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National Diet Library
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)Asia Pacific Institute of Research APIR
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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ry focusses on the interplay between the development of institutions and the generation and diffusion of knowledge-based technologies. The author challenges the view that Euro......history before the Industrial Rev...... by population growth outstripping a......s instead that the limiting factor was the knowledge needed for tec......ons which were the basis for the unprecedented ......s and economic growth of the nineteenth and......sed to explain growth and stagnation as well as the convergence of income over ti...... understanding of the subject. This is the only textbook students will n...
- Contents...nomic history? The making of Europe Europe ......tion, economic growth and resource constraints The nature and extent of economic growth in the pre-industrial......stitutions and growth Knowledge, technology tr......e, tariffs and growth / Karl Gunnar ......and Paul Sharp The era of political economy : from the minimal state to the Welfare State in the twentieth century Inequality ...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Contents...ecommendations The evolving role of advisory, trai......measures Types of advisory servi......aluating green growth initiatives in......e Investing in knowledge to support environmentally-fr...
- Title HeadingOECD green growth studies. 2222-9515
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- and history of American Cold ......ow Rebooting professional anthropology in the postwar world After the shooting war: ......seminars, and other Cold War, debt, and other Cold War weapons of the strong interme......culations with the National Secur......ropologists at the CIA: careers c......buying a piece of anthropology C......eldwork within the intelligence u......urgency dreams The AAA confronts ......elligence uses of disciplinary knowledge Anthropologica......surgency in Southeast Asia Anthro......olution within the AAA Untangling......rrent dual use themes.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book promotes the creation of advanced knowledge-based economie......n networks and the continuous development of human capital ...... insights into the growing emergence of knowledge-based industries of the Asia Pacific, ......arch on: modes of creativity and......tual property; the components of national innov...... and training; knowledge and technical ......public policy. The Asia Pacific r......s currently in the process of transforming from being the manufacturing centre of the global economy to a centre of innovation for the knowledge economy, with the successful IPO of Alibaba in 201...... prime example of this shift. From a neo-Schump...
- Contents... Innovation in the Asia Pacific, ......y) Chapter 2.- The Market Valuation of Innovation: The Case of Indian Manufac...... (Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi) Chapter......China, Di Guo (The University of Hong Kong) Cha...... Innovation in the Asia-Pacific: (University of New South Wale......erian Analysis of Innovation Advance in the Asia Pacific, ......apter 6 A Tale of Two Cities: In......ter 7 Economic Growth, Patent Race, and the Distribution of R & D Firms, (University of California, Be......ks and Sources of Destructive In......e Case Studies of path-breaking ......nd Performance of Publicly Funded R & D Consort...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Although Asia has been the world engine of economic growth since World War II, growth rates have dif...... sharply among the countries of the region. Still,......ed some degree of growth limitation. Japan is facing the crucial issue of a quickly agin......und to face in the near future to......elatively high growth rates, is deal...... an exhaustion of its export-led growth model based on......tries in spite of huge increases......roductivity in the agricultural sector, the main reason be......ion focuses on the policies - at the macroeconomic ......trategies - at the micro-meso to overcome the limits to growth in a post-gl...
- Contents...: examplesfrom the EU's East and Southeast Asia Contro......d coordination of Chinese subsid...... Understanding the evolution of the world trade ne......U enlargement: the impact on agri......n countries to the EU market - a ......learn in terms of sustainability? Does knowledge interaction challenges The Great East Jap......tuation Impact of the Trump administration on the economies of the greater China region Microfinance in Southeast Asia: the case of Vietnam over the period 2005-2015 Staffing of French MNCs in Asia: the roles of long-term expa......all conclusion of the book.
National Diet Library
- Contents...velopment, and the internally dis......amir Kumar Das The organization of the political and ......ts An analysis of policies on the migration of rural labor / ......: dealing with the political and ......peed: analysis of the social impact ......nghai speed" : the development sy......nd social cost of urban The gosikhurd and ...... gorges dams : the social cost of energy State s......d resettlement knowledge : the Gosikhurd dam ......alion Analysis of the social implications of the three gorges d......ina : analysis of the interest expre......s : an account of the first case linked to the thre...
