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National Diet Library
- Contents... Introduction: the very idea of a......s Part I. Into the Renaissance. Reading the American, Simms, and the boys of summer / J......ffrey Walker ; The trouble with the Gothic: Poe, Lippard, and the poetics of cri......; or, locating the American Renai......II. Rethinking the Renaissance. Sins of the rising generat......: religion and the American Renai...... ; Uncle Tom's Cabin and the struggle over ......bara Hochman ; The (im)possibilit......rge Copway and the problem of rep...... Mark Rifkin ; The poetess at wor......n, Warner, and the work of sentim......dy ; Melville: the ocean and the city / Wyn Kell...
- Note (Content)"The American Renai......rly a century. The phrase connote......rning point in the growth of a na......hiessen coined the term in 1941 to describe the years 1850-1855, which saw the publications o......anion takes up the concept of the American Renai......logically from the formative read......nce authors to the careers of volume uses the best of curren......hes far beyond the Civil War and continues to sh...
- Alternative TitleLiterature of the American Renaissance
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...g Prologue for the Opening of the Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelp......rom History of the American Theatre / William ......tic Manners of the Americans / Fr......bservations on the Theater of Democra......dgar Allan Poe The Gladiator-Mr. ......rable State of the Stage ; The Old Bowery / Walt Whitman The Astor Place Ri......ore and Behind the Curtain / Anna Cora Mowatt The Menken ; The Model Artists ; The Minstrel Show ......ark Twain from The Journals / Cha......bout Nudity in Theatres / Olive Logan from The Genial Showman: The Church in the Theatre and the Theatre in the Church / Edwar......gston Notes on the Theatres ; from A Small Boy a...
- Subject HeadingAmerican drama -- History and criticism. Theater -- United States -- Histo...
- Related MaterialThe library of America
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...Fuller)(4)Poor Boy in Jail(Dock B......e Walker Blues(The Clarence Ashle......ord,Build Me a Cabin in Glory(Bill ......His Blue Grass Boys)(10)Frankie a......(11)Hard Times(The Stanley Brothers)(12)The Miller's Will(......ton Barker)(13)The Coo Coo Bird(C......Double File(Gaither Carlton and Doc Watson)(15)The Wandering Boy(Annie Bird) (1......ller)(17)I Saw the Light(Bill Mon......His Blue Grass Boys)(18)Sugar Hil......)Amazing Grace(The Clarence Ashley Group)
National Diet Library
- Contents...troduction and the Perry Conventi....... Beasley ; Matthew Calbraith Per......s illustrating the origin of the mission to Jap...... authorized by the United States ......abridgement of the government narrative of the United States ......rt Tomes v. 3. The Japanese exped......pan and around the world : an acc......hree visits to the Japanese Empir......R.C. Lewis and cabin boy William B. All......E. Graff v. 5. The private journa....... A journal of the Perry expediti......Williams v. 7. The Japan expediti......n, 1852-1854 : the personal journ......l Commodore Matthew C. Perry / Ro...... of Japan from the first visit of Commodore Perr...
- Subject HeadingPerry, Matthew Calbraith, 1794-1858. United...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....d non-fiction. The fictional part......ctional) tells the story of 5 whi......genous groups. There are 5 pairs ......ter each story there is a non-fic......ion that tells the true story from history
- ContentsThe Night Islanders and the cabin boy : Princess Cha......Bay, 1858-1875 The Kaurareg Islanders and the Ghost Girl : T......ait, 1844-1849 The Bindal and the shipwreck surv......wen, 1846-1863 The Kabi Kabi and the convict : More......Bay, 1829-1842 The Mer Islanders and the Lost Boys : Torres Strait, 1834-1836
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ures begin for the Hardy boys after they sail their-ice boat to the desolate and inhospitable Cabin Island
- Related MaterialHardy boys mystery stories
- Periodical TitleHardy boys mystery stories
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- ContentsSIDE1(1)High Germany(2)The Trees They Do Grow High(......Mariners All(5)The Queen Of Heart......)Lovely Joan(3)The Barley And The Rye(4)The Wind That Shakes The Barley(5)The Two Magicians(6)The Handsome Cabin Boy(7)And A Begging I Will Go
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialHardy boys mystery stories
- Periodical TitleHardy boys mystery stories
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...hine(10)Little Cabin Home On The Hill(11)She Wo......ibbon(12)Danny Boy(13)My Boy(14)Fascination-Fascinacao(alb...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleFrom cabin boy to archbishop
- Alternative TitleFrom cabin boy to archbishop
National Diet Library
- Contents... this volume : The affluent socie......han C. Randal) The age of Keynes ......) All quiet on the Western front S. Vincent) The American pagea......: a history of the republic (Thom...... Milton) Black boy (Richard Wrigh......ral history of the Vietnam War by......Terry) Born on the Fourth of July......of deception : the making and unm......Vonnegut, Jr.) The China lobby in......(Ross Y. Koen) The CIA and the cult of intell...... (Howard Fast) The commercial res......Agnes Smedley) The day they came to arrest the book (Nat Hent......on really die? The truth at last ......ris Pasternak) The Drapier's letters (Jonathan S...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....magination. In these myriad, mult......expressions of the American experience, the authors and ed......ook brings together the nation's many voices. From the first concepti......a New World in the sixteenth century to the latest re-envi......, and hip hop, the book gives us ......ation to each other, and to the time and place that give them shape.--From publisher descr...
- Contents1507, the name "America"......d according to the truth" / and love in the Virginia neighbor to the Indians / Ted ......e Dimock 1670, The American jerem......mory Elliott ; The stamp of God's......Fountain 1673, The Jesuit relatio....... Brophy 1692, The Salem witchcra......muel Sewall's "The selling of Jos......amin Franklin, the Silence Dogood...... Chaplin 1740, The Great Awakenin......Two national anthems / John Picke......ia Zafar 1776, The Declaration of......on's "Notes of the debates in the federal conven......p Freneau and "The National Gazet......Rowlandson and the Alien and Sedition Acts / Nan...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...riginal title: The cabin boy : a drama, in two acts / by E...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...riginal title: The cabin boy : a drama in two acts / by Ed...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe cabin boy The white slave
- Alternative TitleThe cabin boy The white slave
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe house on the cliff The crisscross shadow The sting of the scorpion The Hardy boys : the great airport mystery The Shore Road mystery The secret of the lost tunnel The melted coins The mystery of the flying express The secret of Wild......Paw Mystery of the flying express The arctic patrol mystery The Hardy boys : hunting for hidden gold The Viking symbol mystery The mysterious caravan The phantom freigh......koff to danger The secret of the old mill The clue in the embers Mystery of the whale tattoo F......otprints under the window The great airport mystery The wailing siren mystery While the clock ticked The masked monke...
- Alternative TitleThe Hardy boys series
- Alternative TitleThe Hardy boys series