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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ook focuses on engineering-oriented electromagnetic and thermal field mode......alysis used in the solution of electromagnetic and thermal field prob......nd multi-scale engineering applications i......ic measurement of both magnetic ......form. Although these are challenging topics, they are useful for readers from ...
- ContentsGeneral survey of engineering electromagnetic and thermal field prob......tic fields and the finite element......romagnetic and thermal field mode......hashi Solution of coupled electromagnetic and thermal fields / Development of customized scr......o Fundamentals of magnetic mater......and prediction of magnetic property of GO silicon ste......nd development of Benchmark Fami......and validation of additional iro......romagnetic and thermal modeling b...... and Fulai Che Engineering-oriented model......and validation of thermal-fluid field of transformer winding based on ...
- Subject HeadingElectrical engineering.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ic notions for the study of electric tract...... compatibility Elements of transport technology DC motor...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book examines the benefits and barriers of implementing well as how these models can produce more cos...
- Contents...t and Research of Phase-Transition and Thermochemical Mat......: Optimization of Processing Modes of Disinfection of Vegetable Storehouses With the Use of Ozone Chapter ......: Optimization of Sectionalization Parameters of Distributive E......5: Application of the Software System of Finite Element Analysis for the Simulation and......n Optimization of Solar Photovoltaic Thermal Modules Ch......ul Utilization of Excess Heat Fr......ology Research of Microwave 9: Modeling of Electrohydraul......ment Plants on the Field Area by ...... How to Manage the Effectiveness of Presowing Treatment of Seeds Chapter 12: Lévy-Enhan...
- Title HeadingAdvances in environmental engineering and green technologies (AEEGT...
Application of the Boundary Element Method to Electromagnetic Problems in Electric Power Engineering
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Toc / Article... 1.4 Structure of the dissertation 2......ion Method 2.1 The boundary eleme......2.2 Evaluation of the complete ellip......d second order elements 3 Numerical In......nts 4.3 Effect of σd and σs in the arrangement wi......90° 4.4 Effect of σd in the arrangement wi......=0° 4.5 Effect of σs in the arrangement wi.......3 Interaction of a human body w......6 Optimization of a Solid Dielec......ary A Applying the Green's Theorem to the Weight Residual Expression B The Complete Elliptic Integrals
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The last decades h......arge extension of types of materials empl...... In many cases these materials de......tly from those of their traditional ......res related to their specific use......ical behaviors of these materials un......ns are outside the boundaries of traditional mechanics of materials, development of new characteri......on techniques, theoretical descri......merical tools. The book presents ......sting examples of recent area. Among the studied materials are bulk me...
- ContentsFinite Element Modelling of 2D Brittle Fracture: The Phase-Field Ap......Deformation in the Small Scale Methods of Stochastic Mec......aracterization of Deformation in......s Optimization of the Damping Proper......ive Properties of Pure Indium in......atio: A Review of Mechanical Pro......ion and Damage of Thermally Bonded Nonwoven Network...
- Subject Heading.... TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Engineering (General) TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Reference Engineering. Mechanics, applied. Surfaces...
National Diet Library
- Contents... Contents List of contributors P......copolymers and their applications......ferent classes of ferroelectric ......ymers Other P(VDF-ter-TrF......1.4 Properties of PVDF and VDF c......Mechanical and thermal properties 1.4.2 Electrical properties 1.5......sensors 1.5.3 Others 1.6 Conclusi......thods used for the identification of ferroelectric beta phase of fluoropolymers......2.2 Processing of beta phase usi.......1 Calculation of individual bet......usion Conflict of interest 3 Pol......lactic acid nanofiber-based piez......2.7 Gelatin nanofiber-based piez......posites 3.3.5 Other metal oxide-p......rials 4.2 Role of 2-dimensional materials in po...
- Subject HeadingEnergy harvesting Polymer engineering Polymeric composites Nanocomp...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ts an overview of basic concepts......ity and safety engineering, together with simple a......t also details the latest advances in the field, including dynamic risk...
