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- Summary, etc.At a time when welfare states in Europe are......rity measures, the attitudes of ordinary peopl......sing data from the European Social Survey, these empirical analyses examine welfare state attitudes and ......onclusions for the future. Theoretically the book is linked to analyses of altering performance of the European welfare states. The analyses in the book explore a variety of individual and......l determinants of welfare policy attitudes ranging from...
- Contents...ten Ringdal 2. Welfare Regimes and Pe......ten Ringdal 3. The Impact of Perceived and ......yment Rates on the Employment Security of Workers Heejun......onal Risks and the Demand for a Comprehensive Welfare State Henning Finser......5. Children in the Family and Welfare State Attitudes Altr......hould Care for the Children? Supp...... 7. Legitimacy of the System and Support for the Welfare State Torben Fridber......nd Support for the Welfare State Heikki Ervasti......l Cohesion and the Welfare State How Heterogeneity Influences Welfare State Attitudes Mika......e Schnabel 10. Welfare Benefits and G......iemelä 11. Is There a Religious Factor Involved...
- Subject HeadingWelfare state--Europe. Welfare (Sociology) Welfare state. Welfare state--Public opinion.
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction : the social, politi......l and economic future of the European welfare states / Bent Greve A tale of two pensions r......o Cesaratto Is there a demographi...... Matthias Till Welfare state and uncertaint......reflections on theory and on Euro......evelopment and the new transnational dimension of welfare in poor countr......ation to world welfare : established and emerging gl...
- Subject HeadingPublic welfare -- Europe. Welfare state -- Europe. Globalization -- S...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Toc / Article... Its Impact on the Changing Pattern of Intergeneratio......sfers Chapter2:The Current Status of the Earned Income ......t in Korea and the Implication to......rical Analysis of the Incidence of Employers’ Con......Sustainability of Social Security in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This comprehensive study of the Great Recessio......ative analyses of the extent to whic...... collaboration of international ......s and analysis of European-level......l dialogue. Further comparisons explore whether social concer......l factors or rather resulted from......wer resources. The importance of social partner......evident during the Covid-19 pande......porary crises, the book will be of considerable i......s and students of public and social policies, c...
- Contents... Europe during the great recessio......nghaus Back to the future : Germany's tu......atism in times of crisis / J. reforms and the absence of social pacts i...... management in the Netherlands : social...... Jan Czarzasty The rise and fall of Irish social p...... / Aidan Regan The decline of social concertation or the crumbling pillars of legitimacy in ......Stefano Sacchi The crisis and the changing nature of political exch......? : explaining the European Commi......nership facing the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic / B...
- Subject HeadingCorporate state--Europe--History--21st centur...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ive volume for the first time situates the growing complexities of European gambling in their wider socio-...... and engaging, the chapters explo......issues such as welfare and justice, e......mpetition, and the role of law and the state. In doing so, the volume tackles the political and ......nnovative ways of thinking about its future.’ Gerda Reith, University of Glasgow, UK ‘ goes beyond the often limited foc......nefit analyses of national gambl...... and analyzing the very diverse, ...... interests and the EU context.’ S......y Amsterdam, Netherlands This edi......orical lens to theoretically and practically ana...
- Contents...egulations and the Use of Gambling in European Welfare States; Janne Nikkin....... Gambling for State-Run Welfare 2. Gambling for the State: The Collection and......Redistribution of Gambling Proce......Doing Good? On the Relationship B......egulations and Welfare Services in Ge......Mirna Macur 8. State Lotteries in E......nal Comparison of How Lotteries ...... E. Gidluck 9. The DNA of Bingo: Charity......planations for the Electronic Gam......nita Borch 11. The Future Swedish Gambli......ttne 12. After the Storm: An Analaysis of Gambling Legis......alski Part IV. Theoretical Perspectives 13. The Regulation of Gambling in Ear...
- Subject HeadingSocial sciences. Social policy. Welfare state. Social service.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... An investment state serves as a sequel to the welfare state by maximizing ......nal inclusion. The Investment State provides a template for future social policy,......ted to cities, states, nations, a sequel to the author's previous book, The Dynamic Welfare State (OUP, 2016) --......ich included a theory of welfare state decline -- by ......programs. "-- "The Investment State proposes a sequel to the welfare state, which addresses the challenges of the 21st century information age"...
- Subject HeadingPublic welfare. Welfare state. Social policy......ial Services & Welfare.
