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- Subject HeadingMilitary art and science Great Britain. Royal...
- Subject Heading (ID)Military art and science Great Britain. Royal...
- Author HeadingWilkinson, Spenser King's College (University of London). Dept. of War Studies
National Diet Library
- R. A. Millikan.-The structure of atoms and its bearing o......ce, by Irving Langmuir.-Engineering before and after the war, by Sir Ch......rsons.-Methods of gas warfare, b......-Natural death and the duration of life, by Jacques Loeb.-The physiology of the aviator, by Yandell Henderson.......nty-five years of bacteriology: a fragment of medical resear......lexner.-Before and after Lister, W. W. Keen.-The measurement and utilization of brain power in the Army, by R. M. Yerk......s.-Conceptions and misconceptions in psychoanalysis, by Trigant Burrow.-Einstein's law of gravitation, by J. S. Ames.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ronicles important historical ev......ts from around the world that hav......fied, defined, and legally established the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, queers and transsexual, transgender, intersex, and asexual persons."--Volume 1,...
- Contents...onvention Whitman Publishes Leaves of Grass Mary Edw......ker Is Awarded the Medal of Honor Karl Hei......blicly for Gay and Lesbian Rights Kertbeny Coins the Terms "Homosexual" and "Heterosexual......o-Spirit American Indian Visits Washing......l Found Guilty of Murdering Her ......e Is Convicted of Gross Publishes Uranisme et Unisexu......schfeld Founds the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee Transgender Reporter Covers Spanish-American War Revolts Po......ects Third-Sex Theory Friedlaender Breaks with the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee The Eulenburg Affair Scandalizes Germany's Leadership Carpenter Publi...
- Subject Heading...l rights. Lesbians--History. Transgender people--History. Transsexuals--History. Intersex pe...
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National Diet Library
- Author HeadingAnon.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe turquoise : a study of its history, m......ogy, folklore, and technology Bi......oirs Reduction of photographic observations of the Præsepe Contri......l examining in the United States Army Phoronis archi...... life history, anatomy and breeding habi...... recalculation of the atomic weights......classification of the triad systems ......ments Agave in the west Indies On the reduction of photographic o...... determination of the position of the pleiades, from......raphs by Mr. Rutherfurd West Indian madreporarian polyps On the Lucayan Indians Further studies on the brain of Limulus Polyph......wer California and its natural resources On com...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTropical diseases : a manual of the diseases of warm climates The collected papers of Joseph, Baron ...... A Treatise on the scurvy : in th......s : containing an inquiry into the nature, causes, and cures of that disease : together with a critical and chronological view of what has been published on the subject An account of two successful......nose from from the integuments of the forehead Gener......ical pathology and therapeutics, in f......k for students and physicians Lectures on c......bservations on the diseases of the army A treatise on the diseases of the chest : in which they are described according to their anatomical characters, and ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher name of different representation: "W.W. Norton & company, Inc."
- Related MaterialMechanization takes command : a contribution to anonymous history Poetry and Humanism The problem of anxiety The quest for power : the lower houses of assembly in the southern royal colon......ay fishermen : their peasant economy Romanesque art in Eu......: architecture and sculpture : with 254 black and white plates : 23 maps and plans Consensus and continuity, 1776-1787 Play and development :......posium Africa dances : a book about West African Negroes The natural history of flies Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world Captain in American domesticity An anthology of Elizabethan lute...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAmerica and World War I : a selected annotated bibliography of English-language sources S......a bibliography of Soviet, Western, and Yugoslav comment and analysis Teacher ......m evaluation : an annotated bibliography and guide to rese......ound : a study of the American camp meeting Crimes of style : urban graffiti and the politics of criminality Women of color : a filmography of minority and Third World w......s : a guide to the sources and resources The winds of injustice : American Indians and the U.S. Governmen......ior Hospices : an annotated bibliography of journal articl......ty politics at the millennium Western Sahara, a ...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social sciences Garland reference library of social science......erence library of social science
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social sciences Garland reference library of social science......erence library of social science
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe First World War The navy in India,......Hart : a study of his military thought The brain of an army ; The command of the sea ; The brain of the Navy Is war no......sible? : being an abridgement of the War of the future in its ......ical, economic and political rel......ational policy and naval strength and other essays Studies in war and peace Soldier from the wars returning
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Research Publications - an imprint pf primary source media Microform
- Related Material...nach einem im Januar 1899 im Verein für öffentliche Gesun......rag Remarks on the influence of mental cultiva...... few points in the care of children The examination of school children : a manual of directions and norms Die Hei......gschatten' (Erlangen 1861), mit ......urner und alle anderen Freunde, or, An equal chance for both girls and boys : being a review of Dr. E.H. Clark...... höher Schulen The teacher's heal......h : a study in the hygiene of an occupation Geg......Reformversuch Manual of physical drill...... United States Army Das Basedowisc......ser Josephs II An Examination into the causes o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe second civil w......raphical novel of Abigail and John Adams Ne......l Nine stories The restless gun Place called Estherville The New American Roget's college thesaurus in dictionary form The city and the pillar Easy ri......gia boy Wizard and glass The Black Panthers Straight tal......get closer to others by saying wh......t you really mean Tanner on ice : an Evan Tanner novel I, the jury The silent : why won't they leave you alo......s Skin deep Human destiny Short ......ies : vigil strange I kept on the field one night The Tommyknockers The key to Rebecca Tom Sullivan's Adventures i......blood, A good man is hard to find, The violent ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe American vision : actual and ideal society......entury fiction The nature of the judicial process The divine relativ......ial conception of God Sartre : romantic rationalist The courage to be The dynamics of culture change : an inquiry into r......ions in Africa The framing of the constitution of the United States ......ega y gasset : an outline of his philosophy Dimensional analysis Way to wisdom : an introduction t......y Education at the crossroads The lonely crowd : a study of the changing American character The lawmakers : recruitment and adaptation to......Child training and personality :......o night Beyond the welfare state : economic plan...
