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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Rotating Europ......d Small Member States explores the opportunities ......dens for small states of holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. While the functions and the achievements of the Council presid......ely studied on the EU level, this book adopts the inverse and un......ed perspective of looking at the "domestic" impact of the Council presidency on the Member State, specifically small Member States. Combining ne......stitutionalist theoretical approaches under the concept of Europeanisatio......ok explores whether the Council presid......uropeanisation of national polities and politic...
- ContentsIntroduction Key Concepts and Theoretical Framew......ministrations: The Preparation and the Presidency Impact of the Council Presid......dministrations The Impact of the EU Council on National Ministers: A Quantitative Analysis of Attendance at ......uncil Meetings The Impact of the European Union......lic Opinion in the Member States: Improving Knowledge of the EU? Conclusion
- Subject HeadingCouncil of the European Union......idents Council of the European Union States, Small--Europ...... EU/EC Council of the European Union....... EU/EC Member States. Presidents States, Small--Politics and governm...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....s are composed of ministers who come and ......ents march on. They work for the chief executive, the prime minister or the president, for their parties and for the constituent from which they come. They are chosen for their role and dis...... for all sorts of reasons that v...... book examines the process of selection, and removal of ministers in national cabinets around the world. decades, it offers a series of case studies of countries from around the world with dif...... systems, some of which have exp......ok complements the earlier volume The Selection of Ministers in Europe (Routledg...
- Contents... and retaining ministerial office / Australia : ministerial characteristics in the Australian Fed...... Lewis Japan : ministerial selection a...... de-selections of ministers in a presiden......k Kang India : the selection and de-selection of cabinet ministers / Csaba Nikol......nyi Pakistan : ministerial turnover in the federal cabine......t dynamics and ministerial careers, 19......-Eren Israel : the choosing of the chosen / Ofer Kenig and Sh...... post-colonial state / Henry A. Kif......du Argentina : the ministers of the president 1983......amerlo Chile : ministerial selection a......lván Canada : ministerial careers / Matthew Kerby Un...
- Subject HeadingCabinet officers--Selection and appointm...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book traces the history of college costs from the Colonial Era to the early years of the Cold War. The author examines the normalization of tuition, scholarships, and st...
- Contents...student bodies State, city, and chu......g teachers and ministers to the shaping of the states' economies Part II. College ...
- Subject HeadingCollege costs--United States--History Educ......Higher--United States--Finance--His......nt aid--United States--History Stud...... loans--United States--History Coll...... loans. United States.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.A history of intelligence origins to the onset of the surveillance state in the digital age. "......eaking history of intelligence--......its origins in the ancient world to the onset of the surveillance state in the digital age--that lifts the veil of secrecy from t......authoritative, The Secret State skillfully examines the potential pitfalls of the traditional in......ligence cycle; the dangerous uncertainties of spies and huma......elligence; how the Cold War becam......elligence war; the technological ......hat began with the use of reconnaissance......n World War I; the legacy of Stalin's deliberate ignoring ...
- ContentsPart one: Setting the scene. A littl......ligence works: the intelligence c......e requirement, Minister?" ; On collect...... spies. Money: the Walker family'......: Ana Montes ; The one who got aw......bert Hanssen ; The grievance: Pen...... in action: Werther and the Battle of Kursk ; On int......HUMINT changed the world Part Fiv......r. On SIGINT ; The triumph of SIGINT: Midway......nce in action: the Cuban missile ......ietnam and Tet offensive ; On in......ppur ; Telling the user: Barbaros......lipped through the net: Aldrich Hazen Ames ; The Avner Smit case ; The inadequate: Br...... WikiLeaks and the appalling Assange ; Snowden, ...
- Subject Heading...itary / United States. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Intelli...
National Diet Library
- Contents...inciples Heads of state Heads of government, foreign ministers, and other senior state representative......ion after loss of office Internatio......responsibility of heads of states and other senior state representatives.
- Subject HeadingInternational law. Heads of state--Legal status, laws, etc. State governments--Officials and employees--Legal s...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... aims to strengthen cooperation a......h enhanced use of ICPO-lnterpol governments of member states use, in accor...... national law, the tools offered by Interp......rorism, namely the Global Police ......System I-24/7, the relevant databases and the real-time, ope...... as set out in the appendix to this recommendati...
