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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....emporary Tokyo and the contemporary O......s, emphasising the role of late-s......age capitalism and political econ...... shaping both. The 2020 Tokyo Oly......was mired in scandal from the beginning of the bidding process all the way through to the end of the games. This was further exacerbated by the emergency 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic, with many...... supporting further postponement ......2021 due. That they happened at a......due largely to the force of will of the International ......mpic Committee and their counterparts on the Tokyo Organising Committee. The contributors t......volume look at the Tokyo 2020 games in the conte...
- ContentsInter-city competition and social exclusi...... global cities : London, Tokyo, and Paris / Miyo Aramata The political econ...... spectacles in the global east / Hyun Bang Shin The 1964 and 2020 (2021) Tokyo Olympics : memorandum on aspects Mega events and urban socio-economy : urban developm......ugh Tokyo 2020 and Osaka 2025 / R......ional projects and their local consequences : Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and the "symbiotic soc......s, materiality and affect : a note on the Olympic legacy......uritization at the Tokyo 2020 games : the transformation......c space before and after the COVID-19 pandemic / Kazuaki S...
- Subject Heading...ic Games (32nd : 2021 : Tokyo, Japan) Olympic Games......nomic aspects--Japan--Tokyo Hosting......ocial aspects--Japan--Tokyo Japan--Tokyo.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....resents one of the first scholarl......roject between Japan and Italy to address economic and social values ......logical, or aestheticvalues. policies in the world have over the decades expanded to include n......ic development and social inclusion. Japanese cultural po......p on this trend: we have seen m......or its sake to the utilisation of......l heritage for the purposes of tourism, place branding, local vitalization and thrived on the economy of heritage tourism and more cases are......seen for urban and regional development with the use of cultural assets. The recent outbreak of Covid-19 a...
- ContentsIntroduction: Recent growth ......age tourism in Japan and Italy Recent D......ural Policy in JapanEmerging instru......eritage policy The Proper Relatio......n Preservation and Utilization of......Cultural Assets: Recent Trends ......tion Policy in Japan Lost in Translation: Japan Heritage and the New Direction ......tage Policy in Japan.-Topics from c......tural heritage and its implications regarding theoretical reflection and region-specifi......alian policies The Value and Utilization of......n Korea Trends and Issues in Japanese Cultural Tourism Trends and Issues in Japanese Cultural Preservation: Trail Maintenance Walks in UN...
- Subject HeadingCultural property--Japan Cultural prope......Italy Tourism--Japan Tourism--Italy......City planning--Japan City planning--Italy Patrimoi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...onomic policy. Japan--Economic cond......ns--1945-1989. Japan--Economic policy--1945-1989. Japan.
- Alternative Title...omura's legacy and the postwar Japanese economy Osa......omura's legacy and the postwar Japanese economy
- Alternative Title...omura's legacy and the postwar Japanese economy Osa......omura's legacy and the postwar Japanese economy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction: a comprehensiv......examination of Japan's aid Japan's remarkable catch up and the founding princ......its ODA policy The role of oda in Japan's economic suc......ase studies of Japan's ODA, exports and diplomatic relations in developing Asia The aid discourse and the evolution of Japan's aid policy The influence of ODA and economic ties on the perception of governments : the case of Japan and other major donors Japan's aid : its effects on......comparison to other donors Lessons and implications of Japan's aid.
- Subject HeadingEconomic assistance, Japanese--Developing countries. Japan--Foreign relations--Developing countries. Developing countries--For......ign relations--Japan. Japan--Economic policy.
- Title HeadingRoutledge studies in the modern world economy ; 132.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction: China and Japan in the global economy...... Tomoo Kikuchi and Masaya Sakuragawa Will the 21st century b......Asian century? : a global integration : is Europe spec...... / Sahoko Kaji The Chinese economy and the Sino-Japanese economic re......Infrastructure and development in Asia : the quality of infrastructure and the project implem......mura Advancing the ASEAN economic community : the role of China and Japan in supporting ......onalisation of the yen in Asia : has regional e......f market power and foreign policy : beyond the geoeconomics o......aya Sakuragawa and Junichi Shukuwa Concluding po...