- Alternative TitleThe Yale paperbound The Yale paperbounds A Yale paper...
- Alternative TitleThe Yale paperbound The Yale paperbounds A Yale paper...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFrom the Gracchi to Nero : a history of Rome from 133 ......o A.D. 68 Life and thought in the Greek and Roman world The imperial theme : further interpretations of Shakespeare's ......dies including the Roman plays Thackeray the novelist Mysti......m : a study in the nature and development of man's spiritual consciousness An introduction to the French poets : Villon to the present day Id...... in conflict : the political theories of the contemporary : a survey of psychological ......echnological change : the United States and Britain in the nineteenth century Fantasy and mimesis : res......ern literature The course of German history : a ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...writing A dash of style : the art and mastery of punctuation The creation : an appeal to save......killers kill? Land of marvels : a no......s : in pursuit of the next economic ......ed Reinventing the bazaar : a natural history of markets Moneyball : the art of winning an unfair game The gene wars : sc......nce, politics, and the human genome Samuel Johnson and the life of writing The win--win solution : guaranteeing fair sha......alization work The three trillion dollar war : the true cost of the Iraq conflict Panic : the story of modern financial insanity Our inner c......a constructive theory of neurosis The spark of l...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRepublican papers Toward ......atholic-Protestant interpretations of church and state The European revolution, &,...... with Gobineau Anatomy of an African kingdom : a history of Bunyoro-Kitara François Villon : a......y A short life of Kierkegaard African odyssey : an anthropological adventure The awkward age The language of genes : solving the mysteries of our genetic past, present, and future A scientist in the city Science in the later middle ages and early modern ......-wide disaster The Bible for students of literature and art Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer Queen......hy Five stages of Greek religion The age of Con...
- Alternative TitleAn anchor book A Doubleday anchor book Doubleday anchor books Anchor book edition An anchor press book
- Alternative TitleAn anchor book A Doubleday anchor book Doubleday anchor books Anchor book edition An anchor press book
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPax Americana The human problems of an industrial civ...... on literature and learning My family and other animals Khrushche......Greek painting The question of Hamlet The quiet American The live classroom......uent education and Gestalt The anatomy of peace On revolution Death of a salesman : certain priv......ns in two acts and a requiem The rediscovery of black nationalism The Fleischmann report : on the quality, cost, and financing of elementary and secondary edu......New York State The unquiet grave The United States and Japan The masks of God : Occident......ythology Image of America Along this way : the autobiography of James Weldon...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...shing reprints of titles published from the backlist of "Oxford Univer...... R. Bowker Company, 1958. p. 105. The Paperbound Book in America: The History of Paperbacks and Their European Background by Frank L. Schick]
- Related MaterialEnthusiasm : a chapter in the history of religion with ......l reference to the XVII and XVIII centuries The Odyssey of Homer The majority finds......s in criticism The evolution of American foreign policy......nt at Berkeley The modern century The philosophy of rhetoric The imperiled union : essays on the background of the Civil War Vexed and troubled Engl......t eyes : black and white perspectives on American race relations......induism Victorian literature : m......s in criticism The spirit of '76 : the growth of American patriotism bef......Existentialism and religious belief Tibetan yoga and secret doctrines, or, Seven ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Center for Chines...
- Related MaterialEmpire, nation, and beyond : Chin...... late imperial and modern times ......hrift in honor of Frederic Wakeman Dixie Mission : the United States Army observer group in Yenan, 1944 History ......ges : pictures and public space ......China Ideology and development, Sun Yat-sen and the economic history of Taiwan The Red flag waves : a guide to the Hung-chʿi pʿia......iao collection The strategies of politeness in the Chinese language Yundong :...... institutions, and identities The making of an army "old China hand" : a memoir of Colonel David D. Barrett The breakdown of the Sino-Vietnamese alliance, 1970-1979 Shanghai sojourn...