National Diet Library
- ContentsPreface The welfare state in the twenty-first c......Sandra Polaski The welfare state in the twenty-first c...... Aleta Sprague The sustainable de......ilization, and the poor / Nora Lu......en M. Andersen The EU welfare state : past, present, and future / Elva Bova an......titive markets of individual sav......e work as part of the welfare state? / Andras Uthoff Innovations in protecting the old : mostly s......sic income and the welfare state / Richard McGa......t guarantee in the age of precarity : the case of India's NREGA / Amit Basole a...
- Subject HeadingSocial policy--21st century. Equality. Welfare state. Welfare state--History.
- Is Format OfWelfare state revisited New York : Columbia...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."'The welfare state' in all its has had a profound role in ma......untries around the world since at least the Second World War.The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State explores the classical issues around the welfare state, but also inve......along with how these can be used ......specialists in the field provide ......xpert analysis of the core issues related to the welfare state, including reg......nal depictions of welfare states around the globe. The book combines ......ensive picture of what 'the welfare state' means around the world. In the midst of the credit crunch, the Handbook addresses some of the many questions about the ...
- Contents...ncepts What is welfare and public welfare / by Bent Greve What is a welfare state? / by Michael Hill Fiscal welfare / by Adrian Si......d Occupational welfare / by Kevin Far......n Prevention : the cases of social securit......nder issues in welfare states / by Sheila Shaver Welfare states and the life course / ......thods What are welfare typologies and how are they useful, if at......sbergen Nordic welfare states / by Olli Kan......ntral European welfare states / by Daniel C......n Saxonberg Southern Europe / by ......esidou Liberal welfare states / by Paul Spi...... Martin Powell Welfare states in North America : soc...
- Subject HeadingPublic welfare. Welfare state.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Through a series of studies, the overarching aim of this book is t......ate if and how the digitalization......(or may cause) the autonomy of various labor ......portunities on the labor market. ......y benefited by the digitalization......akes its point of departure from...... contends that the impact digitalization has on the future of labor is ambiguous as on the one hand it is......saving, but on the other hand, it is s......s old jobs. Another 2018 OECD a real risk of destroying any......ificant number of jobs for the foreseeable future, although task...... would affects welfare, as most of its revenue stems...
- Contents...röm A journey of a thousand mil......ntroduction to the digitalization of labor / Anthon......Larsson Behind the history of labor : technology as the driving force ......nthony Larsson The substitution of labor : from t......easibility to other factors influencing the potential of job Regulating the global gig Amir Anwar The digital disruption of science : Black boxes of cognitive computers and the impact on labo......leadership and the future of corporate revenue and the welfare state : digital disr....../ Mårten Blix Welfare states and digitalization / Bent Gr...
- Subject HeadingLabor supply--Effect of technological of automation on.......spects. Public welfare administration--Technological...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This edited volume explores the opportunities ......llenges facing the European Union in the future from different......s and assesses the EU's prospects......y areas. Using the European Commi...... scenarios for the future of Europe to and debate, the volume reflects upon the drivers of the EU's future, including its...... and questions of trust and legitimacy. The concluding cha......s and compares the findings to determine which of the scenarios is the most instructi...... plan European Futures to 2050, and ......s book will be of key interest t......s and students of European integration, EU Poli...
- ContentsIntroduction : European futures, past and pre......and Drew Scott The EU capital mar......rying on' into the future? / Niamh Molon......t, present and future / Amy Verdun The future of EU social and ...... EU regulatory welfare state? / Caroline de......-policies / Heather Grabbe Migration and the future of Europe / James...... Andrew Geddes The future of EU trade affairs and the future : multi-level ......adfield Member state constellations and the 'future of Europe' debate...... Fabian Zuleeg The future of Europe : alter......n Conclusion : the future of European integration to 2050 ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsFrom warfare to welfare and workfare D......, new measures of age and ageing, and the active ageing investment state : future-able education...... prerequisites of sustainable welfare society Class,......ieties Fragile welfare sustainability : two model ca...
