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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....e to determine the local power and character of the Communist party-state at the level of the national non-R...... how, although the Soviet Union looked central......-states formed their own fiefdoms......s areas within their republics. I......tionships - to the central Commun...... especially to the local intelligentsia and the creative professions who constituted the local party-st...... stability and their own survival...... contends that the effects of "Sovietisation" contin...... to be felt in the independent st......hich succeeded the republics, particularly in the field of the relationship w...... which remains of immense importance to these c...
- ContentsPurging in the Khrushchev era......nationalism in the Soviet Republics / Michael Loader The formation and development of the Soviet Latvian nomenk......eiere Patterns of succession : t......recruitment in Soviet Moldavia and c......91 / Igor Casu The transformist : the evolution and adaptability of Sharaf Rashidov's regime in Soviet Uzbekistan / R......ario Cucciolla The Belarusian Soviet nomenklatura :......ory, 1947-1994 The Soviet nomenklatura a......osition during the Brezhnev in and out of Moscow's grace......nd periphery : the Gamsakhurdia practice : the Estonian Communist Party, the intelligentsia, and Moscow / ...
- Subject Heading...nist countries Soviet Union--Politics and government Soviet Union
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ry study about the migration of approximately ......who became end of empire migrant......Asia following the collapse of the Japanese Empir...... 1945. Through the collection of first-hand tes......nd examination of four key themes, the book uncovers how the Japanese gover......'s experiences of end of empire migrati...... in East Asia. The first theme, Japan since the end of the Second World War. The second theme, finding home in the former empire, reveals the diversity of experiences of the peoples of former colonies as the borders 'shifted under their feet' throug......and testimony. The third theme, government polic...
- Contents...aphy about end of empire migration : revising the extruded history of repatriation a......ikiagesha and other terms for returnees in the minutes of the National Diet of Japan / Ayako ...... mobilities in the history of the indigenous peoples of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands ...... Morris-Suzuki The 'repatriation' of Japanese wives...... Yōhei Fujino The social movemen......triation after the Second World War : the establishment of the Korean Communi......ty / Yulia Din The remembered' Sa......lin Koreans in the South Korean p......Between loving the country and loving the land : the case of waishengren and hwagyo / Hisa...
- Title HeadingRoutledge studies in the modern history of Asia (2005) ; 180
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This is the first world history of empire, reaching from the third millennium BCE to the present. By combining synthetic surveys, thematic comparati......leled coverage of imperialism th......from Africa to the Americas. Only...... to be a thing of the past; now it i......nd remains one of the most enduring forms of political orga......not understand the dynamics and resilience of empire without......isively beyond the study of individual cas......riods, such as the relatively short age of European colonialism. The history of empire, as these volumes be drawn on the much broader canvas of global history. Volume I: The...
- ContentsVolume 1. The imperial exper......ence volume 2. The history of empires Volume......y and concept, theory and synthesis / Peter Fibiger Bang The scale of empire: territ......alter Scheidel The evolution of geopolitics an......n / Ian Morris The political economy of empire: "imper......l capital" and the formation of central and re......ony, and forms of pageantry: the inter-imperial......reaucracy, and the practice of government and......ed Empires and the politics of difference: pathways of incorporation ......rebellion, and the subaltern / Ki......e as a process of ecologically u......erson Memories of empire: literature and art, n...
- Related MaterialThe Oxford world history of empire The imperial experience The history of empires
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction: Knowing the Cold War enemy...... 1. A field in formation The wartime roots of Russian serves the state in war a......and dispersion The Soviet economy and the measuring-rod of money The lost opportunities of Slavic literar...... past politics The Soviet Union as a modern society Soviet politics and the dynamics of totalitarianis......, and collapse The dual crises of Russian studie......urn into halls of power Left turn in the ivory tower Perestroika and the collapse of Soviet studies Epilogue: Soviet studies after the Soviet Union.
- Subject HeadingSoviet Union--Study and tea......United States. Soviet Union--Research--Uni......-20th century. Sovietologists--United States--Histo...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction: The Piety of learning / Mic...... and character formation in Islamic Afr......semann 2. From the intellectual powerhouse of Ilorin (Nigeria): elegy in the work of Adam ʻAbdallā......lade Salman 3. The Khādimis of Konya: the rise of a scholarly family from the Ottoman periph......1st centuries: the foundations fo...... Sufi, Jadīd, Soviet, National, and......n Kügelgen 5. The small world of Aḥmad al-Ṣā......tī Shaykh / Catherine Mayeur-Jao......tworks between the North Caucasus and the Volga-Urals / ...... Leviathan: on the ethics of Islamic poetry in Soviet Russia / Alfri......g and curse in the "Promised Land": Jonas Korte'...
- Note (Content)The Piety of Learning' testifies to the strong links b...... and reaffirms the role of philology for ......osophies since the 18th century i......igeria, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire......ion is paid to the power of Islamic poetry...... and practices of the Tijaniyya, Rif......iliyya Sufi brotherhoods. The final section ......aveled through the Ottoman Empire, a Habsburg officer who conve...... Jeddah, and a Soviet historian who preserved Islam...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction : the prison-house of nations Dispersal and reunion : revolution a......d civil war in the borderlands Bo......y policies and the formation of the USSR Nation-building the Soviet way Surviving the Stalinist onsl......ght, 1928-1941 The Great Patrioti...... expansion and the Baltic excepti......linisation and the revival of the republics Stab...... development : the Brezhnev years......tion-making in the post-Soviet states The orphans of the Soviet Union : Chechnya, Nagorno-Karabakh,...
