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- Degree Type博士(工学) Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."'Leave no one behind,' the central ethos of the Sustainable De......vestigating whether the EU has moved t......velopment over the past 10 years, this time in the context of the SDGs. Based on......t how relevant the SDGs are in the European conte......t. Figures for the future is a statistical guide to the EU sustainable...... indicators in the context of the SDGs. It commu......s seen through the eyes of a fictional 21...... lives and our future. What does it ......esources? Will there be jobs for ...... about quality of life? These and many other questions are......opment as part of her Young Wome......eryday life to the SDGs, and looks into the stat...
- Contents... education for the young? 3. Pove......ustainable use of energy? 6. How......onger lives in the EU? 14. Anne revisits sustain...
- Subject Heading...ion countries--Statistics. Sustainable development. Ind...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Contents...Angus Phillips The journal online...... ecologies and the transformation of the scholarly jour......Mary Kalantzis The knowledge business Forces of epistemic disr......ming knowledge futures Concluding qu......s 3.Sustaining the `Great Conversation': the future of scholarly and ...... Introduction: the `Great Conversation' of science A bit of history Going ...... consequences: the rise of non-commercial......s Peering into the future Conclusion Not......s in a context of distributed kn......ry monopoly to the pluralism of languages and cultures The Popperian model of knowledge Jour......Angus Phillips The characteristics of the journa...
- Title HeadingChandos information professional series.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book presents the state of the art in extreme value theory, with a collection of articles relat......minal paper on the bivariate extr......n written by Professor Masaaki S......s developments of the original idea over the last half-cent......e researchers, the unique combination of articles allow......o gain a sense of the excellence of the field, ranging from theory to practice, and the tradition of theoretical develo......ancial crises. The contributions ......iscuss a range of topics, including the parameter estimation of the generalized be......esampling with the empirical beta......ta, as well as the semiparametric estimation of ...
- ContentsChap. 1 Estimation of generalized be......rocedures with the Empirical Beta...... 4 An Analysis of Extremes: Semi......oksum) Chap. 5 Future Change in Rela...... Precipitation Statistics Using 4PDF (Ta......d Perspectives of Hydrological Frequency Analys...
- Subject HeadingExtreme value theory Extreme value theory.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book is the first one that......ic information theory and statist......ic information theory (AIT) is a theory of program size a......characterizing the notion of randomness for......interpretation of AIT is introdu......ile explaining the basic notions and results of AIT to the reader who has...... an elementary theory of computation. A......simplification of the setting of AIT is the noiseless information theory. First, in the book, a statis......interpretation of the noiseless sour......n be seen that the notions in sta......mperature, and thermal equilibriu......ranslated into the context of noiseless source c...
- Contents...Interpretation of Noiseless Sour......1.5 Properties of Statistical Me......l Entropy; 1.6 Thermal Equilibriu...... 1.7 Dimension of Coded Messages......Interpretation of AIT; 2 Algorit......ic Information Theory; 2.1 Basic ......rential Nature of Temperature5.2 Fixed Point Theorems by Thermodynamic Quantities of AIT; 5.3 The Proofs of the Fixed Point Theorems; 5.3.1 The Proof of Theorem 5.7; 5.3.2 The Proof of Theorem 5.8; 5.3.3 The Proof of Theorem 5.9; 5.3.4 Another Proof of Theorem 5.1 Based on the General Scheme......ome Properties of the Sufficient Conditions; 5.5 Thermodynamic Quan......anical Meaning of the Thermodynamic Quantities ...
- Related MaterialSpringer briefs in mathematical physics
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Handbook of Statistical An......omprehensive professional refere......ugh all stages of data analysis,......mplementation. The handbook, understand the strengths and weaknesses of modern data mi......hms and employ the right statisti......e explanations of the principles and...... and discusses their application to real problem...
- ContentsHistory of phases of data analysis, basic theory, and the data mining process The algorithms and......plexity; using the right model for the right use, sig......e, ethics, and the future, and advanced processes.
