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National Diet Library
- Note (General)First edition published in 2017 as: Malaysia who's who in politics & the judiciary.
- Alternative TitleMalaysia : politics & judiciary Malaysia politics and judiciary
- Alternative TitleMalaysia : politics & judiciary Malaysia politics and judiciary
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...g new ground : the first women on......ave women made the most strides? ......ions influence the appointment of women to high ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ppeared before the Supreme Court ...... women between the ages of ten and fifty (the ages of menstr......tion) entering the Sabarimala tem......l (Jain 2019). The Sabarimala tem......of worship for the Hindu deity Lo......king it one of the world's largest sites of annu...
- Contents...breviations 1. The feminisation of the judiciary in the Asia-Pacific : the challenges of ......du 2. 'To join the bench and be 4. Women in the Thai judiciary : obstacles an......arah Bishop 5. The promise and pa......omen judges in the judiciary in Indonesia / judges and their role in adva......ndependence in the Philippines / ......male judges in the Malaysian Shariah judiciary : promises to ......r 8. Gender on the bench matters ......ining women in the judiciary of Nepal through the lens of mobili...... 9. Feminising the Indian judiciary : the gender gap and the possibilities of objectivity ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIn medias res: the cases The resolution of ......ontribution to the resolution of multicultural c...
National Diet Library
- Summary, independent judiciary is indispensable for the very existence......alues, such as the observance of the rule of law and respect for the human rights ensure that the judiciary's interpretation of the law is not bound by the will of the executive and ......s able to call the executive to a...... by protecting the life as well as liberty of the governed, it i......rantee, among other things, a tra......ppointment and the security of tenure of the judges. Taking into account the importance of an independent judiciary in a democratic society, the framers of the Constitution o......, following in the footsteps of the framers of t...
- Contents1. Introduction 2. The Principle of J......Recognition in the Constitution o......adesh, 1972 3. The Method of Appointment of the Judges of the Supreme Court (SC) under the Constitution o......adesh, 1972 4. The Intrusion of E......siderations in the Appointment of the Chief Justice and the Other Judges of the Supreme Court ...... Bangladesh 5. The Guarantee of S......y of Tenure of the Judges of the Supreme Court under the Constitution o......adesh, 1972 6. The Functioning of the Supreme Judicial Council, the Changes Introduced to the Method of Remo......l of Judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh 7...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book examines how the judicializatio...... politics, and the politicization......cally assesses the phenomena of j......iticization of the judiciary. It explores the rising impact ...... perspectives. The book also addresses the challenges to ......acksliding and the mushrooming of populist const...
- ContentsDemocracy and Courts beyond the Ideological Ba......ering courts : The Interrelations......d Judges Speak the Same Language?......terpretation : The Role of Judges......ty of Rights : the Italian Consti...... Monica Bonini The Negative Legis...... Power Games : the Bulgarian Case......elov Courts in the Constitution m......os Kouroutakis The Least Dangerou......onal Courts in the Context of di Gregorio The Use of the EU Infringemen......otect De Facto the Rule of Law via the Development of the Parameter : Fr......igations under the Treaties to the Charter of Fundamental Rights...
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleMalaysia : who's who in politics and the judiciary Who's who in politics & the judiciary
- Alternative TitleMalaysia : who's who in politics and the judiciary Who's who in politics & the judiciary
National Diet Library
- Contents...nd Gábor Dobos The Czech constitu......arína Šipulová The German federal......ver W. Lembcke The Hungarian cons...... Attila Gyulai The Polish constit......ference beyond the veil of activi......nder-Jeziorska The Romanian const....../ Csongor Kuti The Slovak constit......tional court : the third legislat......rts compared : the practice of constitutional ad...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe law and the judiciary in Pakistan : ......tanding Law in the era of capital......980s) A strong judiciary in a "weakening state" (the 1990s) Good governance by the judiciary : the 2000s Some theoretical implications.
- Related MaterialInternational law and the global south : perspectives from the rest of the world
- Periodical TitleInternational law and the global south : perspectives from the rest of the world
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...esearch design The national ombudsman System of the Dutch courts I......n of ombudsmen-judiciary relations in the Netherlands Case coo......of ombudsmen - judiciary relations in the Netherlands? Normati......n of ombudsmen-judiciary relations in the Netherlands? The Parliamentary ombudsmen and the local governme......n of ombudsmen-judiciary relations in E......n of ombudsmen-judiciary relations in E......n of ombudsmen-judiciary relations in England The European ombudsmen The Court of Justice of the European Union......n of ombudsmen-judiciary relations in the EU Case coordi......n of ombudsmen-judiciary relations in the EU? Normativ...
- Subject HeadingOmbudspersons--Netherlands. Ombudsp......ies. Courts--Netherlands. Courts--England. Court...
- Note (General)Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universiteit U...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- emotions : the case of Rosalie Wahl and the Minnesota Supr......s and women on the federal bench Gender on the agenda : lessons from the United Kingdom......presentation : the European Court of Justice Bac...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe puzzle of judi......ution building The early republic......reorganization The Civil War and ...... : empowerment The Gilded Age and the Progressive Er...... restructuring The interwar and New Deal years :...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...and dissent at the Supreme Court ......tive : OR how otherness colours y......mily judges in the city of Buenos......ohen Women and the judiciary in Syria : appointments proce...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Women, Judging and the Judiciary examines debat......resentation in the judiciary and the importance of ...... fresh look at the role of the (woman) judge and the process of jud......ew analysis of the assumptions wh......a more diverse judiciary, and how we Through a theoretical engagement with the concepts of di......n, Judging and the Judiciary contends that ......ling images of the judge are enme...... familiar that their grip on our ......erstandings of the judicial role to confront these instinctive images of the judge and of at a price. They exclude those......mould, setting them up as challengers to the jud...
- ContentsPositioning the woman judge De......g diversity in the legal professi......esentations of the woman judge : revisiting the little mermaid......Difference and the default judge Making the argument for judicial diversi...
National Diet Library
- ContentsTheorising the relationship between the judiciary and the legislature in the EU internal ma......e to protect : the pursuit of non......legislation in the Court of, courts and the unfair terms d......oline Cauffman The unfair commerc......Amandine Garde The EU media market and the interplay between the legislature and the judiciary / Dimitrios Doukas The EU social secu......erplay between the EU legislature and judiciary / Herwig Versc......chitecture and the accommodation ......ire Kilpatrick The interactions between the legislature and the judiciary in EU external......omic context : the dynamic relationship of the l...
- Subject HeadingCourt of Justice of the European Communities. Politic...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction The origins of Cen......odology during the Cold War Insti...... changes after the collapse of co......d : overcoming the concept of lim......ns. Rethinking the future of the central european judiciary.