- Contents...ity and Safety Engineering; 1.2 Exploring......nd Explanation of Some Relevant ......ture Needs for the Practice of Reliability and Safety Engineering; References; 2...... Reliability Mathematics. 2.1 Classical Set Theory and Boolean......ts; 2.1.2 Laws of Set Theory; 2.1.3 Bool......; 2.2 Concepts of Probability Theory; 2.2.1 Axioms of Probability; 2.2.2 Calculus of Probability Theory; 2.2.3 Rand......2.2 Estimating the Parameters of Distribution; ......5.2.3 Goodness-of-Fit Tests; Ref......ifferent Types of Models; 3.1.3 ...... Models; 3.2.1 Elements of Markov Models;......nalysis; 3.3.2 Elements of Fault Tree; 3.3.3 Evaluati...
- Subject HeadingReliability (Engineering) Industrial safety. TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING--Quality Control.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This Guide to Semiconductor Engineering is concerned w......ombination are the driving force behind the unprecedented growth of our technical ......ilization over the last half a ce...... semiconductor engineering, who are professionally aspects of this technical......n its coverage of semiconductor engineering this Guide dep......ook-style, monothematic in-depth coverage of topics such as the physics of semiconductors......uctor devices, the manufacturing of semiconductor ...... circuits, and the characterization of semiconductor ......ead, it covers the entire field of semiconductor engineering in one concise volume with sy...
- Contents...r Overview 1.1 Electrical Conductivity of Solids 1.1.1 I......omic bonds and electrical conductivity 1...... structure and electrical conductivity as carriers of electric charg......stal Structure of Solids 2.1.1 defects 2.2 Elements of Semiconductor ......evices and How They Are Used 3.1 ......on 3.4.2 Types of transistors 3.4.3 Operation of the MOSFET 3.4.4 C.......4.5 Evolution of the MOSFET 3.4.6 T......ubstrates from the Process Perspe......bstrates in further discussion 4.......acturing 4.4.1 Thermal processes 4.4.2 Plasma pr...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....n how Internet of Things plays in shaping the future of our communities. The author shows how the research and e......industry, and other stakeholders ......sed decisions. The author also addresses the key inter-rela...... areas such as the environment, c......t are limiting the development of a sustainable ......ociety -- each of these challenges a......vides coverage of IoT technologi......and industry professionals in IoT and sustainab...
- Contents...Contents About the Author 1 Internet of Things for Sus.......6.1 Institute of Electrical and Electronic......1.6.3 Internet Engineering Task Force 1.6......onal Institute of Standards and ......7 Architecture of IoT Paradigm f......lity 1.7.1 IoT Elements 1.7.2 IoT Func......0 Organization of the Book References 2 Internet of Things for Env......Climate IoT as the Sustainability......r 2.4.2 Wind Profiling Radars Types of Wind Profiling Radars 2....... Wind Profiling LiDARs 2.4.3 Microwave R...
- Subject HeadingInternet of things Internet des objets
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ncements widen the scope of applications f......icrosystems) , the field continue......n many aspects of life science o......opment require the input of experts who us......anding only if they possess a ski......g that enables them to work at the interface of engineering and bioscience......S: Science and Engineering Perspectives s...... and expedites the involved in the development of biomicrosystem......d introduction of biological, engineering, application, ......zation aspects of the field. With a ......s on molecules of biological interest, the book explores the building blocks of cells and viruses, as well as...
- Contents.... Intersection of Science and Engineering 1.4. Evolution of Systems Based ......s) Involved in the Formation of Self-Assembled......atty Acids and Their Esters 3.3.2......6.2. Mechanism of the Enzymatic Cata....... Applications of Enzymes in Bio......or Systems for the Detection of Pathogenic Mic...... and Detection of Biomolecules b......s 4.6.4. Study of Antigen-Antibo....... 4.6.5. Array of Gold for Binding of Single Biomole......imetic Surface Engineering 4.8. Attachment of Proteins to Su......e Modification of Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applications 4.......3. Evaluation of Hydrophobicity of the Modifie...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The first edition of "Microstrip Fi...... in 2001. Over the years the book has been ......s a manuscript the book is almost......ars old. While the fundamentals of filter circuit......ot changed, further innovations i......lizations and other applications ......ith changes in the technology and use of new fabricatio......esses, such as the recent advance......nable filters; the use of liquid crystal......ts, as well as the new filters fo......ions. Although the microstrip filter remains as the main transmiss......ine medium for these new developments, there has been a new trend of using combined......tations beyond the single layer in order to achi...
