edited by Ochiai EmikoInternational Research Center for Japanese Studies2003.1<EC94-B3>
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editedbyOchiaiEmikoInternational resear2003.01
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- Title HeadingThe logic of female succession
OchiaiEmiko ed.byInternational Research Center for Japanese studies2003
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- Title HeadingThe logic of female succession
EmikoOchiai 編International Research Center for Japanese Studies2003.1
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- Title HeadingThe logic of female succession
OchiaiEmiko [編集] ; 国際日本文化研究センター 編集国際日本文化研究センター2003.1
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- Title HeadingThe logic of female succession
Tamara, K. Hareven国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.321-323
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International Research Center for Japanese Studies,2003.
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- Alternative Title英文書名:The Logic of Female Succession:Rethinking Patriarchy and Pat...
DRIBE, Martin, LUNDH, Christer国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.53-73
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HASHIMOTO, Hiroko国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.207-227
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GOPINATH, Ravindran国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.177-206
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ARRIZABALAGA, Marie-Pierre国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.31-52
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SHIMA, Mutsuhiko国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.247-268
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LI, Zhuo国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.229-245
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BASKERVILLE, Peter国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.129-145
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WALL, Richard国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.101-127
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UBEROI, Patricia国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.147-176
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MORING, Beatrice国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.75-100
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YAMAMOTO, Jun国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.299-319
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OCHIAI, Emiko国際日本文化研究センター2003-01-31The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilineality in Global and Historical Perspective = 女性相続の論理―世界史的視野で家父長制と父系制を再考する―19p.1-9
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