- Subject Heading...ditions--2000- Japan--Economic conditions--21st ce...
National Diet Library
- Summary, considering the relationships ......en communities and individuals. how farming and local communit......lation decline and increased in abandoned farmland. As a sequel to Farm and Rural Communit......ook focuses on the conditions small rural economies through rural ......vored areas of Japan. Key topics addressed in the book include farmland liquidation and conservation, ......pment process, the market charact......ocessed foods, and the relationship b......ity management and residents’ characteristics. The primary target are hilly and mountainous, in western Japan, and other mountainous areas ...
- Contents...tional Culture and Management Small Rural Economies Chapter 2. Analysis of the Impact of Post......ural Policy on Japanese Peasants Ch....... Role of Farmland Intermediary M......utions in Farmland Conservation and Utilization Ch......eld Agriculture: Issues and Challenges of Farmland Management in ......s Centered on Land-Use Agriculture in Hilly and Mountainous Ar......siness in Farmland Conservation i......ed Tomato Juice: A Case of Tokyo and Osaka Prefectures in Japan Chapter 9. Fac......That Influence Japanese Sake Purcha......palities Under the Hometown Donat...... Participation and Cooperative Awareness in the ...
- Subject HeadingRural development--Japan Développement rural--Japon
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ct investment, and stimulating time-series and panel data analyses, the first part of ......s book studies the causality and significance of these three strate......y, empirically and theoretically, during the catch-up growth and development ph...... emerging East and Southeast Asian economies. While it is w......own that trade and investment are......ic development and growth, the interaction and importance of ......en studied together statistically and systematically. Another development s......rategy in open economies is reducing friction and volatility thr...... coordination. The second part of this book intr...
- ContentsCausality and exogeneity between exports and economic growth : the case of Asian NICs The chaotic attrac......ect investment : why China? : a panel data a...... FDI, exports, and GDP in East and Southeast Asia : panel data in first and second Yongkul Won The IT revolution and macroeconomic ......oped countries : on the real and financial linkages The impacts of the U.S. economy on the Asia-Pacific region : does it matter......between Taiwan and the USA : on the games governme......ominant player : the case of the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea.
- Subject Heading...evelopment--Southeast Asia--Case ......mic policy. Southeast Asia--Econo...... East Asia. Southeast Asia. Außenwirtschaft Wirt...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This volume undertakes the important task......, going beyond the usual West/non......est dichotomy. The "regional trad......was debated in the 1980s. Since then, Japanese historians of the socioeconomic ......e explored how the traditional tr......developed over the centuries in A......a responded to the so-called Western impacts in the mid-nineteenth......ury, including the opening of ports and tariff reducti...... trade regimes and the advance in tra......ic background, the four chapters ......inese, some of the key actors in regional and local trade, dealt with their Western counterparts, and how Asian commodities penetra...
- ContentsPart I Asian Merchants and Commodities in the Global Trade of the Modern Era 1 D......ese Traders in the Dutch East Indies:The Java Sugar Trade and the 1917 Sugar Cri...... (Yuko Kudo) 2 The Growth of Intra-Southeast Asian Trade in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century: The Role of Middle......i Kobayashi) 3 The British Atlantic Slave Trade and Indian Cotton Textiles: The Case of Thomas......o Kobayashi) 4 The Export of Indi......egal via France: Inter-colonial trade in the long nineteent......eizai Hattenron: Rekishiteki Ap......mic Development: A Historical A......Kōichi Fujita and Akio Tanabe (e......ttai Seizon ken: Ontai Paradaimu wo Koete (The...
