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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Museums and the Ancient Middle East is the first book to ......s that present the ancient Middle East. Bringing together the latest thinkin......ding curators, the book presents the views of those......y of practice: the art, archaeolo......and history of the ancient Middle East. D......s from many of the world's leadin......ums, including the British Museum, the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Ashmolean Museum, and the Vorderasiatisc......unseen side of the Middle East re......ctions between the practices of n......museums around the globe, the contributors to the volume are als......e insight into the types of challenges and oppor...
- ContentsIntroductory Curating the ancient Middle East / ......m displays and the creation of the ancient Middle East : a view from the Ashmolean and the British museum....../ Paul Collins Ancient "art" in the white cube? or......ry art creates ancient "art"? / Pedro......d audiences at the Louvre : exhibiting ancient Middle Eastern...... Gallery 55 at the British cultures : ancient Middle Eastern worlds in the Vorderasiatisc......ely different? The renewal of the ancient Middle Eastern Gallery in the Dutch National......Lucas P. Petit The Jordan Museum ......n : displaying the arts of the ancient Middle East in their ...
- Subject HeadingArt, Ancient--Middle East--...... museums. Art, Ancient. Antiquities. Antiquities--Ex...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, account of the ancient cities of the Mediterranean ......o thinking of Athens and Rome and......banism, and of the ancient world itself a......reg Woolf sets the slow growth of ancient cities in the context of our......ive in cities, the Greeks and Rom......uscans and all their neighbours c......cology, and of ancient imperialisms. Ancient cities emerged......e building and the whims of kings and generals. The handful of ancient mega-cities and against the ecological powers lost the will or power to keep them going"--
- ContentsPart I. An urban animal. To the city ; Urban a......Mediterranean. The first Mediterranean cities ; Mariners and chieftain......e ; Networking the Mediterranean ......rough cities ; The ecology of Rom......-urbanization. The megalopoleis ; Postclassical ...
- Subject HeadingCities and towns, Ancient--Mediterranean......ies and towns, Ancient. Imperialism--......ies and towns, Ancient--Mediterranean Region. Urbani...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe Dutch bread-ma...... and scapegoat The crisis of mode......rine pollution The purifying sea in the religious imag......ural elements "The sea can wash a......y all evils" : ancient Greece and the Cathartic Sea "The great woman down there" : Sedna merciful" : the Hindu "Here end the works of the sea, the works of love".
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....tal changes in the past, their impacts on d......Bioarchaeology-the study of archa......ct evidence of the human experien...... addresses hypotheses about how c......ikely outcome. The volume highlights the potential rele...... by organizing the chapters into ......rk outlined by the United Nation'......tal relations, the handbook is ke......chaeology, and the history of disease. By provid...
- Contents...chug Exploring the third epidemio...... today and for the future / Charl......rts Disease in the context of env......afoe Living on the edge : climate......ent famines in the ancient Atacama Desert......ory disease in the Middle Nile Valley : the impact of envi......and disease at the marshes : deci......demiology, and the role of climat......y results from ancient Greek Himera (...... population in the emerging moder...... pellagra, and the rise of the manicomio system in the Veneto region ......ebecca Redfern The climate change......uncertainty on the Colorado Plate...... : violence in the late intermediate period (AD ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsWhat the ur-crustacean looked like The fossil record of the pancrustacea E......n of crustacea The pancrustacean ......s Biography of the oceans Conquering the ocean depths Invasion of the Poles, especially ancient lakes Coloniza...... : toward a synthesis Intertidal ......crustaceans in the Anthropocene
- Related MaterialThe natural history of the Crustacea
- Periodical TitleThe natural history of the Crustacea
National Diet Library
- Contents...A new study of the iconography of......epresentations The organization o......ptis Magna and the triumphal imag......onumentally in ancient harbours across the Mediterranean ......dentity across the Mediterranean ......esentations of the imperial and m......istic message: The iconography of the imperial autho......: Control over the water The Arch of Septim......y control over the Mediterranean Sea 5. The Mercantile Cla......fluence during the Imperial Era evidence of the economy and Controlling the sea, sailing the sea: A depicti...... Postcard from the Ancient Mediterranean:......and commission The marine environment and visual...
- Subject Heading...rt, Classical--Themes, motives Ma......rt, Classical--Themes, motives. Visual communica...
- Note (Content)In recent years, there has been int......e debate about the reality behind the depiction of Harbours in the Classical World argues that the available text......dence supports the argument that these representati...... a symbolic, rather than literal,...... moreover that the traditional view, that all these media represent the reality of the contemporary c......stic. Bridging the gap between ar......l sciences and the humanities, it...... on three main ancient ports - Alexan......nography, from the triumphal imag......l harbours and the symbolism of harbour images, their identification across the Mediterranean, and their symb...
National Diet Library
- ContentsZooarchaeology in the twenty-first c......and mammals in the Upper Palaeoli......hail V. Sablin The zooarchaeology......ization during the Upper Palaeoli......d evenness / Katherine Boyle Meso......and fishing in the coastal and te......nvironments of the eastern Baltic......yland sites in the Central Alpine......archaeology in the Carpathian Bas......n lifestyle in ancient Rome (Italy) across the Iron Age/Roman transition : the evidence from ......archaeology of the Scandinavian s......oitation in northern Scotland fro......mon J.M. Davis The zooarchaeology...... / Mark Maltby The emergence of l......hard H. Meadow The zooarchaeology of Neolithic C...
