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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The US government ......countries. But the results have b......d to invest in the industrial wor....... Violence and the presence of natural resources have also h...
- capitalism Private enterprise, international......velopment, and the Cold War Private sector development in the shadow of war: Taiwan an...... or communism? Private enterprise in Latin America "Storm over the triumphant: private enterprise and the New World Orde......g capitalisms? Private enterprise and the China challenge The future of private sector development
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Caley Horan charts the social and cultural life of private insurance in the United States ......--calculations of risk and chanc......nd risk-fueled the exponential expansion of the insurance industry and the growing importance of risk managemen......ablishing many of the social, politi......als to conduct their lives in mar...... taking charge of their own risks and welfare. The rise and administration of neoliberal val......happen; it was the product of a project to u......ucing costs to the state and heap......g burdens upon the people often least capable of bearing them. The reason "There Is No Altern......cs is that all the alternatives get defined away...
- Contents...e marketing in the wake of the New Deal ; "Facing the future's risks" : gov......ation. "Public enterprises in private hands" : inves......ce redlining ; The unisex insurance debate and the triumph of actuarial fair......ning insurance futures
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Examines the challenges to private sector growth ......ainst a number of indicators and focusing on the special role of SMEs and entre......ty. Highlights the variation among countries in private sector dynamis......d performance, the major governme......ves supporting private sector and SME......h country, and the perspectives of government officials, researchers, and other stakeholders ......prehensive set of policies and s......ies to unleash the potential of entrepreneursh......a platform for future private sector growth.
- ContentsPrivate sector develop......ntroduction to the MENA-12 countr......ENA countries, the market economy and the environment for private sector develop......a platform for future private sector growth Profiles of more dynamic P......environments Profiles of less dynamic PSD environments...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ortant role in the world economy. They produce most of the world's oil an......rnments across the globe. Althoug......ially resemble private-sector companies, they often behave in v......nance explains the variation in p...... insights into the future of the oil industry as well as the politics of the oil-rich design, of NOCs based in the Middle East, and Europe. The book also incl......ting pieces on the industrial structure of the oil industry and the politics and administration of NOCs. This book is the largest and mo......matic analysis of NOCs to date and is suitable ...
- ContentsThe political economy of expropriation ......ivatization in the oil sector / Christofer Warshaw Hybr......ate management of national oil R. Hults On the state's choice of oil company : ......anagement, and the frontier of the petroleum indu......Saudi Aramco : the jewel in the crown / Paul S......evolution, and theocracy : a study on the National Irani...... an assessment of Pemex's perfor......ion (KPC) : an enterprise in gridlock / act between enterprise and government......nd performance of the Abu Dhabi Nati......ra Sonatrach : the political economy of an Algerian st...... : Statoil and the politics of state enterprise ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....k questions whether classical Isl......mic system. In the current recession--the worst since light on whether the Islamic system...... 'capitalist', the principles on which the system was built, the institutions t......developed, how they function and ......mportantly, whether they can be modern......needs. Against the backdrop of rapid change in the Middle East, t...... background to the economic syste......will emerge in the world of Islam. An essential guide to the past, present and future of Islamic econom......ll prove to be of particular int......nd researchers of economics, finance, economic ...
- Contents...l institutions of private enterprise : capital accu......l institutions of capital redist...... finance today Future of Islamic capitalism and financ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsAnother miracle? Desc...... from history? The legacies of history The regional in business The state-owned enterprises From corporates The private sector Introduction to the comparative ch......ny South Korea The future of Chinese capitalism.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The book critically examines the high growth tr......icularly since the late 1980s, a ......s studies from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh ......sheds light on the link between economies. The slow pace of any upward movement in terms of various develo......ue to a number of factors, including their historical d...... Over a period of time, this has......ferent regions of these states, and between these states and other more prospero......Indian states. The book provides ......-wise analysis of the achievements of Uttar Pradesh compared to other states and a whole, in the context of indicators of incl...
- Contents...ion: Responses of State Machiner......d Strategy for Future Development Ch......11. Public and Private Capital Format......d Contribution of Institutional ......gional Pattern of Industrializat......icro and Small Enterprise Development in......hood Potential of Rural Non-Farm Informal Enterprises PART V: Human...... 16. Trends in Private and Public Sch......ter 18. Burden of Private Healthcare Expenditure.
National Diet Library
- Contents...illiam M. Sage The relationship b......t present, and future / I. Glenn Coh...... / Allison K. Hoffman A view and the Affordable Car......s and health professionals / Ele......Dayna Bowen Matthew Health inform......Frank Pasquale The promise of informed conse......and disclosure of conflicts in t......ity / Sharona Hoffman New, exper......nd life-saving therapies / B. health and other behavioral he......tious refusals of care / Elizabe...... limits in end-of-life law / Reb......ce liability : of modest expansi......t liability at the crossroads / P......omplaints to professional and regulatory bodies...
- Is Format OfOxford handbook of U.S. health law (ISBN:9780199...
- Author HeadingCohen, I. Glenn. Hoffman, Allison (Allison K.) Sag...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsFuture perspectives o......tice : through the looking glass ...... Herik Part I. The influence of scholars and p......actitioners on the development an......ceptualization of international ...... law. 'Satires of circumstance' ......erry Simpson ; The banality of evil on trial ......van der Wilt ; The gentle humanizer of humanitarian Cassese and the creation of the customary law of non-internatio......flict / Tamàs Hoffmann ; The international ......ealistic model of international ......chard Part II. Theorizing interna......minal justice. The two liberalisms of international ......riminal law at the crossroads : from ad hoc impo...
- Subject Heading...Administration of -- Internation...... International offenses. International criminal...
