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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... life in early modern Japan. They were powerful carriers of knowledge, soc......what materials they were made were matters of serious all classes of society. In Cr......lture in Early Modern Japan, Christine M. ...... Guth examines the network of forces--both m......that supported Japan's rich, diverse, and aesthetically sophist......ulture between the late sixteenth......ies. Exploring the institutions, modes of thought, and r......r attention to the role of women in craft......knowledge, and the special place of lacquer as a m....... By examining the ways and values of making that illuminates the 'craft culture' of early mode...
- Contents...rces Picturing the early modern craftscape Craft organization...
- Subject HeadingArt, Japanese--Edo period......68 Handicraft--Japan--History Artisans--Japan--History Women artisans--Japan--History Lacqu......nd lacquering--Japan--History Art and technology--Japan--History Art j......chnology. Art, Japanese--Edo period......artisans. Art, Japanese--Edo period......8. Handicraft--Japan--History. Artisans--Japan--History. Women artisans--Japan--History. Lacq......nd lacquering--Japan--History. Art ......nd technology--Japan--History. Japan.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ceton in 1943, the collection of essays that constituted Makers of Modern Strategy has largely held the field as the key book that studied the means and ends of military power......d thought, and the historical fig...... that history. The books, in two ...... been a staple of Princeton's ba......tegic studies. The first edition,......r, emerged out of a seminar of foreign policy...... Princeton and the Institute of Advanced Study......obal conflict. The subsequent edi......y Peter Paret, then at Stanford prepared in the early 1980s an......Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. I......reprinted from the earlier book, four others wer...
- Contents... Introduction: The Indispensable Generations of Makers of Modern Strategy / Hal......s 1. Strategy: The History of an Idea / Lawr...... Polybius, and the Legacies of the Ancient World ...... 3. Sun Zi and the Search for a Timeless Logic of Strategy / Tos......achiavelli and the Naissance of Modern Strategy / Matthew Kroenig 5. The Elusive Meanin......ring Relevance of Clausewitz / H......han 6. Jomini, Modern War, and Strategy: The Triumph of the Essential / An......ayer Mahan and the Strategy of Sea Power / Jo......and Strategies of Liberal Transf......r Hamilton and the Financial Sinews of Strategy / James Lacey 10. Ec...
- Subject Heading...itary history, Modern Stratégie Art......oire militaire moderne et contemporaine
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- 内容(近代日本軍事関係文献目録)ii The Paris Peace Conference pp.109...
- Subject Heading.... Statesmen -- Japan -- Biography. Japan -- Politics and government --...
- Title HeadingMakers of the modern world (Haus Publishing, Ltd.)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Since 2013, the Annual Review of Comparative an......evelopments in the field of comparative an......nal education. The Annual Review of Comparative an......h a collection of discussion ess......tten by both professional and sc......rly leaders in the field. Topics ...... include major theoretical and me......elopments, and the diversification of comparative an......apter examines the diversity in r......ublications in the field and investigates the differences in content and re...
- Contents...crete ideas: professional associ...... as incubators of academic work ......apter 3. "Yes, there is racism in......scussion about the black experien......lor Chapter 4. The field out there: how can it ...... 6. Rethinking the 'Chinese chara......ationalization of higher education as soft power / Joe T......ting failures: the role of the global educati......s education in the 21st Century: examination of regulated and ......alytics as (re)makers of complex educat......assemblages in the EU and the CARICOM / Flor...... education and the implications f......: making sense of an emerging fi...... Reexamination of inclusive education - its dyn...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents植松竹邑(110) 生野祥雲斎,生野徳三,山口龍雲,安倍基 Japanese bamboo baskets: the visual and the visceral / Llo....../ Janet Koplos The appreciation of Chinese flower baskets in premodern Japan / Patricia J. Graham The artisan basket maker in modernizing Japan: some issues /......Hiroko Johnson The development of bamboo crafts in modern and contemporary Japan / Moroyama Mas......ori ; Works in the collection: four artistic lin...
