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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The HICP is a cons......le one with another. The HICP now tracks the inflation rate......ans, including the UK, and is also produced by other countries such as the USA. John Astin was the EU statistician in charge of the initial develo......dex and he has the best knowledge......s developed in the 1990s. This bo......s a history of the main development period of the HICP, up to the year 2002 when Astin left the European Commi......s, not only in the UK but globall...... interested in the construction of consumer pric...
- Contents1. Background to the HICP 2. First Meeting of the HICP Working P......P) 5.Launch of the HICP 6.Classif...... 7.Coverage of the HICP: What, Wh......4.Expansion of the EU; Introducti......istrative and other issues
National Diet Library
- Summary, analysis of the African Union during the organization's first ten years of existence. It takes the reader through the various interg......d and followed the establishment of the Union and through the workings of ke......organs such as the Assembly of Heads of State, the Council of Ministers, the Pan African Parliament and the Commission. The study argues that the African Union ......s to advancing their individual a......maintains that the African Union ......mber of areas; the Union also est......pal relations, the autonomy of the Union was limi...... this affected the Union's effect......general level, the study argues that the African...
- Contents1. Introduction 2. The Context: Africa On The Eve Of The 21st Century 3. The Genesis and Evolution of The African Union:......ion And After: The OAU and Africa......lenges 5. From the Lagos Plan of ......tion to Nepad: The Development Bl......nt 6. Breaking the Poverty Trap: The Human Development Agenda of The African Union ......da for Peace": The Theory and Practic......s In Africa 9. The Policy Organs: The Assembly, The Council And The PRC 10. The Voice Of The People: The Pan African Parliament 11. The Continental Bureaucracy: The Commission Of The African Union 12. Conclusion.
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...a : Printed at the Anglo-Chinese Press, 1820. Pr...
- Alternative TitleRetrospect of the first ten years of the Protestant mission to China
- Alternative TitleRetrospect of the first ten years of the Protestant mission to China
National Diet Library
- ContentsCan it be true? The GATT becomes WTO, 1995 The first years : from Marrake......ore, 1995-1996 The road to Singap......anniversary of the Multilateral T......tle, 1998-1999 The Seatlle Minist......nference, 1999 The road to Doha, 1999-2001 The Doha Ministeri...... 2001 Pursuing the Doha Mandate, 2001-2003 The aftermath of Cancún, 2003-200...
- Note (General)...L: Table of contents only http: //
- Alternative TitleFirst ten years of the World Trade Or......ion, 1995-2005 First 10 years of the WTO, 1995-2005 1st 10 years of the WTO, 1995-2005
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe power of the WTO dispute se......em Rufus Yerxa The WTO dispute se......orges Abi-Saab The WTO dispute se......n Bruce Wilson The role of the Dispute Settlement Body in the dispute settle......sultations and the panel process in the WTO dispute se......t Jesse Kreier The making of the 'World Trade C...... challenges at the appellate stag......Valerie Hughes The reasonable per......ompliance with the rulings and re......ons adopted by the WTO Dispute Se......termeasures in the WTO dispute se......em Yves Renouf The role of lawyers in the WTO dispute se......y issues under the DSU Olivier Pr......aliation under the Agreement on Safeguards Raimu...
National Diet Library
- Summary," This was the terse throughout the British Isles received in the spring of 1941......r II raged. As they arrived at St......t thick smoke--these young people......t kind of work they were recommended them? Why had they been chosen? ......ever learn all the answers to these questions. B......perating under the code name Station X. The critical work ......s army. Amidst the brilliant cryp......essors working there, it was teen......d math, while others spoke a second language. They ran the unwieldy, and sorted the decoded messages. They were expected to excel in their fields and most importantly...
- Contents... War's end and the years after
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe first ten years after apartheid : an overview of the South African in post-apartheid South Africa......employment and the labor market /...... Antonio Ricci The rand crises of...... Antonio Ricci The case for building internation...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- ContentsStudent activism in the pre-martial la......, socdems, and the Ateneo / Meynardo P. Mendoza The faculty, Evangelista The political landscape of the '70s and some ......t responses to the changing times / Jose J. Maga...
- Subject HeadingAteneo de Manila University -- His...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...TVアニメ「GIRLSブラボーfirst season」ED(2)夢見...... My Lady」OP(14)The Day Takeoff-PCゲーム「大帝国」OP(15)F...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Recent changes in the global have remade the world. In this book, the author reveals the forces shaping the future of ener......d fossil fuel. The New Map offers...... new vision of the world's energy reserves and, therefore, the future of geopolitics"--
- ContentsAmerica's new map. The gas man The "discovery" of......ou had told me ten years ago" : the manufacturing renaissance The new gas export......peline battles The shale era The rebalancing of......ctions Oil and the state Pushback Pivoting to the East The heartland China's map. The "G2" "Dangerous ground" The three questions "Count on the wisdom of foll......g generations" The role of histor......treasure ships The test of pruden......ilding Maps of the Middle East. Lines in the sand Iran's re......lution Wars in the Gulf A regional cold war The struggle for Iraq The arc of confrontation The rise of the "Eastern Med" "The answer" Oi...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Contents...flexibility in the U.K. / Gordon ......ith Europe and the U.S. / Toshiak......nufacturing in the U.S., Japan, a......arities during the 1970's / Jacob......ershooting and the output cost of......l movements in the long run and the short run / Ma......Blanchard Pure theory of country risk / Jonathan...
- Note (General)A selection of papers from the International ......cial issues of the European economic review.