- Title HeadingMonograph series of the socio-economic history society, Japan.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...opment in time and place: Why Japan and china? / Xiaom...... Huang Mapping Japan and China in the world economic......tive advantage and the evolution of the capitalist wor......awa Neoliberal and classical devleopmentalism: A comparative analysis of the Chinese and Japanese models of e......evelopmentalism: Beyond the Japanese model / Marc Lanteigne Japan's FDI and the development of the automobile industry in China: firms, production structure, and government / K......lopment models and external constraints: from the structural imp......l-Urban divide and the Lewisian turning point in Japan and China / Katsuji Nakagane ...
- Subject HeadingEconomic development--Japan. Economic deve......a. Capitalism--Japan. Capitalism--China. Japan--Foreign economic relations. ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....xamine poverty and famine relief,......nfrastructure, and forestry in East Asia and Europe, using Japan's Tokugawa era......russia, China, and England. Japan is similar in ......ropean country and linked to Chin......shared beliefs and practices. Suc...... between China and Europe and to avoid taking England as the norm for an 'advanced' societ...
- ContentsIntroduction : towards the public goods provision in the early modern e......local notables : the role of region......dern to modern Japan / Masayuki Tanimoto Samurai and peasants in the civil administ......f early modern Japan / Kenichiro Outsourcing the lord's finance : the origin of loca......n early modern Japan / Kazuho Sakai......ns, targetism, and village autonomy : poor relief in......y modern rural Japan / Mitsuo Kinos......g with risk in the seventeenth century : the first age of the English old po......rty in rural Brandenburg : the role of lords and state in the late eighteent......g with poverty and famine : material welfare, pu...
- Subject HeadingPublic goods--History. Japan--Economic conditions--1600-18...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....sia' increases the global signifi......ssia's Siberia and Far East. Mosc......y motivated by the growth of econ......mic, strategic and political fundamental and far-reaching c...... attraction to the West is the impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the United States and Europe and, as a conseque......ive decline of the West's economi......iveness. Given the current crisis......hed light upon the implications o......surgent Russia and reshaped its r...... Asia Pacific, there has been gro......countries from the Asia-Pacific r......Russia towards the development of Siberia and Russia's Far East. This timel...
- ContentsIntroduction: Russia's new pivot to Asia and potential for ......peration / Alexander Korolev and Jing Huang Part 1: Russia's Far East and Siberia in a c......anging global landscape. Developing Russia's Far East and Siberia: the interplay of n......onal, regional and global implica......y resources in the geopolitics of Northeast Asia in the early 21st cen......-Soviet trade, the Russia's Far East and the shift to Asia ......elchior Part II: International ......sia's Far East and Siberia. China......cooperation in the development of......sia's Far East and Siberia / Pan ......ations between Japan and the Russian Far East / Sa...
- Author HeadingHuang, Jing, 1956- Korolev, Alexander.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ESIGN examines Japanese women's Int......preneurship in the late 1990s. recession, and entrenched in patriarchal and discriminatory......ketplace, many Japanese women in the late 1990s and early 2000s tu......alternative to the traditional la......g from Marxist and neo-Marxist theories of labor,...... research with Japanese women novelists, and online traders......plores how, in the context of Japanese women's onl......bor practices, the search for mea......t-driven labor and market research in the "feminized" sp......IGN traces how the development of digital economies utilizes pre-existing local e...
- ContentsIntroduction. Labor and Gender in Japan's Digital Economy The Digital Economy Gender in the Digital Economy Labor in the Digital Econom......onsiderations I: Techno-social Assemblages and Technological ......nsiderations II: Virtual and Actual Selves ......identifications: Women, Photography, and Everyday Patriarchy The "Girly" Photog......lf-Portraiture and Disidentification The Digital and the Analog in Proj......tion Conclusion: Photography and Feminism in Recessionary Japan The Labor of Cute: Net Idols in the Digital Economy The Net Idol Phenomenon The Production of Cute and Social Reprodu......Development in the Digital Economy Conclusion: T...
