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National Diet Library
- ContentsAfter the Phnom Penh AMM disaster : can ASE...... Razali Kassim The South China Sea disputes : three y......a / Phoak Kung The South China Sea disputes : is the Aquino way the "ASEAN way"? /...... Pablo-Baviera The China-Philippines dispute in the South China Se......shpoint for confrontation or opport......ert C. Beckman The Scarborough Shoal dispute : legal issues and commercial fishing by claiman......Tara Davenport The South China Sea : "Disputed Waters" everywhere? / Huy Duong I......lf-interest / Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto The South China Sea disputes : how can clarify their maritime claims / Robert C....
- Subject Sea. Law of the sea--South China Sea. Jurisdiction, Territorial--Islands of the South China Se......ic aspects. Southeast Asia--Boundaries. Islands of the South China Se......tatus. Paracel Islands--Internat......tatus. Spratly Islands--International status.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCommunism -- History.
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- Note (General)Originally published: London: Hutchinson, 1998 ...
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National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleHeadline: The front in Greece is everywhere; News Agency: The New York Times Asahi News
- Alternative TitleHeadline: The front in Greece is everywhere; News Agency: The New York Times Asahi News
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- Note (General)Publisher place varies: Providence, ...
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- Author HeadingAmerican Mathematical Society
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- Note (General)Publishing place vari......orth Shore Publisher varies: Penguin Books Indi...
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- Note (General)Publisher varies: Harcourt
- Related MaterialThe republic of pirates : being the true and surprising story of the Caribbean pirates and the man who brought them down Bright promises, dismal performance : an economist's protest Love and living Theory of literatu......ts Totalitarianism Middletown : ......d civilization The collected stories of Katherine Anne Porte......el A walker in the city A perfect peace Mistakes were made......we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtf......mutilation and the sexual blinding of women The star thrower F......nal of love" : the unexpurgated diary of Anaïs Nin, 1934-1937......ifficult loves The loving friends : a portrait o...
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- Note (General)ISSN:07211392 (se......II) series IV: ISSN:0741453 as "...... <1983-1986>). ISSN:07410700 as "English language and ....... for <1986>-) ISSN:07396392 (se......ies XIII, Linguistics, ), 074045...... (series XXVI, Theater arts), XXVII, Feminist studies)
- Related MaterialThe voices of Afri......erican women : the use of narrati......orial voice in the works of Harri......ce Walker Francis Ponge : la poé......Meyerhold and his set designers ......opian colleges The return of the gods : a philosophical/theological reappraisal of the writings of Er......t Becker Les Prisons Hermann Hes......led defense of the mother world A Beeth......e practice and the piano sonata, ......s 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence of God an...... evil Critical theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of Aristotle and Saint......Aquinas A linguistic study of Am...... modernity and the (un)Commonwealth Fables and a...