- Subject HeadingWelfare state--Europe. Välfärdsstaten. Social condi......Social policy. Welfare state. Europe--Social policy. Europ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."As one of the pioneers and l......ding advocates of neoliberalism,...... as customers. The Idea of Higher Education and the Student invest......lation between the changing function of higher educati......and how we see the student. But instead of offering yet another critique of neoliberalism ......ion, it widens the view beyond the present" --
- Contents1. Introduction 2. Theorising higher 3. Setting the scene ; 4. Nat......onal needs and the provision of manpower ; 5. The idea of the university ; 6. The student voice ......t II. Breaking the Ivory Tower: 7...... education and the welfare state ; 8. Barbarians at the gates ; 9. New......tudents? ; 10. The 1960s student ......ketisation and the Student as Cus...... ; 12. Towards the learning socie...... education and the third way ; 14. The triumph of the market ; 15. N......nmentality and the student Part IV. Beyond the Customer and forward to the past ; 17. Contesting the customer ; 18. Towards the fu...
- Subject Heading... education and state--Great Britain...... education and state. Great Britain.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading福祉国家. 社会政策 (地理区分) Welfare state.
National Diet Library
- ContentsEquilibrium, welfare and informatio......ial choice and welfare economics / Amartya Sen The revolution of information economics : the past and the future / Joseph Stigl......Ãrgen Weibull The influence of randomized Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer.
- Subject Heading...ise Wirtschaftstheorie Allgemeine......icht Wohlfahrtstheorie Informatio......utionäre Spieltheorie Entwicklungstheorie Wirtschaftswissenschaften
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Refugees have moved into the spotlight of public debate ......America, where they are targeted by multiple welfare state interventions.......olume analyses the tensions that emerge within the strong welfare states of Northern Europe when ......ed immigration of protection-see......ple. Examining the encounter betw......n refugees and the welfare states, this book explores the daily strategi......nd experiences of newly settled groups and the role of media discourses and welfare policies in sh......c fieldwork in welfare institutions, ...... understanding of the complex realit...... phenomena, Northern Europe's asylum systems and...
- Contents...ic capital and the Swedish, Germa...... 3. Lesson for the future or threat to s......ty? Contesting the meaning of the 2015 refugee c......epresentations of the refugee crisis......gees 6. Images of crisis and the crisis of images: a visual analysis of four frames of representation of `refugeeness' ...... constructions of the refugee crisis......stitutions and the challenges of refugee govern......-)legitimation of migration: a critical study of social media d......benius pt. III The meaning of refugeeness 9.......y Pearlman 11. The trauma of waiting: understanding the violence of the benevolent welfare state in Norway / Nerina Weis...
- Subject, Northern Refugees--Se......or--Europe, Northern Welfare state--Scandinavia Welfare state--Europe, Northern Refugees Ref......--Services for Welfare state Réfugiés--Pr......candinavia. Northern Europe
National Diet Library
- ContentsList of figures Acknowledgments List of abbreviations ......on : examining the social dimension of corporate soci......responsibility Theory and concepts Theoretical framew......utionalism and the mixed economy of welfare approach Corpo......: making sense of a contested co......cept A history of corporate soci......ponsibility in the mixed economy of welfare Connections to......hropy : CSR in the commercial sec......olicy : CSR in the public sector ......tion : CSR and the non-profit sector Case ......and Denmark Is there a "social ca......SR? : views on the social impacts of CSR CSR and the changing welfare state : does CSR constitute a...
- Subject HeadingSocial responsibility of business. Welfare state. Social policy. Globalization...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ash for care : the origins of contemporary d......allowances and the formalisation of care for care in the French welfare state : a skilful compromise? The commodification of care - the Italian way Co......mily members : the Dutch care all......ance Issues in the development of the direct payment......munity care in the United States Conclusion : dilemmas, contr...
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading福祉国家. Welfare state -- Congresses.
- Note (General)...y presented at The Scandinavian Journal of Economics's co....... held in Ebeltoft, Denmark, in September 1994....
- Title HeadingScandinavian journal of economics.
National Diet Library
- ContentsPreface The frontline delivery of welfare-to-work in con......Rik van Berkel State of the art in frontline studies of welfare-to-work : a li......for policy and theory / Evelyn Z....... Activation in the UK : the front line and the "black box" of employment ser...... in france and the flexibility ed...... in Germany" : welfare-to-work Osiander On the frontline of public employm......taly : which professionalism for......on work within the social welfare system : the case of Poland / Tomas......d Marek Rymsza The street-level activation of the unemployed rem......ry remote from the labour market : the Dutch cas...
- Subject HeadingSocial work with the unemployed--Europe. Welfare recipients--Employment--Europ...