- Subject Heading...s enterprises--Japan. Internet and women--Japan. Electronic commerce--Japan. Women--Japan--Social conditions. Women--Japan--Economic cond......ons. Feminism--Japan--History--21st century.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....formation over the past several d......w technologies and the processes of g......r of developed and developing Asian economies, this book explores the dynamics of wo......ce development and skill formation, and considers ques......ills shortages and skills gaps"--
- Contents... Howard Gospel and Ying Zhu Workf......development in theory and practice / How......development in Japan / John Benson ....../ Chris Rowley and Kil-Sang Yoo W...... / Sek Hong Ng and Olivia Ip Work......ina / Ying Zhu and Malcolm Warner......wan / Ying Zhu and Malcolm Warner...... Bhattacherjee and Errol D'Souza ......agiah Ramasamy and Chris Rowley W......opment in Asia : a comparative ......u, John Benson and Howard Gospel.
- Subject Heading...y--Asia. Labor and globalization--Asia.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Bringing together renewable energy and energy security, the authors cover both the politics and political econ...... of renewables and energy security and analyzes renew......ies in some of the most relevant and topical parts of the world. Japan is energy-scarce and still experiencing the aftermath of F......a. China is expanding its renewab......ster than any other country. Northern Europe has long been among the most progressi......asting Denmark and Germany, front......unners in wind and solar energy s......etroleum-based economies like Norway. By comparing and contrasting the experiences of...... both barriers and success factors and explains ...
- Contents...spen Moe PART I: ENERGY SECURIT......nar Fermann 3. The Energy Security of Japan after Fukushim......rank Umbach 4. The Impact of 3-11 on Japanese Public Opinion and Policy toward ......tein Tunsjø 6. The Norwegian Ener......ecurity Debate : Domestic and International ......imirski PART II: RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES AND POLITICS 7. Bech Jensen and Tore Undeland 8. Early Promo...... Photovoltaics : Forty Years of......ment of Policy and Technology in Japan / Kenji Asano ......t Sustainable? The Importance of ......n Ruud PART III: ENERGY AND POLITICS : SOLUTIONS AND POLICY Legislation and Policy in China / Yu Wang 11....
- Subject HeadingRenewable energy sources--Japan. Renewable, Northern. Energy security--Japan. Energy securi......ty--Europe, Northern. Energy policy--Japan. Energy, Northern. BUSINESS & Europe, Northern. Japan. Europe. Chine. Japon.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ical economist and historian of e......ars articulate and respond to thi......y of pluralism and critical think......tical economy. The book is split topics for the history of eco......gender studies and an illustration of the fecundity of the link with econ......erspectives on the Classical appr......o distribution and accumulation, ......tion of Sraffa and the legacy of Keyn......l as academics and economists int......itical economy and the history of economic thought
- Contents...erspective for the History of Eco......ght Chapter 2. The methodological role of the history of eco......ender budgeting: from the margins to the mainstream cha...... gender equity and growth: history matter...... Money banking and politics in ea......ortugal Part 2.The Classical Perspective: Distribution of Income and Accumulation o......siderations on the development of......sical roots of the criticism to J......ills wage fund theory Chapter 9. Classics today: Smith, Ricardo....... David Ricardo: Money, Utilitarianism, and Influence 10. Bentham and Ricardos rende......icardo came to Japan Chapter 12: From Ricardo to S...
- Subject HeadingEconomic history Economic policy Economics Knowledge, Theory of
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...tal governance and the dynamics of in......development in developing countries policy from the bottom up Toru Morotomi 著 The role of local government in the voluntary appr......rative studies The future of mult......ral agreements and institutions i......tional designs and policy processes regarding the introduction systems in Japan and Korea Soocheol Lee 著 The possibilities ......n as seen from Japan's political and to overcome the trade-off between the environment and economics Seij......ges in Germany and Japan Rie Watanabe 著......r Fukushima On the economy of nuclear power Keni...
National Diet Library
- Summary, addresses the issue of how a......orporated into the world economy ...... transition to the emerging state......of undertaking the task of economic development and industrializat......ers historical and contemporary c......on, as well as the international ......, by combining the approaches of ......onomic history and development ec......exts, that is, the 'initial conditions' and internal and external force......which governed the transition. It......aims to understand what current low-income developing countries require for their transition. forces for the transition are identified. They are: (1) labor-intensive ind...