National Diet Library
- Summary, processes. The authors explor......ges related to the implications a......mercialization of these processes by......logies to meet future demands for fo......ossil fuels, biofuels, and bioen......o three parts, the first section of the book addresses......ues related to the utilization and management of energy towards the efficient char......and conversion of wastes or raw-......eful products. The second section......ular detection of analytes, puri......aracterization of products recov......ion processes. The final section ......chnologies, nanofluids, and their applications...... edge features of drilling fluids production an...
- Contents...fusivity and Mathematical Modeling of the Drying Process......aracterization of Biochars Produced From the Co-carbonization of Corn Husk and ......aracterization of Cu2ZnSnS4 Sola......ngs Sol-gel Synthesized Core-shel......terial: Effect of Mixed Fuel ( Acetate) on the Structural Pro......aracterization of Phytase Produc......n Optimization of Soursop Juice ......ular Detection of ESBLs, TEM, SH......Application in the Last Decade: A......roduction From Thermo lkaline Pre......tent Assessing the Safety of Tiger Nut Drin......aracterization of Phytase From a......oultry Isolate of Aspergillus Flavus MT899184 T...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The measurement in......astructure for the production of economic statistics in the United States ......established in the middle part of the 20th century. ......ed by a number of commentators, the data landscape......concerns about the quality of the resulting data. At the same time, the economy has be......w environment, there is increasin......native sources of data that might allow the economic statistics agencies to be...... proliferation of natively digit......oving economic statistics. These include item......rowing variety of data that can ......gering volumes of digital inform...... understanding the economy are generated each se...
- Contents...ntury economic statistics: the future is now / Katha...... Moyer, and Matthew D. Shapiro To......prehensive use of big data in economic statistics. Reengineering......ohnson, and Matthew D. Shapiro ; Big data in the US consumer pr......ta to economic statistics: constructing ......aphic measures of consumer ; Improving the accuracy of economic measu...... data sources: the case of payroll employ......pher Kurz Uses of big data for c...... into economic statistics: the case of online jobvaca......g questions on the 2017 economic ....... Roberts Uses of big data for s......nt. Nowcasting the local economy: using Yelp dat...
- Alternative TitleBig data for 21st century economic statistics
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ons Chronology of critical events Biographies of key contributors in the field Annotated data, statistics, tables, and g......Annotated list of organizations and association...
- Subject Heading...tion. Recovery of Function.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Historians of social science......l benefit from the detailed examination of how economics areas like the environment. E...... understanding of how economics ......imed to be 'on the side' of the environment. E......l benefit from the contextualization of their field"--
- Contents...onomics versus the Environment 4 ......n Krutilla and the Environmental ......ned Lives, and Statistics 8 Benefit-Cost......cting Markets: The Contingent Val......ersy Epilogue: The Future History of Pricing the Environment
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....hes to analyze the issue of grid integration of renewable energy for which the grid flexibility is the key to cope wi......s readers with the scope to view ......etwork instead of the traditional ce......on system-wise of the levelized cost of energy, which ...... however, that the high cost of integrating re......s addressed in the book also incl......parative study of the relationship b......raphical model of determinant fa......ewable energy, the coupled oscill...... intermittency of renewable energy, and the network model of evolving micro-grids. The book explains ......tion to reduce the integration cost significantl...
- Contents...nd Correlation of Renewable Integration of Renewable Ener...... Prospects for the Future
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, approach to theory, reviews, relevant to the basic concepts of water science ......tion. In light of the broadening field and study of water management, the expert contributors set the basis for a ho......e by examining the various techni......tion projects, they illustrate ho......ssues can stem the flow of ongoing climat......ges to improve future from both a theoretical and pr...... practitioners of water policy a...... by experts in the field. Uses cl......cise summaries of the most relevant ......d knowledge on the subjects explored. Illustrate...
