Search results 37
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... Discourses on the Law 1. 'She brings up healthy children for the homeland' : mo......changes within the community publ......status law and the quest for Leba......mily' means in the Islamic Republ...... 4. Rethinking the difference bet......l and informal marriages in Egypt / Na...... Discourses of the Law 5. Waiting......rt reform, and the ethnography of......s in Syria / Esther van Eijk 7. Maktub : an ethn...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...p "Printed for the use of the Committee on Finance."
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsGoing inside the healthy marriage classroom Rati......e: reconciling the modern marriage dilemma throug......illed love and the marriage gap Intimate i......d commitments: the marriage gap in a middle-class marriage culture The missing "M-wor......en, money, and marriageability: promot...... responsible fatherhood through m......inequality and the limits of skills.
- Subject Heading...United States. Marriage--United States. Family policy...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ansformed over the past three dec......ds. A third of the nation's birth......are to unwed mothers, and a third......earn less than their wives. With ......itating before they turn thirty visibility, there couldn't be ......conceptions of marriage and family as they are being formed. --from pub...
- Contents...erspectives on marriage. Historical an......erspectives on marriage / Arland Thornton Marriage and family : the evolutionary e......Gender lens on marriage / Paula Englan......ndividualistic marriage : a social psy......eing : trends, theories, and evid...... Reconsidering the association between stepfather families and ......bians : beyond the current resear....... Romero Strengthening marriage. Supporting healthy marriage : designing a marriage education demo......plications for healthy marriages / Michael P. ......nson Future of marriage. Growing importance of marriage in America / S......Nock Future of marriage and the state : a proposal / ...
- Subject HeadingMarriage -- United States. Families --...
National Diet Library
- Contents...azines? Who Is the Modern Woman? ......I Magazines in the Making The Press and the Legacy of the Past The Emergence of a......w Public Space The Harbingers of ......tion Rates and the Struggle for S......t, Kayhan, and the Press Lords Fr......echnology, and the Modern Culture and the New Bi-Hejab Girl Gender and the Generation Gap The Subjugating Fr......y: Sound Mind, Healthy Body From ''Sp......g and Country: The Revolutionary ......ain Drain, and the Western Woman ...... International Marriages Migration of ......Devaluation of the Foreign-Educated Iranian The Iranian Man and Female ''Others'' Queen, Working Mother, an...
- Note (Content)Between the 1963 'White Revolution' and the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the position of wo...... reforms which the Pahlavi regime...... would advance the position of wo......dernisation of the country. In th......aavur examines these changes, looking at the interactions b......By focusing on the history of Ira......umptions about the complexities o......gazines within their broader econ......esentations of the modern woman i...... influenced by the intricate natu......tween Iran and the West.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....m antiquity to the present day, the book focuses on the Mediterranean, America and their empires. It ......n' ...replaced the old 'generation'..."--inside ...
- Contents...c fertility in the ancient near e......populations in the classical worl......ent family and the law / Parkin, ......mming Debating the soul in late a......ed fetuses and healthy children in scholastic theology, medicine......d analogies in the anatomy of gen......resemblance in the old regime / D...... Generation in the Ottoman world ......k Linnaeus and the love lives of ......iopolitics and the invention of p......usnock, Andrea Marriage and fertility ......olonialism and the emergence of racial theories / Mazzoli......, pharmacy and the reproductive sciences / Gaudi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Profiles the world's most than 100 of their biggest idea...... human rights; the effects of globalization; the role of institutions; and the rise of urban living in moder...
- Contents...s never marked the end of a natio...... Auguste Comte The Declaration of......lation to half the human race / H......riet Martineau The fall of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat ar...... Society, like the human body, ha......́mile Durkheim The iron cage of r......t Mills Pay to the most commonplace activities the attention acco......arfinkel Where there is power there is resistanc......tion for which there is no origin......broadly accuse the bourgeoisie of......iedrich Engels The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line / W.E.B. DuBois The poor are excluded from the ordinary living patterns, cus...
National Diet Library
- Contents...teration About the editor Introdu......inciples" from the Progressive 4. "The assembly of Mu......tatement" from The Assembly of America 5. "The assembly of Mu...... fatwa against the Danish media a......overnment over the cartoon crisis......h Al-Sawy from the Assembly of Mu......a 6. "Clash of the uncivilized : insights on the cartoon contro......d Shakir, from The Zaytuna Instit......e 7. "Fiqh and the Fiqh Council o......eLorenzo, from The Fiqh Council o......Alalwani, from The Fiqh Council who live in the West" from Isl......d Answers 11. "They allow mixing in the mosque because they want peop...