- Contents...dustrialization: a global context of the rise of emergi......ology transfer and agricultural development: a comparative study of Asia and Africa Southeast Asia and international trade: continuity and change in hist...... Role of state and non-state netw......arly-modern Southeast Asian trade......e in modern Southeast Asia: the rise of Singap......ustrialization and the emerging state in pre-war Japan Changing patte......ustrialization and the emerging state......ustrialization and the emerging state......l development, and structural tra......mation in Asia and Africa Transfo......ation of rural economies in Asia and Africa Agricultur...
- Subject HeadingEconomic development--Developing countries. Economic development. Developing countries.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book examines the bioeconomy con......ept, analysing the opportunities ...... can generate, the constraints and the potential bene......s for society. The main objective...... creating jobs and enhancing the sustainable ut......nomy strategy, therefore, is the need to respond to the growing population food and economic requi......While research and literature rel......erspectives on the complex dimensions of the bioeconomy deb......te. Drawing on the experiences fr......m Europe, Asia and Africa it pres......onal overview. The chapters addre......uding coastal-land interfaces, ec......est management and bioenergy. As a whole, the vo...
- ContentsThe bioeconomy approach and sustainable de......on from oceans and potential for ......ekhar Nagothu Land and ocean connecti......vers a case of the Amur-Okhotsk e......r Nagothu Save and Grow: Sustainable In......rop Production and Innovative Mar......esilient Rural Economies in the Greater Mekong......s, Abha Mishra and Peter Sprang P......n Africa Scope and impacts / Anthroscapes: A Bioeconomy D......a Sustainable Land Use / Erhan Ak......rum Wood Vision: creating new v...... management in Japan / Takanori Nagano, Yuka Bando, Yutaka Okano......ntegrated food and energy systems......imrose Magama, and Mokhele Moeletsi The need for...
- Subject Heading... Bioökonomie Landwirtschaft Nachhaltigkeit Wirt...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Nazi Germany and Japan occupied huge ...... World War II, and those territor......egral parts of their war economies. The book focuses on the policies of Wo......ied countries. The unbalanced economic and financial rela......ative control, the implementation......f institutions and a variety of m......ering, looting and requisitions w......ts, but beyond these intervention......n control over the occupied economies as a whole. An...... incentives to the companies in the occupied count...... munitions for the aggressors. The book explains the main fields of...... (organisation and control, war financing and work force recruitment). It s...
- ContentsEuropean economies under National......orf Strategies and organizations for managing the Greater East A......etsuji Okazaki The German system ...... war, 1941-1945: how Japan financed Southeast Asia's occu......n / Gregg Huff and Shinobu Majima......y in Manchukuo and its limit, 193...... Toshio Kojima The French economy...... Norway during the occupation, 19...... Hans Otto Frøland The incorporation of the General Government in the German war eco......han Lehnstaedt The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia under Development and management of the Manchurian economy under Japan's empire / Tetsuji Okazaki The Philippine economy during the...
- Subject Japan--Economic poli......ry--1933-1945. Japan--History--1926-1945.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....sheds light on the new dynamics and emerging confi......f regionalisms and interregionalisms in the post-Trans-Pacific Partnershi...
- Contents... Briceño Ruiz and Philippe De Lombaerde The dynamics of in......regionalism in the Pacific Rim : comparisons, connections and interactions /......ño Ruiz Chile : Asia-oriented ....../ Alan Fairlie The political econ......integration in the Pacific Rim / ......Jiménez Peña and Lurong Chen To......or not to join the Pacific Alliance? : Costa Rica and Panama in a co......ive / Kevin Parthenay The long shadow of NAFTA : an economic ge......integration in the Pacific Rim / ......ón-Manríquez and Luis F. Álvarez Canada and transpacific r......Jeremy Paltiel The development of Japan's trade policy in the Asia-Pacific / Hidetaka Yoshi...
- Related MaterialThe international political econo...