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Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Toc / ArticleCONTENTS FOREWORD/1 PREFACE/3 THE COMMERCIAL CODE BOOK I. GENERAL PROVISIONS(ART.1 to ART.5......or application of the Law(Art.1 to A......2 Chapter III. Commercial registrations ......)/4 Chapter V. Commercial Books (Art.32 ......0 Chapter VII. Commercial agents (Art.46....../15 Chapter I. General provisions (Art.52 to Art......rnal relations of the company (Art.6......rnal relations of the company (Art.7......V. Termination of membership (Ar......0 Section III. The organs of the company (Art.2......Sub‐section I. General meeting of share‐holders ......n IV. Accounts of the company (Art.2......Sub‐section I. General provisions (Art.296 to Art.31...
- Subject HeadingCommercial law -- Japan. Corporation law -- Japan.
- Title HeadingJapan. Laws, etc.
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- Subject HeadingCommercial law -- Japan Corporation law -- Japan
- Subject Heading (ID)Commercial law -- Japan Corporation law -- Japan
- Note (General)On spine: The Commercial code of Japan "Translated by Sin-iti Hiraba...
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