- Note (Content)...n history, and the study of their remains from......g of our past. The Oxford Handboo......zooarchaeology the world over tha......listic view of the roles played scholars in the field a sense of the dynamism of the discipline, the many approache......and an idea of the huge range of ......als throughout the world and its ......s as varied as the Arctic, temper......ests, deserts, the tropics, and the sea are of hunter-gatherers, farmers, ......lers highlight the importance tha......contextualizes the current practi......ts history and the challenges and......e expected for the future, and a methodological ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe etiquette of learning in the early Islamic ......ome aspects of the education of princes at the 'Abbāsid Cour......lbert Dietrich The age structure ......for teachers : the 9th century Mu...... Sebastian Günther The Islamic preach......annes Pedersen The scholarly form......Claude Gilliot The human element ......t and reader : the ijāza in Just Witkam The oral transmiss...... Georges Vajda The office of the Mustamlī in A......Max Weisweiler The use of writing for the preservation of ancient Arabic poetry ......d literature : the Akhbār attrib......tefan Leder On the legacy of the classics in the Islamic world...
- Related MaterialThe formation of the classical Islamic world
- Periodical TitleThe formation of the classical Islamic world
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....led summary of the many uses of d......pplications in the environmental ......s is placed on the use of diatoms......hication, and other pollution issues. The chapters are d......diatom use in other fields of stu......en added since the first edition biology and the numerical diatomists. The extensive glos......ialists to use the book effectively"--
- Contents...: prologue; 2. The diatoms: a methods for the analysis of di......11. Diatoms in ancient lakes; Part II......ntal change in the High Arctic; 1...... Reconsidering the meaning of bio......ation rates in the glacial Southern Ocean; Part V. Other Applications:......h diatoms and other limnological ......gue: a view to the future; Glossary, acronyms, a...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The flora and fauna of Southeast Asia are ex......nally diverse. The region include......otspots and is the principal glob...... it also faces the most intense challenges of the current reviews, syntheses and results of the latest research into Southeast Asian earth......k investigates the history, prese...... and future of the fauna and flor......authorities in the field explore ......approaches and themes with spatia...... case studies. The volume also pr......phy. Exploring the fascinating en......istories of Southeast Asia, this is an ideal res...
- Contents... Darwin and Southeast Asia: the real field sit......4. A review of the Cenozoic palae...... history of Southeast Asia / Robe...... H. Cannon; 6. The Malesian flori......patterns of Southeast Asian palms......ami impacts in the marine environ......s in Wallacea: the species flocks in the ancient lakes of Sulaw......logeography of the freshwater fauna of the Indo-Australia......en, Peter B. Mather and Gary R. C......discoveries in the Southeast Asian mainl......exemplified by the trade in reptiles in Southeast Asia / Vincent Nijman, Matthew Todd and Chri...... Shepherd; 16. The tropical peat swamps of Southeast Asia: human impacts on bio...
- Subject HeadingBiodiversity--Southeast Asia. Bioti......ommunities--Southeast Asia. Evolu...... (Biology)--Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia--Envir......egradation--Southeast Asia. Clima......ic changes--Southeast Asia. Global environmental...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ry of State of the wild / Kent H.......t. 1. State of the wild Gold flow...... : one view on the state of the wild / George ......haller Mapping the wild : the human Regulating the wild / Ken Kostel The rarest of the rare : some of the world's most e......w Zealand, and the Pacific Island......3. Hunting and the wildlife trade Setting the scene / wildlife in the tropics / Eliz...... Lee Twine and the ancient mariners :, SARS, and other diseases that......onservation in the Amazon rain fo......troversies Let them eat cake? : s...... strategies in the Bushmeat range states / David...
- Note (General)"Hunting and the wildlife trade."
- Alternative Title2006 state of the wild
National Diet Library
- Contents... infill : some ancient examples no. 12. The Atlantic Barri......oraminifera in the Caribbean region no. 15. The crustose coral......allinaceae) of the Hawaiian Islan......oraminifera in the Indian River, ......lorida no. 17. The genus Caulerpa......ppines no. 18. The Atlantic Barri......ic settling in the Mediterranean ......and ecology of the sea urchin gen......hinoidea) from the Atlantic and e......eagrasses from the Philippines no. 22. The red algal genu......ranean no. 24. The Atlantic Barrier Reef ecosyst...
Other Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Contentspt. A. Responses of the sedimentary re......ary records of ancient coastal upwelling.
Recording Media録音資料
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Great Poets
- Periodical TitleThe Great Poets
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMosaics, Ancient -- Middle East Ships in art
- Subject Heading (ID)Mosaics, Ancient -- Middle East Ships in art
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...-1834. Rime of the ancient mariner
- Subject Heading (ID)...-1834. Rime of the ancient mariner
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...-1834. Rime of the ancient mariner Coleridge, Sam......-1834. Rime of the ancient mariner -- Criticism, Textual Sea poe...
- Subject Heading (ID)...-1834. Rime of the ancient mariner Coleridge, Sam......-1834. Rime of the ancient mariner -- Criticism, Textual Sea poe...