Growth and welfare in advanced capitalist economies : how have growth regimes evolved? First edition
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book takes stock of the major faced since the early 1990s and the responses by governments to them
- ContentsPart I: The evolution of growth regimes and st......egies Tracking the transformation of growth regimes in Palier How growth strategies evolve in the developed demo...... Hall European growth models before and after the Great recessio......l variation in growth models: Three sources of extra demand /......convergence in the Eurozone / Fri......harpf Part II: The politics of growth strategies Transitions to the knowledge economy in Ger......y, Sweden, and the Netherlands / Kathleen Thelen Growth strategies and......Strategies for growth and employment...... equality, and the welfare state ......Wren Part III: Growth strategies and welfare progra...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe global economy......ountries 1950: the start of a remarkable c......y Static views of a changing wor......war changes in the global economy The origins of the global economy Economic growth Common questions about the developing world and the global economy......Sustained high growth in the developing world The high growth developing countries in the post-war period The opening of the global economy Knowledge transfer and catch-up growth in developing ......d and catch-up growth The internal dynamics of sustained high growth Key internal ingredients of sustained high growth recipes Openin...... up : an issue of speed and sequencing The Wash...
National Diet Library
- ContentsKnowledge, technology, a...... cluster-based growth in Africa : fi......1 case studies of enterprise Zhihua Zeng The Suame manufact......r in Ghana / Catherine Nyaki Adeya The Kamukunji meta......jeri Kinyanjui The Lake Naivasha ......e Ochieng Bolo The Nnewi automoti......Oluyomi Abiola The Otigba compute......Musonda with Catherine Nyaki Adey......Oluyomi Abiola The Lake Victoria ...... Rose Kiggundu The textile and cl....../ Rojit Sawkut The wine cluster i......d David Kaplan The Western Cape textile and clot...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...-- Congresses. Knowledge management -- United States -...
- Note (General)...cosponsored by the National Commi......reneurship and the Kennedy was held at the Kennedy School......1"--Editor's acknowledgements. Related URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest findings in the area of information te......evelopment and the development of knowledge societies"--Provided by publi...
- ContentsWhy the already difficult task of identifying sources of growth has become eve......on foundations of sustainable so......conomists from the Shanghai exper......onceptualising the 'technology-de......dia / Sam Wong The influences of savings and in......evelopment and the role of information te......ani Developing the financial infr......arket economy: the role of credit rating ......enness promote growth in South Asia ......nging contours of Indian investm......conomic groth? The underdeveloped......rical analysis of indices and factors of ICT use by sma......ine Evaluating the internal capab......ernal linkages of the Philippine IT-enabled ser...
National Diet Library
- ContentsRole of knowledge in the transformation of Asia / Lee Hsi...... Understanding the politics of knowledge : the Asian perspect......ree speech and knowledge : the human rights c......ty Konwledge : the driver of economic growth / Danny Quah Commerce vs the common conflicts over the commercialisation of biomedical knowledge / Nikolas Rose......Nicholas Stern The changing politics of religious knowledge in Asia : the case of Indonesia / John T. Sidel.
- Subject HeadingKnowledge, Sociology of -- Political aspects -- Congr...
- Note (General)"This book is the outcome of the fourth LSE Asia Forum which the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) co-h...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The entire planet ...... to Asian and other emerging markets to sustain growth momentum as tr......nal markets in the USA and Europe struggle with the slow and arduous processes of deleveraging after the global financial crisis. At the same time, there is growing r......n in Asia that the sources of growth must shift to sustain their own growth momentum in the years ahead. H......vy reliance on the region's high ......tiful supplies of low-cost labou......rds increasing the human capital ......forces capable of contributing to productivity growth and innovation......future drivers of growth. Human Capital......n and Economic Growth in Asia and the Pacific focus...
- ContentsHuman capital formation and growth / Wendy Umar Boodoo The skills of "tigers" / Emm......cumulation and growth / Been-Lon Che...... Bruce Chapman The changing's new stage of development / ......t and economic growth in Malaysia an......thony Patrinos Knowledge diffusion through good knowledge governance / Thomas Menkhoff and Hans-Dieter Evers The quest for fore...... Labrecque, Heather Kincaide and Mikhail Iturral...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction : power, knowledge and the social construction of climate change......tive Measuring the domestic salience of international ...... Loren R. Cass The Netherlands' climate......: constructing themselves/constru......y E. Pettenger The rise of Japanese : balancing the norms : economic growth, energy effici......change norms : the US in the early 2000s / discourses of green governme......existence : on the territorialization of climate policymaking / Matthew Paterson and ......on? : problems of knowledge in climate dec......sen Disrupting the global discourse of climate change : the case of ...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...