Search results 18
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingProto-Indo-European language. Bronze age--Eurasia. Horses--Eurasia--History. Animals a...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, exchange on the Silk Road, a c......outes spanning the Eurasian conti...... history, from the 3rd millennium BCE to the early 2nd mill......ensive volume, The World of the Ancient Silk English for the first time. It......ary sources in their original lan......ts. From early Bronze Age cultures to the rise of region...... empires, from the Mediterranean to the Yellow River b......oad studies to the Anglophone world. The World of the Ancient Silk R......those studying the regions, cultures, and people...
- Contents...I Landscape of the Silk Road: From the Bronze Age to the Beginning of H......s 1. Kongquehe Bronze Age Culture: A...... 3. Aramaic in the 1st Millennium......z, a People in the Forest and on the Steppe / Jia Y...... and Spread of Horse Chariots Aroun......runo Genito 6. Horse Wagon With Bronze Wheel Felloe F......Implication to the Exchanges Between the East and West ......ral History of the Camel / Renato...... Cannabis and Other Plants With P...... Properties on the Silk Road / Ka......l Societies 9. Horse Archery and the Rise and Fall ......dic Empires on the Eurasian Stepp......g Benjamin 10. The Kushans, viz. the Da YuezhI: ...
- Related MaterialThe Routledge worlds
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingProto-Indo-European language Bronze age -- Eurasia Horses -- Eurasia -- History Animal...
- Subject Heading (ID)Proto-Indo-European language Bronze age -- Eurasia Horses -- Eurasia -- History Animal...
- Alternative TitleThe horse the wheel and language
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBronze sculpture, Hellenistic Artemision bronze statues Equestrian statues --...
- Subject Heading (ID)Bronze sculpture, Hellenistic Artemision bronze statues Equestrian statues --...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPreface 1. The spatial distri......ial rituals 2. The costume of the ancient Turks ......s 4. Armor and the arts of war 5. Horse trappings 6. The dating of Turkic burials and the ethnopolitical situation in the territory of A......ary results of the mineralogical analyses of bronze and silver art...... textiles from the Altai Turkic burials List of ...
- Alternative TitleCulture of the ancient Turks of the Altai (on the basis of burials)
- Alternative TitleCulture of the ancient Turks of the Altai (on the basis of burials)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.A bestiary featuring mythical animals such as the gryphon and the chimera.
- ContentsPan, the god of nature ......ntaurs Triton, the herald of Pose......ryphons Argus, the watdhman with ......e hundred eyes The sphinx Polyphemus, the cyclops The ram with a golden fleece The Harpies Talus, the bronze giant The Minotaur The gorgon Medusa The chimera Pegasus, the winged horse Cerberus, the watchdog of Hades The phoenix.
National Diet Library
- Contents...Introduction : The long biographi......?" (Re)writing the biography of a......nd reassessing the lives of two s......reek geometric bronzes and the consequences of esteem : the case of the Menil Fawn / S......antiquities in the 1960s : a grou......of early Greek bronze horses in the Menil collecti...... of Nubians in the Menil Collecti......r Gates-Foster The twentieth cent...... Paul R. Davis The fragmentary Griffins in the Menil Collecti......from Turkey in the light of probl......e research and the Ancient Medite...... Collection in the San Antonio Mu......Jessica Powers The antiquities pr......nce project at the J. Paul Getty Museum / David ...
- Note (Content)...ent objects in the Menil Collecti......ight into both the meaning of the objects themselves and what they can teach us ...... practices. As they take on compl......ty, and taste, these essays bring......consigned to either the imperial past engage with the multilayered history that these objects represent
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....0 objects from the time of the first advanced......sations during the 3rd millennium BC until the end of the Safavid Empire in the early 18th cen......ury illustrate the outstanding si......nce of Iran as the initiator and ...... artworks from the Sarikhani Coll...... in London and the Staatliche Mus......n time through the cultural heritage of Iran. The highlights include the great pre-Islamic empires of the Achaemenids and the Sasanids, the establishment ......lamic culture, the masterly artis......chievements of the 9th to the 15th centuries and the Golden Age of the Safavids. They are brought together as in a multifaceted kaleido...
- Contents...Old Culture at the Dawn of Iran's....... M. Henkelman The Era of the Petty Kingdoms...... Konrad Piller The Luristan Bronzes Ziwiye: A Mys......Cemetery' near the Caspian Sea The Achaemenid Emp......l 'Artaxerxes, the Great King... ......ert Franken In the Saddle: The Persians as Wa......sing Persians 'Horses... equipped splendidly' The Parthian and S......ef Wiesehöfer The Parthian Empir......Techniques Polytheism in the Parthian Empire The Sasanian Empir......a 'Saint' from the Church in Veh ...... Oliver Harper The Indian Goddess......n Throne with other Celestial Bei......ichele Minardi The Art of Glassmaking in the Sas...
- Note (General)...bition held at the James-Simon-Galerie, Museumsi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe bronze chariots and horses unearthed from the Qin Shi huang mausoleum - an ...
- Alternative TitleThe bronze chariots and horses unearthed from the Qin Shi huang mausoleum - an ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe bronze chariots and horses unearthed from the Qin Shihuang mausoleum - a re...
- Alternative TitleThe bronze chariots and horses unearthed from the Qin Shihuang mausoleum - a re...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingLowell, Amy, 1874-1925. Bronze horses
- Subject Heading (ID)Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925. Bronze horses
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingOverture to the ope´ra fe´erique Le cheval de bronze
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...riginal title: The bronze horse; or, the spell of the cloud king : edition of the British theatere ; no. 151 "19th century ...
- Alternative TitleThe bronze horse The spell of the cloud king Duncombe's acting edition of the British theatere
- Alternative TitleThe bronze horse The spell of the cloud king Duncombe's acting edition of the British theatere
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... etc. etc., in the new grand fairy opera of the bronze horse / by Alfred Bunn Original pub...
- Alternative TitleSongs, duets, trios, chorusses, etc. etc. etc., in the new grand fairy opera of the bronze horse
- Alternative TitleSongs, duets, trios, chorusses, etc. etc. etc., in the new grand fairy opera of the bronze horse
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...riginal title: The bronze horse; or, the spell of the cloud king : an operatic spec...
- Alternative TitleThe bronze horse The spell of the cloud king
- Alternative TitleThe bronze horse The spell of the cloud king
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe bronze horse The spell of the cloud king
- Alternative TitleThe bronze horse The spell of the cloud king
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleLe cheval de bronze = The bronze horse = Das eherne Pferd, overture
- Alternative TitleLe cheval de bronze = The bronze horse = Das eherne Pferd, overture