- ContentsPreface 1. A review of water related downscaling of global climate......and evaluation of post-fire eros....... Applications of post-fire eros......mal management of marine protect...... Communication of climate change......n wet regions: The example of Ireland / Hamm......od security in the upper blue nile region of Ethiopia / Fah......ons for water: The crucial role of environmental ...... Edeltraud Guenther, Thomas Guenther, Samanthi protection: The example of the baltic sea / A...... 19. Full cost of water: Definit...... 20. Full cost of water: Recover......Massarutto 21. Future challenges of water resources...
- Related MaterialElgar encyclopedias in the social sciences
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... Preface About the authors About the series editor ......ons Chronology of critical events Biographies of key contributors in the field Annotated data, statistics, tables, and g......Annotated list of organizations ......urces Glossary of key terms Index.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ons Chronology of critical events Biographies of key contributors in the field Annotated data, statistics, tables, and g......Annotated list of organizations and association...
- Related MaterialThe Sage reference series on disability : key issues and future directions
- Periodical TitleThe Sage reference series on disability : key issues and future directions
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This volume in The SAGE Reference......ies and is one of eight volumes in the cross-discipli......ics central to the lives of individuals wi......sabilities and their families. With a balance of history, theory, research, ......alists set out the findings and implications of research and practice for others whose current or future work involves the care and/or study of those with well as for the disabled themselves. The concise, engag......olume sets out the fundamentals of the topic it addre......piled data and statistics, recommended further readings, a g......ciations, and other annotated resources, thus pr...
- Contents...erg Chronology of critical event......rg Biographies of key contributors in the field / Cheryl......nnotated data, statistics, tables, and g......Annotated list of organizations ......nberg Glossary of key terms.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....cts studies on the cultural basis of economic growt...... India. Unlike the foregoing inve......ic growth from the economic persp......onomic growth. The participants i......roject consist of a cultural ant......s an expert in the social and his......ell as a group of researchers sp......various fields of economics such as growth theory, public fin...... and economics of education. Our......s new findings of happiness in India obtained b...
- Contents...ributors About the Editors Contributors 1 The South Asian Path of Development: A......hy and Culture of India: Meeting Place of Diversities 1.......y as a Process of Diversificatio......rary India 1.8 The Agenda of a Post-peasant......iversification of Sources of Income 1.9 Gro......dst Precarity: The Agenda of Labor Absorpti......convergence to the South Asian Path of Development 1.......ctural Change: The Case of India 2.1 Intr......e in India 2.3 The Baseline Model......ral Change 2.4 The Model with Progress in the Agricultural P......2 Implications of the Model Analysis.......2 Descriptive Statistics of Survey Results 3.2.3 Happi...
- Note (General)4.4.1 Differences in the Degree of Religiousness Between India a...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... reflection on the SARS-COV-2 pan......e. It embodies the University of Palermos value......y bringing together academics of very diverse all aspects of individual and......olume captures the voices of academics during the pandemic, crystallize the discourses tha......a wide variety of scientific fie......idly evolving. They share the belief that to......quate light on the complex and mu......ted phenomenon of the COVID-19 pande......arily requires the adoption of an interdiscip......nary approach, the consideration of a multiplicity of perspectives, and of a variety of levels of analysis. The organ...
- Contents...Health care at the time of COVID-19 Chapt......and to predict the epidemic evolu......19: How Should Their Results be I...... Key Words for Future Orientation Pa......ban Habitat in the Neoanthropocen......egal Issues in the COVID-19 Pande......ty Chapter 15. The Right to Healt......hat and Why in the Covid-19 Pande......ts Chapter 16. The Pandemic: A Challenge of the Humanities Cha......ns Chapter 19. The displacement of social bond Pa......ts Chapter 20. The impact of the Covid -19 pandemic on the agri-food Chapter 21. The impact of COVID19 on the Italian wine a......its effects on the fishery value chain Chapter 2...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ons Chronology of critical events Biographies of key contributors in the field Annotated data, statistics, tables, and g......Annotated list of organizations and association...