- Author HeadingCouncil of Europe. Committee of Ministers.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....phy by viewing the decade of the 1960s as herme......ty treaty with the United States, to a peace treaty with the former Japanese territory of South Korea, t......apan's hosting the 1964 Summer Olympics, the 1960s in Japan was a decade of turning points. This book is the first to see the 1960s as a his......nd argues that the specificity an......nts in shaping the decade. In thi......a 1961 coup in the Republic of Korea; the Satō Eisaku a......errence and to the question of Okinawa's retu......xchange during the Cold War; supp......nesspeople for the Self-Defense Forces; the "soft power" of Japanese cinema in the 1960s;...
- Contents...orea in 1963 : the origins of the abduction issu......Araki Kazuhiro The Satō Eisaku a......Arai Takafumi "The postwar is not......lized" : Prime Minister Satō's 1965 v......xchange during the Cold War : the Shimoda Confer......sinessmen, and the self-defense forces : the growth of support networ......ilitary during the 1960s / Nakahara Masato The phantom United......ddle Power" in the 1960s / Muraka......nese cinema in the eyes of the world / Tom Mes The individual in (as) the body politic :......ns in Japan in the 1960s : the story of a 12-year-old ......n and Spain in the 1960s : intern......ngagement with the United States and internation...
National Diet Library
- Contents...tors affecting the hiring and firing of ministers / Keith and firing ministers under informa......t dynamics and ministerial careers in the French Fifth R......t al.] Italy : the difficult road......ective process of ministerial selection /...... ups and downs of ministerial careers in ......cratic federal state / Patrick Dumo......doy Portugal : the primacy of 'independents'......wedish cabinet ministers in the postwar era / ......sound? Cabinet ministers in Iceland / ......ning to rule : ministerial careers in post-communist ...
- Subject HeadingCabinet officers -- Selection and appointment -- Europe. Cabinet officers -- Europe.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroducing Denmark and the European Union......'s relation to the European Union : a history of dualism and pragmatism The internal market policy and the common agricultural policy : the normalization of EU policy-maki......rk Denmark and the euro opt-out J......ace-setter out of sync? : Danish......nce policy and the European Union Denmark and the Council of Ministers Denmark and the European Commi......ion : entering the heart of the Union Denmark and the European Parli......cts and limits of European inter......presentation : the shipping and w......ine industries The European "righ......evolution" and the (non) implementation of the c...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... how EU member states behave, what ......ant, and where the dividing line ......velops and new theoretical framew......clusions about the state of political dise......brium in which the EU operates.
- ContentsThe new intergovernmentalism and the study of European conceptions of law and politi......richt. A union of member states : state transformation and the new intergover......J. Bickerton ; The roles of law in a new i......ynamics behind the new intergovernmentalism : the continuous process of EU treaty refo......ns since 1992. The new learning in the common securit......fairs : a case of new intergover...... Sarah Wolff ; The new intergover......nstitutions in the post-Maastricht period. The European Council : the centre of new intergover...... Uwe Puetter ; The Commission and the new interg...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, Lovelock's "The Revenge of Gaia - Why the Earth Is Fight......Humanity". It, therefore, understands the Gaia concept a......rella term for the living world t......s emergence on the planet about 2......ion years ago, often with painfu......its reactions, the Earth system follows only the laws of nature. Conseq......linary variety of approaches to ......his challenge, offering philosophical considera...
- ContentsForeword List of Content List of Contributors Message from the Desk of the Bavarian State Minister of Environment an......ourney through the Book Part I: G......hts Chapter 1. The Anthropocene T......A Disaster For The Earth. Few Opt......rse Chapter 2. The Systemic Risk ......ial Perception of Uncertainty an......ics Chapter 4. The Complexity Tra...... Denialism and the Political Epistemology of Climate a Talent in the Ecological Cri......ce? Challenges of Machine Learni......rce Chapter 8. The Key Resources ......ant To Live In The Future? Chapte......isciplinary Synthesis Chapter Push-Start of a New Enlightenment in the Li...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Canada and the United States: Differences why and how the United States and Canada - ......rities look at the American and the Canadian ways of doing things. The questions they address affec......e have assumed them to be, and th......rn from one another's experiences. The fourth edition...... policy; prime ministers and presidents; and state-province compa...... changes since the third edition, including the economic meltdown of 2008, changing......ealth care and the environment."--pub. desc.
- Contents...magining each other / Stephen Bro......t trajectories of social change ...... rising costs: the new financial,......ogical context of higher educati...... in Canada and the United States / Henry Srebr......mas ; 6. Prime ministers and president...... in Canada and the United States / Michael D. ......ivisions since the 1990s / Meliss......echanisms, and the public interes......ings straight: the complex world of budgetary poli...... in Canada and the United States / Antonia Mai...... in Canada and the United States / John Columbia in the new century / ...... in Canada and the United States: Climate change...
