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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."On the map of global trade, China is now the factory of the world. A parade of ships full of raw commoditie......ts, and fleets of container ship......ll directions. The oil that fuels......primarily from the Arabian peninsula. Much of the material shipp......ported through the ports of Arabian penins......foremost among them. China's 'mar......k road' flanks the peninsula on a...... sides. Sinews of War and Trade is the story of what the making of new ports and ......t not only for the Arabian penins......tself, but for the region and the world beyond. The book is an account of how maritime t......ling companion of trade, but central to the ver...
- Contents...lty Charts and the Making of Routes The Emergence of Steam 'The Seas Inlaid' Pilgrimage The Suez Canal Port Management of Routes Freight......s 'Prancing in the Persian Puddle......s and Harbours of the Trucial Coast ......g and Remaking the Land and the Sea 3. Palimpsests of Law and Categories The Offshore The Global Struggl......s, and Experts The Technopolitics of Managing Ports......our Conditions of Work Migration Protests in the Peninsula Poli......s or Workplace Protests? Forms of Protest Unions as Channels for Protest Chokepoints an......Asiatics, and Others Circulation of Revolt Globa...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Much of the material originally appeared on the Op-ed page of the New York times.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Much of the material originally appeared on the Op-ed page of the New York times
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe imaginary puri......ual labor, and the origins of personal life ......poetry Mapping the Renaissance world : the geographical imagination in the age of discovery Dearest beloved : the Hawthornes and the making of the middle-class f......nd holy fast : the religious significance of food to mediev......omen Mexico at the world's fairs ...... modern nation The eloquence of color : rhetor......nd painting in the French Classic......nce Mangan and the emergence of Irish cultural......oads to Rome : the antebellum Protestant encounter Catholicism The Renaissance Bi......etatext Trials of authorship : anterior forms a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe discoverie of the large, rich, a......ewtiful empyre of Guiana The perfect use of silk-wormes Le......ort pathway to the understanding of the scriptures The anatomie of popish tyrannie The English usurer......ondemmed [sic] The Christian warf......nference about the next succession to the crowne of Ingland The creatures praysing God The elements of architecture A confutation of Brownisme A pollitique platt The churches plea ......An abreviation of writing by cha......a Britanna All the famous battels......blica Anglorum The poore orphans ......y A testimonie of antiquitie A t......emonstrance to the High Court of Parliament A de...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA controversy, ... whether every man may....... A detection, of divers notable untruthes, 1602 A summe of Christian doct......ine, (1592-96) The New Testament of Jesus Christ, ......futation, 1616 The historie ... of the blessed virgin......ter Joane 1625 The second part of a treatise con......religion, 1615 The paraenese, 160......y about choice of religion, 1638 . The life of Gregorie Lopes......1638 A manuall of devout meditations 1618 The copy of a letter by a ......eman 1589 . Partheneia Sacra 1633......ely wrought by the intercession of the glorious Virgi......igu A summarie of controversies,......616 A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ord, H.C.G. Matthew, H.M. Mayr-Ha......Series editors of "Confession and criminal just...
- Related MaterialPhilo-semitism and the readmission of the Jews to England, 1603-1655 The rise of historical eco......d authority in the Middle Ages : prophets and their critics from...... and physician The role of art in the late Anglo-Sax......05-1914 Agents of Moscow : the Hungarian Comm......nist Party and the origins of socialist patr......tism 1941-1953 The foundations of Ostpolitik : the making of the Moscow Treaty Germany and the USSR The Protestant Crusade in ......d barristers : the Inns of Court and the English bar, 1......and society in the Norman principality of Capua, 1058-11......and society in the fin de siècle Duke Richard of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe social and religious designs of J.S. Bach's Br......burg concertos The search for mathematical roots, ...... : logics, set theories and the foundations of mathematics from Can...... Thayer's life of Beethoven Essa......onal economics The politics of institutional choice : the formation of the Russian State ...... After Brown : the rise and retreat of school desegre......on Baseball on the border : a tale of two Laredos Sc......s and fictions The story of the Odyssey Americ......acy, 1760-1860 The rivals Why big......l law Rubens : the artist as : designing the decent society The monkey as mirror : symbolic t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ies Proust and the Middle Ages La Bibliothèque nationale d......ythologie et mythe dans le théâtre français (1650-1676) The merveilleux in......oque en France The Persistent voi......terature since the 18th century in honor of Professor Henri M. ......ats : mélanges offerts à Madelei......tesquieu : and the Parlement of Bordeaux Malla......hanghai, Bibliothèque nationale d......critical study of its primary so...... genèse d'un mythe De l'Europe en......John Perse and the imaginary : mélanges offerts à Corrado......extuality : in the French neo-cla......exive readings of La Fontaine, de la Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux Chr...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...orée Histoire, éloquence et poésie à Fl......deux pamphlets théologiques anony......34 de la Bibliothèque de l'Univer......e : anthologie thématique de la p......s nobles dames Théâtre L'indice d......s autres ecriz Théâtre complet Ep......pis Christiani The French method ......latin original Protestations et reven......reproche L'Amalthée (1575) Cabine......s Les écrits mathématiques Introd......s de Pantaleon Thevenin Petite an......tagruel Les épithètes (1571) Mant...... du Sr Gaulard The tragedy of Chabot, Admiral of France = La tr...... doctrines des théologiens, des philosophes et d...