- Alternative TitleIslam in the United States
- Alternative TitleIslam in the United States
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingWrench, Guy Theodore, 1877-1954
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....uable guide to the arguments both......lished in 1896 the handbook has b......topics such as the right to posse......clear weapons, the bailing out industries, the protection of ...... languages and the torture of sus......sible motions. The introductory e......ique, covering the rules, structu......ssful speaker. The book is then divided into eight thematic sections, where specific...
- Contents...ophy/political theory Anarchism A...... Censorship by the state Civil di......, existence of the Utilitarianism......, abolition of the Democracy, imp......, expansion of the Contents note ......ns, failure of the United Nations......, abolition of the Failing compan......isation of Gay marriage, legalising of......retirement age Marriage National ident......prohibition of the Women fighting on the front line (F)......rts funding by the state, aboliti......rovision of by the state Performa...... regulation of the Privacy of pub......rt, regretting the commercialisat......s punished for the behaviour of f......, abolition of the Judges, election of Jury tria...
- Note (General)The English-Speaking Uion.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialHaworth marriage and the family
- Periodical TitleHaworth marriage and the family
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialHaworth marriage and the family
- Periodical TitleHaworth marriage and the family
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Heinemann series on sex educa...
- Periodical TitleThe Heinemann series on sex educa...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ence assembles the current knowledge base on the scope and phen......derstanding of the entrenched soc......ctimizers, and the experiences of......ehabilitation. These powerful dis......tions found at the intersections ......g of topics in the Handbook: An o......fficking: core therapeutic tasks.......ouse (C-SAFE). The Handbook of Se......researchers in these and related fields. Public ...
- Contents... a sustainable theory of human tr......aura Dryjanska The concept of cho......d and arranged marriages / Natalie Sar......ploitation and the shattering of ......ckers: who are they? / Nancy M. S....../ Joann Alicea The SAFESCHOOLS Sk......ce-based psychotherapy programs f......t and Survivor Therapy Empowermen......ker Rebuilding healthy sexual lifesty......fficking: core therapeutic tasks ...... of transition the Safe Village P......ficking around the world / Chelse......trafficking in the UK: an overview / Mackenzie L...
National Diet Library
- ContentsNature of the investigation The city selected The historical setting The dominance of g......get its living The long arm of the job Why do they work so hard The houses in whic......ddletown lives Marriage Child-rearing ......o go to school The things childre......hose who train the young School "......making leisure The organization observances The machinery of g......rnment Keeping healthy Caring for the unable Getting information Th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related from family therapy : experiences The residential yo......based approach Therapy with treat......odel Between fathers and sons : c...... narratives in the development of men's lives The practical practice of marriage and family therapy : things m......told me Family therapy and mental......innovations in theory and practice Together through thick......e of long-term marriages Developing healthy stepfamilies :...... families tell their stories Wome......-focused brief therapy : its effe......: problems and therapy Adolescents and their families : a......d intervention Therapeutic intervention with poo...
- Alternative TitleHaworth marriage & the family
- Alternative TitleHaworth marriage & the family
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ry about you : the facts you want......ound facts and healthy attitudes towards sex and marriage Sex facts and attitudes
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...tology : a new theory of everythi......rosis London : the unique city A history of the United States The growth of the United States ......ics England in the seventeenth ce......illa warfare : the countryside version The origins and gr...... Archaic Egypt The Dead Sea scrol...... a reappraisal The Israel-Arab re......ary history of the Middle East conflict The floating repub...... an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 religion The comprehensive school The struggle for the Middle East : the Soviet Union and the Middle East, Defoe to the Victorians : t......o centuries of the English novel Against our wil...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...rty to seventy The silent majorit......of emotionally healthy college studen......omen and girls The silent dialogue : a study in the social psychol......tion Issues in the classification......smanagement in the human service ......l observations The leadership pas......and values : a theory of organiza......e Self-help in the human services......r child care : the changing role ......lopment Behind the front page Mod......manistic psychotherapy Working mothers : [an evaluative review of the consequences f......cial status in the city Community......posium held at the University of ......g programs for therapy, problem prevention, and ...