- Subject HeadingFederal government--Soviet Union. Nationalism--Soviet Union--Republics--Hi......nalism--Former Soviet republics--His......rnment policy--Soviet Union. Former Soviet republics--History--20th cent...
National Diet Library
- ContentsSocialism and the Russian workin...... Civil War and the evolution of the one-party trade union, 1918-1922 The printing industry in the era of revolutionary transformations The struggle for a......unist Printers Union, 1918-1922 The Civil War and ......ass culture 2: The "golden years" of the new economic p......927 A new form of labor relations The working people......y New cultures of class 3: The twisting road to the first five-yea......lan, 1927-1930 The industry witho......nd conflict in the first five-year plan The twilight of the Socialist trade union Class formation or the unmaking of the working class? Soviet workers...
- Subject HeadingWorking class -- Soviet Union -- History. Labor -- Soviet Union -- History. industry -- Soviet Union -- History. Pr......nters -- Labor unions -- Soviet Union -- History. In......l relations -- Soviet Union -- History. Arbeidersklasse. ...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet Library
- Contents...Norman Naimark The Politburo's revealed by the lost transcrip......gory Stalin in the light of the Politburo tran......omiya "Class bothers unite!" the British general strike and the formation of the "united opposi......eparations for the "second great ......Oleg Khlevniuk The "right opposition" and the "Smirnov-Eismo...... Charters Wynn The way they talked then : the discourse of politics in the Soviet Party Politburo in the late 1920s / R......Service Making the unthinkable th......e microhistory of Politburo meet...... / Leona Toker The short course of the history of the all-union Communist Party : the distort...
- Subject Heading...ry -- Sources. Soviet Union -- Politics and government --...
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- ContentsTheories and histories about the structure of contemporary i......distinguishing the regional from the global Securit...... complexes : a theory of regional secur...... external transformation Northeast and Southeast Asian RSCs during the Cold War The 1990s and beyo......tAsian complex The Middle East : ......nnial conflict formation Sub-Saharan Af......s in a setting of weak and faile......orth America : the sole superpowe......y? EU-Europe : the European Union and its 'near abroad' The Balkans and Turkey The post-Soviet space : a regional security c...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSoviet Union -- History.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book explores the issues of education, the use of languages and the formation of self-identification of the Japanese and K......rean diasporas of Sakhalin, over......s period: from the time they moved to the island, until their "return" to this time, their language env......t and language of education chan......ese and Korean of Sakhalin conti....... This book is of interest to researchers, stud...
- Control to the Border on the Island 2. Sakh...... under Control of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union 3. Sakhalin/Ka...... under Control of the Japanese Empir......hind (1945-end of the 1950s) 5. From the End of the 1950s to the end of the 1980s: New Wave of Migration of the Population and the Closure of Korean Schools......d South Korea: Formation of new diasporas ......, and Identity of the Young Generation of Returnees 8. Conclusions. App...
National Diet Library
- Contents...9 Land Defence of Vladivostok, S......, August 1919 "The Czechoslovaks ......"Leaflets from the History of the Civil War in R......dia Campaigns; Formation of Eighth Army, 1......ents regarding the Eighth Army, n......a, 1948 Future of Japan, Occupation of, 1948-1955, n.......965) Engineers of the Southwest Paci......eer Operations The Entry of the Soviet Union into the War Against Ja......1-1945 History of XI Corps, 15 J......6 R.77 History of the 32nd Infantry ......, (1953) Under the Southern Cross: The Saga of the Americal Divis......I, "Occupation of Japan and Cere...... XXIII, "Visit of General and Mrs Eichelberger ...
- Note (General)Originals held by the William R. Perkins Library, D...
- Alternative Title..., c1930-1955 : the Pacific War and the occupation of Japan. Series one, the papers of General Robert......886-1961) from the the William R. all 4 parts of the microfilm collection
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingScience -- Soviet Union. Science -- Soviet Union -- History -- 20th century.
- Note (General)"Collection of papers by eminent Soviet scientists."
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingConstitutional history -- Soviet Union. Soviet Union -- Foreign relations.
- Note (General)Translation of O pi͡atidesi͡atiletii Soi͡uza...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingロシア∥外国関係∥ドイツ∥歴史∥1945~. 政治. Soviet Union -- Constitutional history. Soviet Union -- Foreign relations.
- Note (General)Translation of: O pi͡atidesi͡atiletii Soi͡uz...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSoviet Union -- History -- 1917-
National Diet Library
- ContentsA short history of virology What ......rus? A history of cell culture The discovery of bacteriophage and the d'Herelle controversy The beginnings of molecular biology The history of immunology Int......oliovirus and other picornaviruse......and AIDS Phage therapy and the future Viral o......colysis or virotherapy Gene therapy and viral ...... Short History of Virology 1.1 W......Plagues Before the Germ Theory 1.3 Development of the Microscope and Germ Theory 1.4 Vaccination in the Time of Jenner 1.5 Lou......ral Studies in the 1950s 2 What I......on 3 A History of Cell Culture 3.1 The Beginnings 3.2......rel 3.3 Growth of Virus in Culture 3.4 Developm...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSocial sciences -- Soviet Union -- History. Sociologia.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSocial sciences -- Soviet Union -- History. Sociologia.
Other Libraries in Japan