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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The theology of the letter to the hebrews
- Additional TitleThe theology of the letter to the hebrews
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)発売: いのちのことば社, 伝道文書販売センター (新座) 著者の肖像あり 原タイトル: Studies in the letter to the Hebrews
- Additional TitleStudies in the letter to the Hebrews
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The scholarship of......-1921), one of the founders of Is......has not ceased to be in the focus of inter......llectual trajectory together with the history of Islamic a......s reflected in the letters exchanged bet......e preserved in the Library of the Hungarian Acad......and elsewhere. The fourteen contr......ns deal with hitherto unexplored aspects of the are crucial to our understanding of the formative period of these disciplines. Contributors: Camilla Ada...... Sebastian Günther, Livnat Holtz......ataricza, Christoph Rauch, Valentina Sagaria Ro...
- Contents...dence: Mapping the DNA of Scholar...... Sebastian Günther, Sabine Schmi......Friedlaender's Letters to Goldziher / course": On the Correspondence......naz Goldziher: The Founding Father of Gesture Levy 6. On The Kiss: An Early......emitism / Christoph Rauch 8. Ara......stigationes in the Correspondence......ottschalk, and the Kitāb al-Ayma......onial Algeria: The Correspondence......Jan Thiele 11. The Goldziher Collection at the National Libra...... Goldziher and the Founders of Is......r as a Master: The Correspondence...... Dora Zsom 15. The Published Correspondence of I...
- Subject Heading...pecialists--History and criticism Arabists--History and Islam--Relat......d teaching--History--20th centur......d teaching--History--20th centur......d teaching--History--19th centur......d teaching--History--19th centur......seignement--Histoire--20e siècl......seignement--Histoire--20e siècl......seignement--Histoire--19e siècl......seignement--Histoire--19e siècl......Arabisants--Histoire et critique......nt--Europe--Histoire
The Temple in early Christianity : experiencing the sacred (The anchor Yale Bible reference library)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The first scholarly work to trace the Temple throughout the entire New Tes......tian attitudes toward the Temple in the first century ......derstanding of their respective faiths and how they grow out of t......t institution. The centrality of the Temple in New ......riting reveals the authors' negotiations with the institutional ...... of Judaism as they worked to form their own religion." -- Publisher...
- Contents... Supper Paul's letters: Temple image......tion? Q and Matthew: the Sacred Temple ......and dying with the Temple The Gospel of John......emple and Christology The Book of Revelation: the alternative Temple Hebrews: the new heavenly t...... cult based on the old one Relating to Judaism, experiencing the sacred Concluding thoughts.
- Subject Heading...Jerusalem)--In the Bible. Bible. New Testament--...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....elible part of the story of has had a rather sporadic presence in the disciplinary l......ansformations. The contemporary resurgence. The term world appears to have made a sp......ical rubric in the twenty-first c....... One hears of the 'world' all too frequently in......e as, perhaps, the most apposite ......amin's phrase 'the now of knowabi......hen certain historical periods offer just the right temporal......on for an idea to gain rhetorical currency. The term 'world' now appears to inhabit its tr......e potential as the philological and literary hom...
- of contributors to Volume I Damrosch 2. The Silk Roads of ......iterature, and the formation of I...... modernity: cartographic poesis ...... philology and the origins of wor......balism's prehistory: technologie......, and world history / Sonali Tha......n II. THINKING THE WORLD. 9. Does......rld literature to world philosop......Weltliteratur: the case of Victor Klemperer / Theo D'haen 13. Vi......n: Ireland and the world / Margar......nd echoes from the Cold War / literature to global Tamil l......Ebeling IV. CARTOGRAPHIC SHIFTS. 22. The multilingual l......nean worlds in the long Nineteenth century / Kon...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Collected Pape......ous defence of the West in the early post-war, and the dissenting adv...... in earnest in the mid-1950s. While some of the assembled writ......onism and dictatorship, others register gro......g qualms about the recklessness o......ign policy and the baneful effect......ysteria inside the United States. Whether continuing to push for a more placatory vein the folly of the Cold War's div......s, including autobiographical re......zine articles, letters to editors, radio broad......ed two lecture tours of the United States (the last of many),......ark such visit to Australia. All three of these...
