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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Sacred Liberty offers a drama......eedom, perhaps the nation's 'grea......teven Waldman, the bestselling au......bout religious liberty were tested an......refined amidst the brutal Washington, the World War II p......e W. Bush. But the biggest heroes were the regular Americ......ed--who risked their lives or to practice their faiths freely."--Page [2] o...
- Contents...adison's model The startup boom The Romish threat The religious freedom of slaves The divine plan The Mormon challenge Kill the Indian, Christianize the man The KKK, Al Smith, and the fight for the public schools The Witnesses World War II and the Judeo-Christians Enter the Supreme Court bedfellows The "war" on "Christianity" All-A...
National Diet Library
- Contents...wo concepts of liberty & and conscien......orge Religious liberty : the first freedom? / Dan......el N. Robinson The creation and r......onstruction of the first amendment / Ak......Amar Recasting the argument for r......we argue about the freedom of the church / Micha......ion freedom in the world today / Roger Scruton The first of all freedoms is liberty of conscience / Michael Novak...
- Subject HeadingFreedom of religion--United States. Liberty of conscience--United States.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."We are a nation born from the conviction tha......ree. But since the middle of the last century, ......ted. Forces on the political Righ......cloaking it in the rhetoric of fr......king about? In The Road to Freedo......mic system and the political ideo......t, laying bare their twinned fail......ies of crises: the financial crisis, the opioid crisis, and the crisis of ineq......all portion of the population has......, workers, and the environment al......have to one another As they grow in strength, these movements no......f economist at the World Bank, St...... has witnessed these profound changes firsthand. As he argues, the failur...
- Contents...reedom Part I. Liberty and freedom : ...... freedom is another person's unfr......blic goods and the free-rider pro......lem Contracts, the social justice The freedom to exp......eferences, and the creation of the good society. ......ocial cohesion The concerted shap......ndividuals and their beliefs Tole......l justice, and the good society
- Subject Heading... Neoliberalism Liberty Capitalism Political culture-...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This is the first book to explore how the history of Wales and the Welsh has been written over the past fifteen h......from Gildas in the sixth century ......ctives both on the history of Wal......s of Wales and the Welsh--and thus on the use of the past to articu...... national and other identities. The book's broad c......itain. Down to the twentieth cent......dely held that the Welsh were an ......descended from the original inhab......les in 1282-4, their history thereafter being r......ndix. However, the book shows tha......d primarily on the period down to......andscape. Over the past century the thematic and chronological ra...
- Contents...cted presents: the Middle Ages. Prologue: themes and context......British pasts: the early Middle A......-1282 Curating the past in a conq......'Our ancestors the ancient Briton......1540-1620 From the universal to the local: framing the history of Wal......0 Refurbishing the past: antiquar......From Druids to the last bard, 170...... Civilization, liberty, and dissent, ......antic history: the world of Thoma......-48 'Living in the past' and the challenges of modernity, 1848...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe right to be re...... person before the law / Kathryn ......nts' rights at the border / Ceren......atharine T. Weatherhead Irregular......atharine T. Weatherhead Rights of....../ Valeria Vita The economic, soci......amily life and the migrant / Rowe....../ Susie Alegre The right to an ef......ective remedy, the right to an ef......ry removal and the right to a fair hearing / Dan...
- Alternative TitleHuman rights of migrants in the twenty-first century
- Alternative TitleHuman rights of migrants in the twenty-first century
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe origins of a m......ement Opposing the Treaty of Pari......itizenship and the election of 19......ional networks The insular cases The social movement Split and dec...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, coverage of the key economic q......ncentrating on the more recent ec......llenges facing the country
- Contents...omplexities of the South African ...... industries in the South African ......ate change and the green transiti...... / Boris Urban The economic histo......uth Africa and the fourth industr......South Africa / Liberty Mncube, Nicola Theron Regulation dynamics in the South African ......, Amy Thornton The Economic Histo......hnu Padayachee The youth labour m......ecil Mlatsheni The economics of e......queline Mosomi The South African ......Mduduzi Biyase The economics of h......a / Julian May The economics of h......vy, Musa Nxele The macroeconomics......nce Edwards Southern African regi......ica's post-apartheid economic development trajec...
National Diet Library
- Contents...eaching During the COVID-19 Crisi......reen: Bridging the Social and Emo......ID-19; Lisa M. Liberty Chapter 4. COV......n Teachers and the Teaching Profe......tudents During the Pandemic; Char......ens Chapter 7. The Impact of COVI...... Education and the Children of CO......10: Navigating the Pandemic Whiplash: Leading Th...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The comparative st......renaissance in the past 15 years ....... This book is the first to provide a b......ematic view of the subject both in terms of the topics covered and the legal traditio......rts it surveys the historical beg......sues, examines the relationship b......and deals with the creation, func......dministration. The final part looks to the future of this......and leaders in the field discuss ......concerned with the conferral, links with other areas of 'pub......rences between the way government......"--Provided by the publisher
- Contents... Cane France : the vicissitudes o......n-Louis Mestre The Germanic tradi......ter Sommermann The Chinese tradit......strative law : the view from poli...... Amaral-Garcia The time dimension......sidentialism : the rise of an 'ac......ive law beyond the state : the influence of for the rule of law? /......eter L Strauss The rule of law / ......tthias Ruffert The EU administrat...... institutions, their law, and regimes in the modern state /......y detention in the United States and the United Kingdom......: six views of the cathedral / Paul Cra......nality / Jud Mathews Openness and transparency /...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ary forgery at the turn of the first millennium For...... and Memory at the End of the First Millennium tak......ical memory in the Middle Ages. In the tenth and elev......ale, often for the first time. As Levi ......h illustrates, the resulting wave......hich would lay the foundations for the European ancie......Germany and northern Italy, Roach......hin and beyond the Church. Above ......scination with the signs of antiquity. These conclusions ......rratives about the development of......iquarianism in the modern era, sh......phisticated as their Renaissance subjects--the history of the Church and their local realms...
