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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book chronicles the history of linguistics from the 1950s rise of ......telligence, to the current day. I...... of that rise, the relative impor......e and meaning. The dispute marks hegemony in theory and a flowe...... various ways. The rupture was between the theory of Generati......e meaning into linguistic theory, and Interp...... more focus on linguistic structure. B......t in many ways the dispute can be......George Lakoff, the most prominent voice on the more-meaning s......oam Chomsky on the numbers of linguists, often with l......ogists sharing the enthusiasm as well. Lakoff is...
- Subject HeadingChomsky, Noam Chomsky, Noam. Linguistics--History--2......rative grammar Linguistique--Histoire-......ative grammar. Linguistics.
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMultilingualism Linguistic Landscapes Qualitative Appr...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The questions "Did......uage?" and "If they did, what was......nd a half. Yet there are no answers to these questions th......ersial, making the existence and ......ts to disperse the murk by critic......istorians and other scientists behaviours. These include and burying the dead. And thre......ting big game. The book finds str......s for doubting the soundness of all the analysed infer......eing currently the best behavioural window on their linguistic powers. known about their genes and br......Viewed through the hunting window......guage employed linguistic signs resembling those of m...
- Contents...ies 6. Burying the dead 7. Leapin......11. Dispersing the murk Notes References Index
- Subject Heading...age Historical linguistics Language an......nthropological linguistics Anthropological linguistics. Historical linguistics. Language and languages--O...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLinguistic minorities--Europe--Congres...
- Note (General)...m organised by the Council of Eur......rg) in 2016 in the context of its......rights agenda. The purpose of the symposium was ......xplore some of the ways in which ......nce can inform the development an......ned to support the linguistic integration ......l'intégration linguistique des migrants adultes."--B...
- Alternative TitleIntégration linguistique des migrants adultes : le...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSign language. Linguistics. Gebärdensprache. Linguistik.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Toc / Article... 1.2 Cognitive Linguistic Viewpoint 1.......ding Appear in the Analysis 1.4.1......Development of the CPV Construction 1.4.3 The Order of Look and Appear in the Same Text 1.4.......ructions 1.4.5 The Relationship b......quirements and the Selection of L......view CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Framew......k of Cognitive Linguistics 2.2.1 Concepts of the Present Study ......tification 2.4 The Notion of Cons...... Properties of the Copulative Per...... Properties of the CPV Constructi......and Meaning of the CPV Constructi......ous Studies of the CPV Constructi...... Properties of the CPVs from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Gramma...
- Related MaterialHituzi linguistics in English
- Periodical TitleHituzi linguistics in English
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia: A Comp...... Guide surveys the indigenous lan......chapters trace the origins and expansion of the region's as well as the microfamilies ......s spoken by northern Asia's surviving hunter-gatherers. Separate ......sification and the various spread over the region. Other chapters investigate the typology of salient linguistic features of the area, includin......phologies, and the syntax of comp......movements into the Americas, the steppes, taiga...... fringes of northern Asia offer a......ting object of linguistic investigation
- Contents...nner Eurasia 1 The Turkic language family 2 The Mongolic language family 3 The Tungusic language family 4 The Samoyed langua...... Pacific Rim 7 The Yukaghir language family 8 The Yeniseian language family 9 The Amuric language family 10 The Ainuic language family 11 The Chukotko-Kamch......n Languages 12 The Eskaleut language family
- Subject Comparative linguistics--Eurasia Mandschu-Tungusis...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, coverage of the languages indi......o communities. The volume is divi......: subfields of linguistics and family sketches. The subfields incl...... prosody, sociolinguistic variation, directives, info...
- Contents...An overview of the language family 39 Dene Athab...