- Contents... for Window on the World 2. The World as I See......] 6. Obstacles to World Governme......K. Bliss, Semantography [1950] 8...... 11. Living in the Atomic Age [1950]:......s 12. Refuting the Archbishop of ......950]: a. Reply to Dr. Mannix ; b...... 18. If We Are to Survive This D......nd [1950] 21. "To Replace Our Fe...... 23. What Does the Single Individ......fy? [1951] 24. The Future of Scie......"Living in an Atomic Age": Abstr...... Living in an Atomic Age ; c. Bl......nd Science: Is There a Gulf? [195......rld [1951] 32. The Road to Happiness (i) ......1] 33. Lecture to Young Men and ......5. My Faith in the Future [1951] 36. A Liberal D...
- Related MaterialThe collected papers of Bertrand ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsReligion and the presidency of George Washington / by Daniel L...... George Washington. Excerpts of the General Milita......t of chaplains to the Continental Ar......779 Excerpt of the letter to the United Baptist......789 Excerpt of the letter to the General Assemb......789 Excerpt of the letter to the Directors of the Society of the United Brethre......[Moravian] for the propagating of the gospel among the heathen, July 10, 178......roclamation, October 3, 1789 Excerpt of the letter to the annual meeting of Quakers, October 1789 Excerpt of the letter to the Roman Catholic......790 Excerpt of the letter to the Hebrew congrega...
- Author HeadingEspinosa, Gastón.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialBibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium
- Periodical TitleBibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.We've all asked, "What is the world coming to?" But we seldo......, "How bad was the world in the past?" In this book, the author, a shows that the past was much ......y be living in the most peaceable......of a bloody history has always b......: genocides in the Old Testament,......s who beheaded their relatives, a......ho dueled with their rivals; the nonchalant tre......ild abuse, and the extermination ......ative peoples. The murder rate in......mes what it is today. Slavery, s......for millennia, then were suddenly......s not changed? The author argues that thanks to the spread of gove......mpathize with others, bargain rather than plunde...
- Contents...y. Human prehistory ; Homeric Greece ; The Hebrew bible ; The Roman Empire a...... in Europe and the early United States ; The 20th century The Pacification Process. The logic of viole...... in human ancestors ; Kinds of h......ts discontents The Civilizing Process. The European homic......e ; Explaining the European homic......iolence around the world ; Violence in these United State......ivilization in the 1960s ; Recivilization in the 1990s The Humanitarian R......r war ; Whence the humanitarian revolution? ; The rise of empathy and the regard for human life ; The republic of letters and enlighten......Blood and soil The Long Peace. Statistics and na...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBible. N.T. Hebrews -- Commentaries
- Subject Heading (ID)Bible. N.T. Hebrews -- Commentaries
- Related MaterialThe Pillar New Testament commenta...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBible. Hebrews -- Criticism, interpretation,...
- Subject Heading (ID)Bible. Hebrews -- Criticism, interpretation,...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Oxford, 20...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Revised version of the author's thesis--Columba University, 2010 ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Bible. N.T. Hebrews -- Criticism, ......rtextuality in the Bible
- Subject Heading (ID) Bible. N.T. Hebrews -- Criticism, ......rtextuality in the Bible
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBible. N.T. Hebrews -- Criticism, interpretation,...
- Subject Heading (ID)Bible. N.T. Hebrews -- Criticism, interpretation,...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...lumns Notes on the text in Englis......d Scripture at the beginning of each lecture in ...
- Related MaterialLatin/English edition of the works of St. Thomas Aquinas
- Periodical TitleLatin/English edition of the works of St. Thomas Aquinas
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBible. N.T Hebrews -- Criticism, interpretation,...
- Subject Heading (ID)Bible. N.T Hebrews -- Criticism, interpretation,...
- Related MaterialJournal for the study of the New Testament : supplement se...