- Contents...ron Forgery in the Chancery? Bish......Passau Forging liberty: Abingdon and ......f Vercelli and the struggle for Piedmont Conclus...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction: what is the geopolitics of liberty? The greatness of Great Britain The grandeur of France The geopolitics of Great Britain The geopolitics of......ill understood the geopolitics of the First World War How ......lle understood the geopolitics of the First World War How ......ill understood the geopolitics of the Second World W......lle understood the geopolitics of the Second World W......ill understood the geopolitics of the Cold War How d......lle understood the geopolitics of the Cold War.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... An address to the prince of Denm......rk Writings on the new method A p......sal to abolish the requirement Writings on the liberty of the press The preface to relating to the life of Anthony first earl of Shaftesbury Other writings on the Shaftesbury fa...... printed texts The transcription of manuscripts The presentation o......n Cromwell and the Dutch war Verses on the restoration on Queen Catherine's arrival ......gland Now our Athenian olive spre......hill Curses on the park Dramatic ......ok Writings on the English for society The rules of the dry club Locke's criticisms o...
- Note (Content)"This is the first critical some cases, the first edition ever) of the various writings of the philosopher Jo......e (1632-1704). The writings publi......n, writings on the liberty of the press, and a m......ocke's patron, the first Earl of Shafte......led account of the content and ci......composition of these works, and a......description of the manuscripts an......s consulted by the editors"--
- Title HeadingWorks. Selections. 2019 The Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe foundation for......bin Article 1: The definition of ......bin Article 2: The right to non-d......ber Article 3: The best interests of the child / John E......bin Article 5: The right to paren......dan Article 6: The rights to life......bin Article 7: The rights to birt......eow Article 8: The right to prese......res Article 9: The right not to Article 10: The right to famil......ection against the illicit Article 12: The right to respect for the views of the child / Laura Article 13: The right to Article 14: The right to Article 15: The rights to freedom of associat...
- Subject HeadingConvention on the Rights of the Child (1989 No...... Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children--Legal status...
- Note (Content)The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most extensive......sis of each of the substantive provisions in the Convention and...... Conflict, and the Sale of Childr......d insight into the drafting history of these instruments, the scope and nature of the rights accorde...... children, and the obligations im......ates to secure the implementation of these rights. In d......o, it draws on the work of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, international, regiona...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....and predicting the worldwide #MeT...... could have further butterfly eff...... after she won the U.S. Supreme C......ent, rape, and the politics of ge......ures in action the creative and transformative a...
- ContentsTo change the world for wome......h a lie (1991) The measure of wha......) Testimony to the Attorney Gener......: summation to the jury in Kadic ......tasy (1985) To the American Civil......2005) Gender : the future (2007) Gender literacy...
National Diet Library
- Contents...nion Launching the new government...... More power to the states Slavery and the constitution The crisis of the union Reconstructing the nation Promise......gressivism and the new nationalis......orld War I and the Constitution N......y and reaction The New Deal revolution The new constituti......rld War II and the Constitution The era of the Cold War Earl Warren takes the helm A decade ......e and progress The new judicial Progress on First Amendment individual liberty Criminal due Civilizing the death penalty Politics and the Constitution The new millennium The Roberts court.
- Subject HeadingConstitutional history--United States. Liberty--United States.
National Diet Library
- Contents...quality before the law and equal protection of the law Article 4: The right to life ......d integrity of the person Article......d torture and other forms of iII-......le 6: Right to liberty and security of the person Article......rticipation in the government, access to the public service......tural life and the promotion of m...... Protection of the family, rights......ndependence of the courts and est......rticles 30-40: The African Commis......d procedure of the African Commission Articles 4...
- Note (Content)The African Charte......hts (ACHPR) is the principle regi......hts treaty for the African contin......opted in 1981, there is now a' Rights and the recently analysis of the provisions of the Charter as it draws upon the documents adopted by the African adopted by the African Court ......, and that of other sub-regional ...... incorporated. The book examines not only the substantive rights in the African Charter but also the work of the African Commis......sis of each of the provisions of the ACHPR is led principally by the jurisprudence ......cumentation of the African Commission and Africa...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This Handbook triangulates the disciplines of...... framework for the study of early...... how people in the past thought about and used the law is key to ......ant aspects of the political revolution and the emergence of c....... In addition, the post-Reformati......l dominance of the common law pro......ays of drawing the boundaries bet......rians come together in this Handb......op accounts of the past that are attentive to the legally purpos......g of events in the historical archive. They also contribu......derstanding of the place of foren...... of inquiry in the creation of im......a. Chapters in the Handbook approach, from a div...
- Contents...on Statutes at the Inns of Court ......cholarship and the Written Word / Rhetoric in The Merchant of Satire and the Legal Profession in the 1590s : John D......tionality, and the Legal Professi......: Humanity and Liberty at the Inns of Court ......nforcement and the Local Persona of the Justices and their Quarter Sess......Landau Law and the Evidentiary En......terary Thing : The Imaginary Hold......Roman Law, and the Law of Libel /......ymond Managing the Later Stuart P......Sovereignty to the State : The Tragicomic Cle......of Massinger's The Bondman / Bern......irthrights and the Due Course of Law / Paul D. H...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction: the geography of expression The expressive topography and pub...