Search results 44
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ed 2nd edition of Voices of Early Modern J......omikos Vaporis offers an accessible collection of annotated hist......ical documents of an extraordina......, ranging from the unification of warring states......gawa Ieyasu in the early 17th century to the overthrow of the shogunate just after the opening of Japan by the West in the mid-19th examination of primary sources from "The Great Peace", ......ating textbook offers fresh insights into the Tokugawa era: ......n uncover from the words of ordinary peopl...... new selection of maps and visua......mined in light of the latest assignments The first edition of Voices of Ea...
- Contents...0) and Letters of Divorce (1857, Undated) The Consequences of Adultery: "The Eavesdropper W...... Onna Daigaku (The Greater Learni......hara Saikaku's The Japanese Famil......a, 1688); List of Clothing Prohi......: Prohibitions of 1615 and 1645 ......r Seventh Year of Kaei (1854): S......ways and Diet: The Accounts of Joao Rodrigues......iken (1832-36) The Communal Bath:......kitei Sanba's "The Women's Bath" ......ation: General The Japanese Made During the Years 1770 177......reigner's View of the Battle of Osaka: Richard......ocks's Account of the Fall of Osaka Castle (......der: "Laws for the Military Houses" (1615, 1635)...
National Diet Library
- Contents...partment store The economies of intimacy in the go-go bar MBK: the retail revolution and the infrastructure of romance The flexible citizens of IBC Cable TV The Avon lady, the Amway plan, and the making of Thai Conclusion: the intimacy of capitalism.
- Subject Heading...nd -- Bangkok. Capitalism -- Social aspects -- Thail...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...dged facsimile of the edition published in 1863 by ...
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1863 ed Includes index
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....rses on Japan. These include a wide range of perspectives from the travelogues of curious visitors to academic theses by scholars, which offer us a broad spectrum of contents, refl......ting a variety of attitudes toward Japan. The works were written during the period from the 1850s to the 1980s, a times......, more open to the outside world ......solation under the Tokugawa shogunate. From the perspective of "Japanology," ......stinct periods of rising interest in the country from abroad. The first tide of such interest ...... shortly after the opening of Japan, when va......and wrote down their impressions of the country ...
- ContentsThe frigate Pallad......vich Goncharov The capital of the tycoon: a narrative of a three years'...... Japan / Sir Rutherford Alcock A Mason Satow The Mikado's Bird Bishop The soul of the Far East / Per......rlain Glimpses of unfamiliar Jap......l Pasha Epochs of Chinese and Ja......utline history of east Asiatic d....../ Paul Claudel Theory of Japan / Dai Ji...... personal view of Japan / Zhou Z......ord drawn from the diaries and private and official papers of Joseph C. Grew......eph Clark Grew The chrysanthemum and the sword: patterns of Japanese cultu......o Tokyo, diary of a Filipino student in wartime...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ted collection of English-langua......Japan's kabuki theater in the half-century after the country was opened to the West in 1853. ......eigners during the full Meiji period"--
- Contents...A Brief Survey of Meiji Kabuki Part II: The 1860s. From Hall ; From the Capital of the Tycoon: "Osaca" (1861), by Rutherford Alcock ; ......da ; "Japanese Theaters" (1864?),......ow ; More from the 1860s, by Jaco...... in a Japanese Theatre" by Edward......1876): "Kabuki the Japanese Theater" by Clara ......(1877, 1878): "The Theatre" by Edward......Japan (1878): "Theatricals" by Is......ey ; More from the 1870s, by Will...... Julia D. Carrothers Part IV: The 1880s. From Ja......y Day (1882): "The Theatre" by Edward......89): "Japanese Theatre" by Eliza ......on ; More from the 1880s, by Thom...... Fauld Part V: The 1890s. From A Diplomatist's W...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir, 1809-1897.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)The capital of the Tycoon//の翻訳 初刷:昭37.9.16
- Alternative TitleThe capital of the Tycoon
- Alternative TitleThe capital of the Tycoon
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir, 1809-1897.
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir, 1809-1897.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title大君の首府 The capital of the Tycoon
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir, 1809-1897 山路, 健(19...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe capital of the tycoon : a narrative of a three year's residence in J...
- Alternative TitleThe capital of the tycoon : a narrative of a three year's residence in J...
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford, Sir 山沢, 種樹
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe capital of the tycoon
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe capital of the tycoon
- Author HeadingAlcock, Rutherford.
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAlcock Rutherford.
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAlcock Rutherford.