- Contents...c Concepts and Theories of Filters 3.1. T......s and Zeros on the Complex Plane Filters and Elements 3.2.1. Butterw.......1. Definition of Immittance, Realization of Immittance Inv......uality Factors of Lossy Reactive Elements 3.6.2. Dissipa...... Velocity, and Electrical Length 4.1.6. Synthesis of W / h 4.1.7. Effect of Strip Thicknes......4.1.10. Effect of Enclosure 4.1.......sonators 4.4. Other Types of Microstrip Lin......-C Ladder-Type of Lowpass Filter......x 7.2. General Theory of Couplings 7.2.......8.3. Filter Synthesis by Optimiza......tion 8.3.2. Synthesis of a Quasielliptic-Function Filt...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book covers how Internet of Things (IoT) h......ole in shaping the future of our communities. The author shows how the research and e......industry, and other stakeholders addresses the key inter-rela...... areas such as the environment, c......t are limiting the development of a sustainable ......ociety -- each of these challenges a......vides coverage of IoT technologi......and industry professionals in IoT and sustainab...
- Contents...Contents About the Author 1 Internet of Things for Sus.......6.1 Institute of Electrical and Electronic......1.6.3 Internet Engineering Task Force 1.6......onal Institute of Standards and ......7 Architecture of IoT Paradigm f......lity 1.7.1 IoT Elements 1.7.2 IoT Func......0 Organization of the Book References 2 Internet of Things for Env......Climate IoT as the Sustainability......r 2.4.2 Wind Profiling Radars Types of Wind Profiling Radars 2....... Wind Profiling LiDARs 2.4.3 Microwave R...
- Subject HeadingInternet of things Internet of things.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Publisher: Met......iendly process engineering. Our earth is ......ds to a number of process variables - among them, humanity and the environmental effects of our carbon con......on. What can professionals in the Hydrocarbon Pr......degradation? Rather than looking ......tions, Process Engineering for a Small Pl......d methods that the process help combat the environmental ....... Drawing from the author's professional experi......perate and retrofit process faci......acity, Process Engineering for a Small Planet offers big ideas for saving our ...
- Contents...ction: Turning Of The Tide 1: Expand......Capacity Reuse of existing fract......water stripper off-gas Acid gas of high co2 conte......g tower cycles of concentration ......quency control of motors Elimina...... speed control of steam turbine Effect of increasing suc......fouling Effect of noncondensible......imizing number of trays in absor......s Consequences of overdesign Use of demister in kn......Optimizing Use Of Steam Pressure......ze Consumption Of Energy Preserving the potential of steam to do wo......a reboiler Use of the mollier diagra...... Understanding thermodynamics of flowing steam Steam turbine e...
- Subject Heading...emodeling for other use. Salvage (Waste, etc.)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... note (p.[1]) "The book was creat......r recognition software" -- Publi......hed as v. 1 in the set: The elements of electrical engineering : a text book for technical s...
National Diet Library
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Oxford series in electrical and computer engineering
- Periodical TitleThe Oxford series in electrical and computer engineering
- Author HeadingSadiku, Matthew N. O.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Oxford series in electrical and computer engineering
- Periodical TitleThe Oxford series in electrical and computer engineering
- Author HeadingSadiku, Matthew N. O.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Oxford series in electrical and computer engineering
- Periodical TitleThe Oxford series in electrical and computer engineering
- Author HeadingSadiku, Matthew N. O.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Oxford series in electrical and computer engineering
- Periodical TitleThe Oxford series in electrical and computer engineering
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ductory survey of single and mul......nd vision Game theoretic approach...... : interaction of lower processi......t-to-speech synthesis Proactive recognition of inflective lan......ian methods in the search for MH3......afety factor profile control in ......oding for MIMO-OFDM in future wi......d components : theory, analysis a......s with quality-of-service constr......n to modelling of power system c......d Applications of Natural Langua......ns Foundations of average-cost n......enhancement in the STFT domain Ac......raic-geometric theory Networks of dissipative sy...... certification of stability, performance, and s...
- Alternative TitleSpringer briefs in electrical and computer engineering
- Alternative TitleSpringer briefs in electrical and computer engineering