantic poets "Forgotten benefactors": the Dictionary of ......y Conclusion: "The lives of the obscure" and Virginia Woolf.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The Oxford Handboo......eareans around the world. Collectively, these essays seek ......tistry in both the poems and the drama. The volume underst......e inclusive of the dramatic verse......tive concerns, the volume tackles......ative sources; the importance of to meaning; the significance o......and ballads in the drama; the place of gender in the verse, including the relationship's poetry to the visual arts; the different valu......hakespeare' in the theatre; and the adaptation of ......ormance) into other periods and languages. The largest sectio...... is devoted to the poems themselves: the Sonnets, plus 'A ...
- Contents...are's style in the 1590s / Goran ......hakespeare and the arts of cognit......mmar rules' in the sonnets: Sidne......vulgarity, and the poetics of inc......d Cressida / Catherine Nicholson ......ular songs and the great temptati......d spectacle on the modern Shakesp......lehouse sign': the poetry of wome...... performing in the narrative poem......tgrowing Ovid: the disorienting n......, and pride in The rape of Lucrec...... Joshua Scodel The sonnets in the classroom: stu...... / L.E. Semler The conceptual inv...... Russ McDonald The poetics of fem......Craik Reading 'The phoenix and tu......ean poetry and the romantics / Michael O'Neill S...
National Diet Library
- Contents...nathan Roberts The literature of the Bible / Christ......s and literary theory / David Jas......ish poetry / Catherine A.M. Clarke The medieval relig....../ Douglas Gray The Middle English......tics / Annie Sutherland The Pearl-poet / H......Women Romantic poets / Penny Bradsh...... Beatty Pt. V. Victorian. Introduction ...... Elisabeth Jay The Brownings / Ke...... Kirstie Blair The Brontës / Mari....../ David Fuller The Great War. poets / Jane Potter.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.An overview of the great achievements of modern poets in Britain in the twentieth century.
- ContentsVictorian to modern / Ti......lfred Owen and the poetry of war ...... Neil Corcoran The 1930s poetry Douglas and the poetry of the Second World W......ish poetry and the translocal / Jahan Ramazani P...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Publisher: The result of a co...... and funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and the Australian Research Council, The Literature of Australia gathers the most distincti......significant of the nation's writi......l genres, from the 1700s to the present, and o......l authors from the early colonial period to the present. Work ...... details about the authors of the works selected......essays setting the works in their historical c......estions for further reading. The Literature of ...... a window into the myriad ways of being Australi...
- Contents...Keneally About the editors List o......ete account of the settlement at ......Australis / Matthew Flinders (177......peditions into the interior of Southern Australia / ......) Aboriginal mother (from Myall's......o hell / Frank the poet (c 1810-c......etter to her father / Eliza Brown......summer noon in the Austrailian Fo......ady's visit to the gold diggings ......841) Letter to the editor by the Conranderrk Ab......ra Morison / Catherine Helen Spen......70) Spider and the fly / Waif hollow, and the valley of the grose / Louisa......46-1881) Where the pelican builds......897) Letter to the editor / Bessie Cameron (c 18...
- Note (General)...Ltd 2009 under the title Macquarie PEN anthology...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents....M. Terhune Matthew Arnold, by F....... by C.K. Hyder The Pre-Raphaelite......ns, by J. Pick The later Victorian poets, by L. Stevenson.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...d criticism Aesthetics, Modern -- 19th century S...
- Subject Heading (ID)...d criticism Aesthetics, Modern -- 19th century S...
- Related MaterialVictorian literature and culture series
National Diet Library
- Contents...-evaluation of the Italian source......lla Cavalchini The miserific visi......oleridge and a poets' poet by Pino Fasano The poetry of Leopardi in Victorian England by Beatrice Corrigan The tapestry horse by Barbara Mel...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialEncounters : the Warsaw studies in English lan...
- Periodical TitleEncounters : the Warsaw studies in English lan...
- Alternative TitleThe strange case of Tennyson's The Princess
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Association for Scottish Lite...
- Periodical TitleThe Association for Scottish Lite...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...d criticism -- Theory, etc
- Subject Heading (ID)...d criticism -- Theory, etc
- Related MaterialVictorian literature and culture series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialVictorian literature and culture series
- Periodical TitleVictorian literature and culture series
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAmong the Victorians and modernists
- Periodical TitleAmong the Victorians and modernists