by Seiichi UmemotoTrade & Tourist Section, Commerce & Industry Department, Kanagawa Prefectural Governmentc1956<915.2133-U49f>
National Diet Library
KanagawaPrefecturalGovernment 編Kanagawa Prefectural Government1966
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- Title HeadingThe Face of Kanagawa Prefecture
[editor, Seiichi Umemoto]Tourist Section, Commerce & Industry Dept., Kanagawa Prefectural Govt.c1966
Other Libraries in Japan
SeiichiUmemoto by ; Umemoto,SeiichiCommerce & Industry Dept., Kanagawi Prefectural Government1956
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe face of Kanagawa Prefecture
bySeiichiUmemoto.Trade & Tourist Sectc1956.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe face of Kanagawa Prefecture
SeiichiUmemoto 著Kanagawa Prefectural Government1956
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Face of Kanagawa Prefecture
by Seiichi UmemotoTrade & Tourist Section, Commerce & Industry Dept., Kanagawa Prefectural Govt.c1956
Other Libraries in Japan
Umemoto.Seiichi 著神奈川県商工部商業観光課1956
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