- Subject Heading...ulture--United States. Political cu......Canada. United States--Politics and......--1980- United States--Social polic......Canada. United States.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Contents...urchill versus the chiefs The king's men in the loyal dominions A gathering of prime ministers The road to Quebec......on Canada Rain of fire Okinawa: sea battle The forgotten battle In the wake of ICEBERG MacArt......nd Mountbatten The British Pacifi......nclusion: only the dead Epilogue: in the still of peace.
- Subject Heading...1945 -- United States. World War, 1......entury. United States -- Foreign re......ions -- United States. United States -- Military r......ions -- United States.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Publisher: Sin......01, Muslims in the United States have become the subject of genuine curios......sment. Who are these Muslims? What is their history, and where do they come from? Do they share a common culture? Do they vary in their beliefs? Bringing together an unusually ......nal collection of essays and doc...... diverse group of Americans who call themselves Muslims......inds Islam" in the American exper......onial times to the present. Sampl......s, blogs, and other sources, narrative of Muslims from d......with a history of Muslims in the United States, featuring the voices of an enslaved African...
- Contents... Autobiography of Omar ibn 3: Islam in the Western Soudan......t Arabic order of the nobles of the mystic shrine ......true salvation of the 'American Negroes': the real solution of the Negro question...... 3: Holy Koran of the Moorish Scienc......i 4: Al-Islam: the religion of humanity (1950......rab Moslems in the United States (1966) / Abdo......dy?" from down these mean streets......Thomas 8: What the Muslims want" and "what the Muslims believ......rom message to the blackman in Am......d -- 3: Nation of Gods and earth......and "supreme mathematics" (1992) ......dress (1995) / Minister Louis Farrakhan 6: Struggling...
- Subject HeadingMuslims -- United States -- History --......lims -- United States -- Social con......slam -- United States -- History --......ources. United States -- Ethnic rel......ources. United States -- Religion -......ources. United States -- Religious life and custom...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Over the span of two weeks in m...... 2011, reports of numerous selfi...... at five times the subsidized price. On the same day, Moha......mself on fire. These immolations,......y in emulation of the events that sparked the uprisings in T......ught to ignite the fires of popular protest against the Mubarak regime in Egypt"--
- Contents...emporary Egypt The Purpose and Scope of the Study Capitali......m and Networks of Privilege Capi......session Class, State and Society in the Middle East Fr......rces Structure of the Book 2.The Developmentalist State and the Market Economy......Arab Socialism The Contradictions and Limits of Arab Socialism......, Property and State Power Crisis and Conflict: The Outcomes of Infitah Conclu......ion 3."We Need the Government to Unleash Us, the Tigers": Mubarak and the Neoliberal Tur......possession and the Transformation of the State The Crisis of the 1980s The Neoliberal Turn, 1991-1995 The Minister of the Poor, 1996-19...
- Alternative TitlePolitical economy of Egypt from Nasser to Mubarak
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...ver: Report to the Minister of State for Science and Technology. T...
- Alternative TitleReport to the Minister of State for Science and Technology. R...
- Alternative TitleReport to the Minister of State for Science and Technology. R...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In Asia the 1950s were dom......lonization and the emergence of the Cold War Syste......ble to utilize the transformed balance of power for their own economic...... book examines the interconnections between the transfer of power and state governance in Asia, the emergence of the Cold War, and the transfer of hegemony from the UK to the US, by focusin......pecifically on the historical roles of international ......onomic aid and the autonomous res......m Asian nation states in the immediate post-war context. The Transformation of the International Order of Asia offers closely in......relations from the 1950s to the 1960s, with spec...
- ContentsThe 1950 Commonwealth Foreign Ministers' meeting and the International ......oichi Watanabe The weapons of the weakened : Bri...... balances, and the origins of the Colombo Plan /......B.R. Tomlinson The Colombo Plan a......ooperation for the Indian Institutes of Technology / K...... Yokoi A waste of time and money? : The Colombo Plan i...... Singapore and the Borneo Territories during the 1950s / Nicholas J. White The development and activities of the Economic Commi......n for Asia and the Far East (ECAF......kuto Yamaguchi The transformation of the Colombo Plan and the sterling area in the late 1950s and...... Shigeru Akita The Colombo Plan and Japan : focu...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsChronology Introduction The dictionary App......x A: Governors of Côte d'Ivoire......endix B: Heads of state of Côte d'Ivoire......endix C: Prime Ministers of Côte d'Ivoire since 1990.
- Note (General)Revised edition of: Historical dictionary of Côte d'Ivoire (the Ivory Coast) / Robert J. Mund...
- Title HeadingHistorical dictionaries of Africa.