- Subject Heading...ica--Languages Linguistics--North Amer......́rique du Nord Linguistique--Amérique du Nord
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia: A Comp...... Guide surveys the indigenous lan......chapters trace the origins and expansion of the region's as well as the microfamilies ......s spoken by northern Asia's surviving hunter-gatherers. Separate ......sification and the various spread over the region. Other chapters investigate the typology of salient linguistic features of the area, includin......phologies, and the syntax of comp......movements into the Americas, the steppes, taiga...... fringes of northern Asia offer a......ting object of linguistic investigation
- Related MaterialThe world of linguistics
- Periodical TitleThe world of linguistics
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Companions of Iranian Languages and Linguistics
- Periodical TitleThe Companions of Iranian Languages and Linguistics
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....hree major hypotheses concerning the development glottis] to the fricative syst...... and diffusing the contact change...... fricatives in their phonological......othic, notably the occurrence of contrast to the nonoccurrence ......edial voicing, the elimination of...... strong verbs, the operation of T......sen's Law, and the apparently irr......came to define the phonological and morphologica...
National Diet Library
- ContentsLinguistic dating of bi......of scholarship The variation analysis of the Hebrew Bible corpus : the method Variability, linguistic change, and ......of changes : a theoretical assess......ebrew : a sociolinguistic analysis of the purported EBH ......eatures A sociolinguistic evaluation of the linguistic dating of biblical texts : ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ica--Languages Linguistics--North Linguistics. North America.
- Related MaterialThe world of linguistics
- Periodical TitleThe world of linguistics
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....t phenomena in the Asia Pacific region in the context of ear......y, focusing on the effects the Japanese langu......d societies in the Pacific. Beginning in the early 20th century when these islands were taken over by the Japanese Empir......ontinuing into the 21st century, the book examines changes in these loanwords wh......mental part of the lexicons of these Pacific even now in the twenty-first century. The authors examine the usage of Japan......riting some of the local language, and the Pidginoid phen......derstanding of the Japanese language's usage in the region from co...... times through the post-war period and well into...
- ContentsThe historical bac......rigin in Palau Linguistic landscapes Nan'yo and other Japanese colo......Angaur Welfare linguistics and the Japanese loanword dictionary
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies in East Asian linguistics
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLinguistic survey of Tay cultural area...
- Periodical TitleLinguistic survey of Tay cultural area...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLinguistic survey of Tay cultural area...
- Periodical TitleLinguistic survey of Tay cultural area...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Description based on the latest issue
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)English Linguistic Society of Japan ELSJ
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This second edition of The Oxford Handboo...... Computational Linguistics has been su......ed accounts of the topics covered in the first edition,...... analysis, and the application of......s, among many others.. The volume is divi...... respectively: the linguistic fundamentals...... computational linguistics; the methods and re......cognition; and the major applicat......hor profiling. The book will be a...... computational linguistics and Natural Language Proce...
- Subject HeadingComputational linguistics Linguistique informatique computational linguistics.
- Related MaterialOxford handbooks in linguistics
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics 2e provides......decade on from the first edition of the Handbook, this......uction to both the development an......ora as well as the ever-evolving ......plications to other areas, such a......manities, sociolinguistics, stylistics......ysis, forensic linguistics, second lan......n and testing. The new edition up......ters on corpus linguistics and statist......cial media and theoretical perspe......e annotated further reading lists...... wide range of themes. The Handbook also ......raw on some of the many new corpo......ave emerged in the last decade. O......ed across four themes, moving from the basic sta...
- Contents...come' : corpus linguistics, changes a corpus : the basics. Buildi......pus : what are the key considerat......pus : what are the basics? / Dawn......pus : what are the basics? / Tony......thony What are the basics of anal......e a corpus for their own research......i Using corpus linguistics to explore the language of po......r Using corpus linguistics to explore ......nd Corpora and the language of fi...... to use corpus linguistics in sociolinguistics : a case st......eritage Corpus linguistics in the study of news ...... to use corpus linguistics in forensic linguistics / Mathew Gillings Corpus linguistics ...
- Subject HeadingCorpora (Linguistics)--Handbooks, manuals, etc ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPsycholinguistics--Japan Psycholinguistique--Japon
- Related MaterialThe Mouton-NINJAL Library of Linguistics
- Periodical TitleThe Mouton-NINJAL Library of Linguistics