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... and solutions of Big Data in the GovTech system......for regulating the institutions of the digital econom......on society for the wide application of Big Data with the use of the institutional ...... understanding of GovTech is formed, the central place of Big Data in th...... experience in the functioning and development of this system in detail. The contribution of the book to the literature is to bridge the gap between theory and practice of GovTech throug......ehensive study of all its manifestations in the three parts of the book. The first part is ...... to GovTech in the provision of high-tech educat...
- ContentsPart I. GovTech in the Provision of High-Tech Educ......on Big Data On the Need and Oppor......Digitalization of the Educational an......ogical Support of the Educational Process in the Context of Improving Its ...... Effectiveness of the Education Syst......ative Analysis of the Estimated Data......ean Production The Use of Digital Technologies in the Implementation of the Meta-Subject A...... as a Trend in the Development of the International ......echnologies in the Teacher's Professional Activi......: Technologies of the Moodle Electro......ate Regulation of the Economy by Big Data in the GovTech Improving the Applica...
National Diet Library
- Contents...anniversary / Kofi A. Annan In c......hel N. Mayanja The nature and scope of the convention / H......g Interpreting the convention / S......ances Raday In the Muslim world /......mna Aouij From the Arab region / ......stine Kapalata Private global enterprises, internationa...... to progress : the formal labor and traps : the informal labor......Pramila Patten The female face of migration / Ro...... Shalev Rights of rural women : ......en : providing the "missing link"......harlotte Abaka The nature and mandate of the committee / Support by the UN Division for the Advancement of Women / Ingeborg Creydt The e...
- Subject HeadingUnited Nations. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women....
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe purpose of the corporation / ...... commerce, and the partnership di......untability and the rule of law / Douglass......d Sean O'Brien The role of corporate acto......mpowerment and the deracialization of the South African ...... and premises? The challenge of peace building......cord : a study of Freeport-McMoR......ill Stretching the limits of corporate resp......inger A public-private partnership for enterprise development : the case of the Angola Enterprise Program / Ofelia C. Eugenio......and challenges of a multistakeho......rer Grassroots enterprise development southern Sudan and Darfur : prelimin...
- Subject HeadingSocial responsibility of business. Inte......ional business enterprises -- Social aspects. Corporate...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- ContentsKey issues for the third sector i......hen P. Osborne The third sector a...... and Per Selle The rise of Romanian NGOs in the democratization process of the society after ...... why 'changing the welfare mix' m......n ... [et al.] The third sector and the social inclusion agenda : the role of social enterprises in the field of work integration / Marthe Nyssens The third sector and the delivery of public service...... an evaluation of different meta-theoretical perspe...... Taco Brandsen The third sector and the provision of public service...... / Juraj Nemec The innovative capacity of voluntary and ......ns : exploring the organizational and environmen...
- Subject HeadingNonprofit organizations -- Europe. No...
National Diet Library
- Contents.../ Charlene Tan The information te......Innovation and enterprise / Ng Pak Tee Diversification of Singapore's up......, introduction of the integrated pro......nt schools and privately-funded schoo......on / Jason Tan The marketisation of education in S......yi Teachers' professional lives in an age of educational reform / Warren M...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... in management theories and applications, such a...
- Contents...and mediation. The art and science of management. Ar......t. Case method of analysis. Chan......hanging nature of mid- and late-careers. Chaos theory. Coaching. ......n. Communities of interest, communities of practice. Comp......ce. Complexity theory. Computer n......mics Economies of scale and economies of scope. Effecti....... Empowerment. Enterprise resource plann...... High-velocity enterprises. Holistic app......Initial public offering. Innovat......yles and bases of power. Leadership theories and studi......avellianism in the workplace. Mai......and motivation theory. Multinatio......greement. Nonprofit organizations. Nonverbal co...
- Is Format OfPrint version: Encyclopedia of management. Farmington Hills,...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsA new round of economic growt......n Chen WTP and private enterprises / Shunfeng So......government and private sector develop......uanglin Lin On the intertemporal sustainability of fiscal debt / ......apital and its private strategies in ...... al.] China in the antidumping wa......competition in the Chinese pharma....... Richard Wang The performance of commodity futures markets: / We......lected aspects of economic perfo......c relations in the era of globalization / Yongjun Chen.
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitlePrivate enterprise.
- Alternative TitlePrivate enterprise.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe medical malpra......alpractice and the new politics of health care / ...... Mark V. Pauly The effects of the U.S. malpractice system on the cost and quality of care / David : what does the future hold? / Troyen...... liability and the culture of technology / fairness in the medical malpra......hlman Caps and the construction of damages in med......tice cases / Catherine M. Sharkey Expertise and the legal process / Catherine T. Struve ......air resolution of adverse Stern Hyman Enterprise liability in the twenty-first c......obert Berenson Private contractual al......ance reform : "enterprise insurance" and some alternati...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //
- Alternative TitleMedical malpractice and the US health care......alpractice and the United States health care sys...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCapitalism Economic policy Industry and state Free enterprise
- Subject Heading (ID)Capitalism Economic policy Industry and state Free enterprise
- Note (General)"Sponsored by the Association of Private Enterprise Education." Vo......y Craig E. Aronoff, Randall B. Goodwin, and Joh...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... fortunes over the last 30 years. It examines the effects of privatisation in terms of corporate perf......c finances and the distributional aspects of privatisation including the impact on employment and shar...
- Contents...ion objectivs: theory and evidence Public enterprise and privatisat......nce in Ireland The financial costs of privatisation ......ations: a tale of privatisation ......Naturalisation of the Irish banking ......vatisation and the future of SOEs.
- Subject Heading...nment business enterprises -- Ireland. BUSINESS & ECONO...