Search results 92
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ts from around the world that established the rights of gays, lesbians, bis...
- Contents...ker Is Awarded the Medal of Honor......Kertbeny Coins the Terms "Homosex......schfeld Founds the Scientific-Hum......ects Third-Sex Theory Friedlaender Breaks with the Scientific-Hum......rian Committee The Eulenburg Affa......nter Publishes The Intermediate S......bles Fights in the Mexican Revolu...... Contribute to the Harlem Renaissance The God of Vengeance O......Gide Publishes the Signed Edition...... Gerber Founds the Society for Hu......Censors Risque Theater Hall Publishes The Well of Loneli......ler's Night of the Long Knives Behavior in the Human Male Behavior in the Human Female One Magazine Beg...
- Note (General)First edition published under the title: Gay, lesbian, bisexual...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Theatre of Eugene ......r and plays in the context of the American theatre. Organised thematically, it c......ntervention in the theatre, offers re......ed analysis of the plays, and assesses the recent resurge...... major plays - The Emperor Jones, The Hairy Ape, The Iceman Cometh,, A Moon for the Misbegotten and Desire Under the Elms - besides numerous other full length and one act dram...
- Contents1. O'Neill's American theatre: modernism......ourneying into the past 2. A modernist in the making: O'Neil......ation: testing the waters Trying the longer form: voice Among the bohemians The homeless life ......sea Haunted by the primitive sea ...... suicide After the revolution 3. Tragedy and the postrevolution......revolution in 'The hairy ape' Def...... revolution of the soul A touch of the revolutionary: The American histo......s pipe dream: 'The iceman cometh'......ale destinies: the "woman plays" ...... ask you' and 'The straw' Women a......three plays of the early 1920s He......" 'Dynamo' and the modern goddess 'A moon for th...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, response to them. One of the great American art f......, and protest. The anthology open...... testaments to the power of poetr......d people voice their passionate r......olume captures the power and beau......y and culture. The volume also features biograph...
- 1900-1918 The dark tower: 19......aise songs for the day: 1990-2008 After the hurricane: 200......ollection ; On the Death of the Rev. Mr. Georg......Lucy Terry A Mathematical Problem......ker To Eliza ; The Slave's Compla...... On hearing of the intention of to purchase the Poet's freedom......of an estate ; The Art of a Poet ......eal to Woman ; The Grave of the Slave / Sarah ...... / David Drake The Natives of Ame......rse Written in the Album of Madem......orge B. Vashon The Emigrant / Ben......Clark Song for the First of Augus......ting Hymn ; In the earnest path o......delia Ray from The Rape of Florida ; A Question ...
- Related MaterialThe library of America
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....lin has ranked the 100 greatest American at......nd baseball to the decathlon and ......sideration are the athletes' achi......rall impact on their sport. Each sketches of the athletes, recaps of their greatest moments, and quotes from their peers, media......rt historians. the athletes featured in this boo...
- ContentsJim Thorpe : the sports conquer...... Bob Mathias : the manchild Jim Brown : the indestructible......chael Phelps : the Baltimore Bull......LeBron James : the Chosen One Jac......Muhammad Ali : the Louisville Lip Willie Mays : the Say Hey Kid Babe Ruth : the Sultan of Swat......son Zaharias : the master of all ......berlain : Wilt the Stilt Jackie Robinson : the barrier breake......ey Henderson : the Man of Steal Bo Jackson : the freakish talen......Reggie White : the Minister of De......r Don Hutson : the Alabama Antelo......Deacon Jones : the Secretary of D......Sandy Koufax : the Left Arm of God Mickey Mantle : the Mick Kare...
- Alternative TitleOne hundred greatest American athletes
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nd thinking on the long and compl...... Japan, one of the most 'disaster......' countries in the world. Focusin......n responses to the triple disaste......of March 2011, the book then puts the topic in a wid......ade, including the great quakes of 1995 and 1923 and the atomic bombing......derstanding of the complexities of the issues well beyond the clichés and the headlines"--Provided by publi...
- Contents...l responses to the triple disaste......o responses to the disasters of 2....../ Aike P. Rots Gods, dragons, catfish, and Godzilla : fragmen......elli Buddhism, the perfect religi......oman Rosenbaum These things here ......ow : poetry in the wake of 3/11 / Jeffrey Matthew Angles "Shake......ough music and the music industry......Haruki's After the quake / Jonath......nal identity : the textual transf......ic response to the atomic bombing...... Kevin M. Doak The great Tokyo writers and the great Tokyo earthqua...... Mats Karlsson The "silenced nexu......aster / Janice Brown.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Publisher: The result of a co...... and funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and the Australian Research Council, The Literature of Australia gathers the most distincti......significant of the nation's writi......l genres, from the 1700s to the present, and o......l authors from the early colonial period to the present. Work ...... details about the authors of the works selected......essays setting the works in their historical c......estions for further reading. The Literature of ...... a window into the myriad ways of being Australi...
