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- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Study and tea......hers--Training of--Japan. Motiva......cation--Japan. Language and culture--Japan.
National Diet Library
- Contents... different key The novel(s) in the novel: modernism as parody of popular realism "The truth is you'r......tural critique Self-indulgent philosophies of the Weimar Period: the use and abuse of neoempiricism ......neo-Kantianism The hunchback of "heaven": anti-semitism and the failure of humanism "An impudent choir of croaking frogs": Freud and the Freudians as the novel's secret sharers Neither Adorno nor Lukács: Canetti'...
- Title HeadingUniversity of North Carolina studies in the Germanic languages and literatures ; no. 124
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsTechnology past and present: the history of call and techn......ncast delivery of feedback on wr......nning Japanese language students: an alternative to the "red pen" / Nina Langton The pedagogical value of web-based readings in the JFL classroom ......arning. Impact of lexical catego......cting Japanese language learners in the United States ......n and analysis of call programs ......m for Japanese language learning: its ......o analyses for language teaching / Sae...... Homma, and Matthew Lanigan How a self-learning in and out of the classroom / Ka...... online games. The effective use of a 3D virtual world in a JFL c...
- Subject HeadingJapanese language--Study and tea......kers. Japanese language--Computer-assisted instructio...
- Related MaterialSecond language acquisition
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Contents... L2 phonology. the perception and production of Arabic lexical......inese learners of Arabic: a usag......ary Production of modern standar......ative speakers of American Engli......and production of Arabic consona...... Asmaa Shehata The perception and production of Arabic consona......trasound study of emphatics and ......nd Jeff Mielke The L2 acquisition of modern standar...... investigation of L2 Arabic voca......fferent levels of Arabic language learners / Oll......lchi L2 Arabic of morphosyntax. The acquisition of resumptive pro...... how do second language learners of Arabic do it? ...... learners' use of word order and subject-verb a...
- Subject HeadingArabic language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers. Second language acquisition.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... 1800: Through the Veil of poetry 1900: L......xicography and the self Grasping at straws Conclusion...
- Subject HeadingMultilingualism--South Asia. Language and languages. Historical l......a. South Asia--Languages. Historical linguistics. Mul...
- Related MaterialSouth Asia across the disciplines
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book offers insights f......nt research on the development of knowledge, ski......ompetencies in language teaching and l......second/foreign language acquisition. It presents theoretical framew......plications for language education. It ......approaches for the teaching and learning of languages"--
- ContentsTaking the critics to task: the case for task-......lis Developing self-regulated learning in the language classroom / An......nce in foreign language education: cul......tegic learning of pragmatics / N......aces? a survey of Singaporean bu......tsuko Ishihara The effects of first language on the description of motion events:......anese learners of English and Hu......reading stages of Chinese as a foreign language / Sun-A Kim competence: the role of handover in sc......development in the study-abroad context: impact of a cross-cultur......d program / Matthew T. Apple and ...... Quinn Effects of digital storytelling on Japan...
- Subject HeadingSecond language acquisition. Language and languages--Study and teaching.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ce and feeding the city Onjo Akio......ommodification of the Asian and construction of Japan's self-image Mori Mas...... and practices of the Kyoto school of Japanese geopo......mi 著 Influence of colonial urban......toric district of Paris Aramata ......g geography in the open air Shimazu Toshiyuki 著
- Related MaterialJapanese contributions to the history of geographical thought
- Periodical TitleJapanese contributions to the history of geographical thought
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This longitudinal study of motivation in ......ssful learners of English and languages other than English ......into long-term language learning motiv......on. It reveals the various factor......stain multiple language learning and s...... understanding of motivation beyond the recent theorizing of L2 motivation"--
- ContentsPart I: Contextualizing the Study: 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Backgr....... Growing Body of LOTE Motivatio......Japan Part II: The Empirical Study: 5. The Study 6. The Early Days: English Self-Instruction Us...... 8. Broadening the Horizons: (Re-......ualism or Not? Language and Academic S......s 9. What Does Language Mean to the Interviewees, in the End? Language Learning beyon...... Reflecting on the Method: Advant......and Challenges of Longitudinal C......w Prompts in Professional Work (to Shion) Appen...
- Subject HeadingLinguistic informants--Japan Language and languages--Study and te......--Japan Second language acquisition--J......ucation--Japan Language and languages--Study and te......cation. Second language acquisition. Japan.
National Diet Library
- ContentsList of tables List of figures Acknow......edgements List of abbreviations ...... Understanding language learning motiv......ion and future self-images of Korean learner......ion and future self-images of australian lea......hat English is the first, and the next is Japane......l trajectories of Korean learner......l trajectories of Australian learners 7. Language learning motivation in Englis...