- Subject Heading...amboo baskets--Japan. Baskets--Japan. Art--Private ......kets. Baskets. Japan.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Subject Heading (ID)Tokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Note (General)... for sub ser. "Japan": 9780415564984
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleThe maker of modern Japan : the life of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu
- Alternative TitleThe maker of modern Japan : the life of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingTokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616. Japan -- History.
- Note (General)At head of title: A. L. Sadler. Bibliogr...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingTokugawa, Ieyasu, 1542-1616. Japan -- History.
- Note (General)At head of title: A. L. Sadler. Bibliogr...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...asu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Subject Heading (ID)...asu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Note (General)Japanese title on cover: 徳川家康の生涯 Bi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Subject Heading (ID)Tokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1937 ed. published by Allen &...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...0 Statesmen -- Japan -- Biography Japan -- Politics and government --...
- Subject Heading (ID)...0 Statesmen -- Japan -- Biography Japan -- Politics and government --...
- Related MaterialMakers of the modern world
National Diet Library
- ContentsBuddhism in the arts of early modern Japan, 1600-1868 temples for the elites Temples......ers Depictions of popular deitie......ual concerns Professional icon-makers Expressions of faith Buddhist......acred sites in modern Japan, 1868-2005 Bud......s after an era of persecution, 1......Buddhist sites of worship, 1945-2005 Visualizin...
- Subject HeadingBuddhism -- Japan -- History -- ......8. Buddhism -- Japan -- History -- ......5. Buddhism -- Japan -- History -- ......s, Buddhist -- Japan.
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Subject Heading (ID)Tokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Alternative TitleThe maker of modern Japan : the life of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
- Subject Heading (ID)Tokugawa, Ieyasu, 1543-1616 Japan -- History -- Tokugawa period...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, Cultures is the first book to ......manifestosfrom the global history of cinema, providing the first historical and theoretical account of the role played by......litical and aesthetic mmanifestos......cted, yet nevertheless central history of the cinema, exploring a series of documents that...... to re-imagine the cinema and, in the process, re-imagine the world. This volume collects the major European......adical art and the avant-garde (B......aub, and many others. Thematic sections ......ary cinema, aesthetics, feminist ......nally left out of the film, such as the Motion Picture Production Cod...
- Contents...hout a future" The avant-garde(s). The futurist cinem......r Ilyich Lenin The ABCs of cinema ( WE: variant of a manifesto (U....../ Dziga Vertov The method of making workers......structivism in the cinema (USSR, ......̃uel Manifesto of the surrealists co......rance, 1930) / The Surrealist Gro...... (USA, 1933) / The editors of Experimental film Spirit of truth (France, letter to the film industry ...... interested in the evolution of the good film (Hun...... International The Lettristes disavow the insulters of Chaplin (Franc......briel Pomerand The only dynamic A statement of principles (USA, 1961) / Maya...
- Subject Heading...osophy. Filmästhetik Manifest Film Performing A...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...titles 192 microfiches 第2回配本:婦人教......titles 194 microfiches
- Related Material...ion, marriage, their sphere, infl......ghts, &c., &c. The position of woman in primi......iety : a study of the matriarchy The life of the Baroness von M...... und ihr Beruf The case for co-ed......orale publique The new housekeepe......evised edition of the American woman...... or Principles of domestic homes . together with The Handy cook-boo......on éducation professionnelle, le......hool : a study of women's educat......elve centuries The evils suffered......can children : the causes and to meetings of ladies in Cinc......New York, and other cities ; also...... an address to the Protestant clergy of the Unit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...'s English men of science Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles ......3-1734 Anatomy of the rat The painted medallions in the Sainte-Chapell......e Fontenelle : the idea of science in the French Enlight......ment Spain and the American Civil......ury, 1855-1868 The famine plot pe......century France The Imperial Library in southern Sung China, ......1279 : a study of the organization and operation of the scholarly agencies of the central govern......iam Croone, on the reason of the movement of the muscles The Nāṭakalakṣaṇaratnakośa of Sāgaranandin :......ry treatise on the Hindu theater Alhacen's theory of visua...
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philosophical Societ...
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philosophical Societ...