- Contents...Keneally About the editors List o......ete account of the settlement at ......Australis / Matthew Flinders (177......peditions into the interior of Southern Australia / ......) Aboriginal mother (from Myall's......o hell / Frank the poet (c 1810-c......etter to her father / Eliza Brown (1810-1896) fr......summer noon in the Austrailian Fo......ady's visit to the gold diggings ......841) Letter to the editor by the Conranderrk Ab......ra Morison / Catherine Helen Spen......70) Spider and the fly / Waif hollow, and the valley of the grose / Louisa......46-1881) Where the pelican builds......897) Letter to the editor / Bessie Cameron (c 18...
- Note (General)...Ltd 2009 under the title Macquarie PEN anthology...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPreserving the Manhattan Proj......a C. Kelly ; A great work of human ......chard Rhodes ; The atomic bombs burst in their fumbling han......e but missed a great discovery / Ph......sive results / The Maud Report, J......vails / Andrew Brown ; Section Two:......ted alliance : The rather fuzzy state Hershberg ; The stuff will be ......chard Rhodes ; The Chicago Pile-I: the first chain re...... Proceeding in the dark / General......Robert Jungk ; The Los Alamos pri......obert Serber ; These were very great men indeed / R......c director for the special labora......tic warrior of the first rank / R......t. S. Norris ; The biggest S.O.B. / Colonel Kenn...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Desire under the elms : first published in Great Britain by Jon......n Cape in 1925 The great God Brown : first published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape in 1...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...llie McTell)(3)God Moves On The Water(Blind Wi......ting On Top Of The World(Mississi......e Blues(Willie Brown)(18)Johnson Ci......nce Greene)(19)The Great Change In Me(Reverend Gary Da...
- Alternative TitleThe rough guide to country blues
- Alternative TitleThe rough guide to country blues
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...Time?(2)Out on the Rolling Sea(3)Down by the Riverside(4)Bimini Gal(5)The Crow(6)In and the Woman(8)Give M......e Jerusalem(10)Brown Skin Girl(11)The Glory of Love(12)Great God What Do I See and Hear?(13)Th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAn analysis of Christopher R. Browning's Ordinary ......talion 101 and the final solution......of Max Weber's the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capi......rlo Ginzburg's the Night battles ......arian cults in the 16th anf [i. e......sis of Plato's the Republic An an......An analysis of Theodore Levitt's ......avid Riesman's the Lonely crowd : a study of the changing Ameri......ed W. Crosby's the Columbian exch......ues Rousseau's The social contrac......s, and steel : the fate of human ......John Rawls's A theory of justice ......ric Hobsbawm's the Age of revolut......etty Friedan's the Feminine mysti......hard Dawkins's the Selfish gene An analysis of J...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe Emperor Jones The "hairy ape."--All God's chillun got ......s Desire under the elms "Marco Millions."--The great god Brown Lazarus laughed Strange inter...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ays work--over the centuries Carey tells the stories behind the world's greatest poems, from the oldest survivi......e our views of the world, such as...... makes a poem "great" in the first place. T......nes a light on the richness and variation of the world's poems--and the elusive quality that makes them all the more enticing
- ContentsGods, heroes and monsters : The Epic of Gilgam......tal masters of the Middle Ages : ......aucer Poets of the seen world and the unseen : The Gawain poet, Poetry from the world beyond : John Milton The Augustan age :......son, Goldsmith The other Eighteenth poetry : Goethe, Heine, Rilke ......kin, Lermontov Great Victorians : Tennyson, Browning, Clough, Ar......zabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Bron......kinson Shaking the foundations : ...... New voices at the end of an era ......pling, Hopkins The Georgian poets......ence Poetry of the First World Wa......nclair, McCrae The great escapist : W.B. Yeats I...
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. "Anna Christie." Beyond the horizon. The Emperor Jones. The hairy ape. The great god Brown. The Straw. Dynamo.......ilderness! All God's chillun got ......ed. Diff'rent. The first man. Gol....... Desire under the elms. Lazarus laughed. The fountain. The moon of the Caribbees. Bou......t for Cardiff. The long voyage home. In the zone. Ile. Where the cross is made. The rope. The dreamy kid. Before breakfast.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"This Wilderness edition of the Plays of Eugene O'Neill print...
- Related MaterialThe plays of Eugene O'Neill
- Periodical TitleThe plays of Eugene O'Neill
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...d / Joseph LOH The world from the waterline / Pe......ver : Japan in the early European......Mihoko Mapping the margins of Jap......Ronald P. TOBY The creators and context of the oldest maps of the Ryukyu kingdom...... WATANABE Miki The introduction o......SATOH Ken'ichi The European caree....../ MATSUI Yōko The arms and legs of the realm / Consta......IS Visualizing the political, monks, and their two sovereig......ESUGI Kazuhiro The urban landscap......Ronald P. TOBY The social landsca......cturing maps : the "rare and wond......s rendering of the divine Mount : traces of the gods in Akita / Anne WALTHALL...
Other Libraries in Japan