- Subject HeadingJapanese language--Study and teaching. Multilin...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book is the first to bring together a collection of recent empiric......growing number of L2 studies. The contributing from around the globe. They report on stu......m, via a range of individual and...... diverse range of student populations. As such these studies extend the scope of extant researc......on languaging. The findings of these studies prov...... insights into the language learning can afford language learners in di......texts but also the factors that may impact on these opportunities. As such the book promises to be of relevance and ......esearchers and language teachers"--
- Contents...r García Mayo The role of L1 use by high-proficiency learner......rimental study of L1 languaging ......age and second language learners in the Spanish language classroom : op...... Talking about language : L2 learners' use of metalinguistic......kin Talking to self while writing : second-language writers' langu......2 learning and the frequency and quality of written' processing of written correc......edback : depth of processing via......Criado Effects of written langua......Miri Exploring the mediating role of emotions expressed in L2 writ...
- Subject HeadingSecond language acquisition. Language and languages--Study and teaching--Foreign...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book showcases the experiences of researchers co......onal contexts. The chapters prese......tical examples of how complexity......ncing evidence of why a complexi......onceptualizing the psychology of language learners and teachers"--
- dynamics in language learning psych...... timescales in the emergence of feelings in the L2 classroom /......n Working with the complexity of language learners' emot......ed systems and their interactions......dynamic WTC in the classroom / Researching the complexity of silence in second language classrooms / L......s-on : learner self-concepts, research : the case of exploratory pr......h' research on the psychology of L2 listening /......h to exploring the learning trajectories of language learners and t...... complexity in language classes : a re...... complexity in the L2 classroom / Christine Muir...
- Subject HeadingLanguages, Modern--Stud......aspects Second language acquisition--P......m environment. Languages, Modern--Stud......cation. Second language acquisition--Psychological as...
National Diet Library
- ContentsVolume 1. Chapter 1. Language Assessment of Action/Verb Pr......alysis through the Multilevel Mod......aria Teresa Carthery-Goulart, Hen......nta Parente, Professor at the Federal University of ABC, Brazil, and others Chapter 2. Prevalence of Speech and Language Disorders: Ide......and Outcome at the Learning Disab......rero, Ph.D., Professor at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain, and others Chapter 3. Language Development as a Marker of Normal Brain D......, TX, US, and others Chapter 4. Atypical Language Development an......: Meeting Body Language Challenges in ......Backgrounds in the Australian Higher Education C...
- Title HeadingLanguages and linguistics series.
National Diet Library
- ContentsRussian immigration: the third wave Theoretical framew......digal children of Mother Russia: backg......ulture: change of the cultural perce......vism In search of self: self-identification......dentity: sense of belonging Language change and language maintenance.
- Subject HeadingLinguistic minorities. Language maintenance. C......a (Federation) Language and culture. Auswanderung. Li...
- Title HeadingContributions to the sociology of language ; 99.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... diversity and the foundations of cultural, soci...... well-being 1. The role of statistics in ...... interface and the pedagogies of discomfort and......rceptions from the republic of Sakha ( Indigenous languages and cultures ......ria) 5. Voices of the forests, voices of the streets: popul...... (Yakutia), Northeast Siberia 6. ......isplacement on the Kola Peninsula......n extreme case of a common pract......ons Section 2. The fundamental importance of land, territor......rial rights in the Russian North ...... Comprehending the mandate and interactions of land tenure re......rk, Norway 11. The Girjas Case court proceedings...
- Note (Content)This handbook brings together the expertise of Indigenous scholars to offer a comprehensive overview of issues surrounding the well-being, self-determination ......sustainability of Indigenous peoples in the Arctic.Offering climate and the loss of biodiversity. It furthers our understanding of the Arctic experie......but thrive, in the planet's harsh......limate through their innovation, conditions. The book is struct......enous peoples. The first part examines the diversity of Indigenous peoples and their cultural expressions in the different Arct......lso focuses on the well-being of Indigenous peop...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of indigenous peoples in the Arctic
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This resource covers the entire spectrum of psychology, in......otable people, theories and terms......; applications of psychology in advertising, me...
- Contents...erican Academy of Child and Adol...... Archetype Art therapy Attribution theory Authoritari...... Bayley scales of infant and tod......ation Behavior therapy Behavioris......r depth cues Biofeedback Catharsis Cathexis Cattell, Ja......, Kenneth Bancroft Clark, Mamie ......lient-centered therapy Clinical p......ive behavioral therapy Cognitive ......logy Cognitive therapy Cognitivis......sts Criminal profiling Crisis in...... test Cutting (self-harm) Darwin, ......chanisms Delay of gratification ......mental stages, theories of Dewey, John Di......istical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) Dial...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Explores a range of disciplines, including, psych...
- ContentsSection one: Theory Evolved to ......l development: The history factor...... modelling for the simulation of affective soci......and regulation of motivated beha...... field in need of a (cognitive) ......ulation across the lifespan / Bellingtier The development of cognitive reap...... understanding The emotional expr......rentiation and language acquisition in...... understanding of emotion / Sher......cole L. Nelson The social, cognit......ffective power of humor in infan...... approaches to the study of self and social emo......'s development of emotional competence: The role of parenting / Lizet Ketelaar, J...