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National Diet Library
- Contents1 Ancient texts and modern readers: An in......Alternative to the Coordination-S......ion Dichotomy: The Case of Causal......and Fuzziness--The QWM Gram (Seri......enius's Rules: The Relationship b......xicography and the Semantic Structure of the Target Language: The Case of ['k] R...... 9. "Now" and "Then": Telling Tim......1. Translating the Hebrew Scriptu......Heever 12. "Do the Dead Praise Go......Wendland 13. Fathers and Sons, Ja....... van Rooy 15. Theology and Ideology in the Metatexts of Bible Translatio...
- Note (Content)The chapters of th......hat pertain to modern readers' under......erpretation of these ancient writings and their language. In this regard, they cover subjects related to the fields of ancient Hebrew linguistics and Bible translation. The chapters apply linguistic insights and theories to elucid......ient texts for modern readers, inves......ent texts help modern readers to int......t features in other ancient texts......tions can make the language and c...... accessible to modern readers. In so doing, they present the results of ori......ntributions to modern readers' understanding of anc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... Oostendorp 3. The Role of Foot S......ical Gender in Modern Germanic Langu......ert Haider 16. The Placement of F......istopoulos 18. The Unification of......n Salzmann 20. The Voice Domain i......r 21. Binding: The Morphology, Sy...... Pia Quist 31. The West Germanic D. Keel 32. The North Germanic Dialect Contin...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Cambridge Hand......ok of Japanese Linguistics The linguistic study of Jap......nsists of five thematic parts inc......ragmatics/sociolinguistics topics, in Japanese linguistics-- will be by general linguists, and students......ars working in linguistic typology, Ja......uage, Japanese linguistics and Asian Studies"--
- Contents...o Hasegawa; 2. The history of the language Bjark......o Shinzato; 4. Linguistic typology and the Japanese langu......nd literacy in modern Japan Florian ......ragmatics/Sociolinguistics: 25. Senten......mi Morita; 26. Linguistic politeness Michael Haugh; 2...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The languages indi......sity. Based on the premise that linguistic examples pla...... a key role in the origin and tra......f ideas within linguistics and across ...... book examines the history of approaches to these languages through the lens of some of their most prominent properties. These properties i......nventories and the near absence o......for washing in the Iroquoian By tracing the interpretations of the four examples ......ican scholars, the author illustrates their role in both......listic view of the history of language study in ...
- Contents...uction Aims of the book Terms and......s Structure of the book The languages of N......guages Loss of the languages : It......ructure Polysynthesis Noun incorp......ons Studies of the languages of N......issionary and other pre-modern sources From 1788 till the 1840s Since the second half of the 19th century W......n gender since the beginning of the 20th century E...... for washing : The life cycle of the example Origin......ract terms and the Cherokee examp......rds for snow : The life cycle of the example Origin......(1986-present) The Esk imo and Ch......Life cycles of linguistic examples Methodology Theory and ideology Motifs Comple...
- Related MaterialAmsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science
National Diet Library
- ContentsLinguistic norms and co......age guides and the age of prescri......sse, Kirsten Gather and Ingo Klei...... Lucia Kornexl The proverbial dis......e tradition in the history of Eng......metric tool in the study of Middl......cots and Early Modern English official letter writi...
- Note (Content)...conventions in the English langua......ive centuries. The contributions discuss the interplay of s......l attention to the communities wh......l interaction. The volume is enri......approaches and the introduction o......alisation into the diachronic investigation of h...
- Title HeadingAmsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. issues in linguistic theory ; v. 347.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... histories and linguistic exchange Int......colonialism at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposi...
- Related MaterialThe Henry Roe Cloud series on American Indians and modernity
- Periodical TitleThe Henry Roe Cloud series on American Indians and modernity
National Diet Library
- Contents...d Soo-Yeon Kim The influence of phrasing on the interpretation...... Yoshi Dobashi The Kazakh noun/ad......tial marker in the nominal right periphery: the Japanese hears......t licensing in modern Inner Mongolia......agreement, and the EPP / Hanzhi Z......g in Tatar and the functional architecture of the noun phrase / ......en typology of the Altaic vowel s......dination? From the evidence of su...... / Yusuke Yoda The development of......ization, or neither? / Kunio Nishiyama On the "What as Why" ......suhiro Iida On the structure of p...... / Bilge Palaz The double functions of the Korean benefactive suffix / H...
- Title HeadingMIT working papers in linguistics ; v. 76.
- Author HeadingWorkshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (9th : 2013......king Papers in Linguistics (Organization)
National Diet Library
- Title HeadingTrends in linguistics. Studies and monographs ; ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Until about 60 years ago, linguistic research on the Arabic language in the West was Arabic and the Classical trad......mbedded within the broader field ......t only through the continuation o...... but also with the integration of......xpansion comes the danger of overview of the field, and of ......research which they may be intere......tive purposes. The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics will confro......ining state-of-the-art overviews ......ts from around the world will lay out their own stances ......ersial issues. The book not only ...... questions and theories established in general l...
- Contents...tcliffe Arabic linguistic tradition I:......Ramzi Baalbaki The syntax of Arab...... Lina Choueiri The philological a...... Edzard Arabic linguistic tradition II...... computational linguistics / Everhard Ditters Sociolinguistics / Enam Al-Wer Arabic folk linguistics: between mother tongue and na......Kossmann Psycholinguistics / Sami Boud......ristina Ryding The Arabic writing......Jonathan Owens The Arabic literary language: the Nahda (and bey......efano Manfredi The classical Arab...... I. Sara, S.J. Modern Lexicography / Tim Buckwalter...
- Subject HeadingArabic language--Grammar. Linguistik Arabisch Arabiska språket....
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...s. Comparative linguistics--Congresses.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....tomed to study the Ottoman Empire......insulated from the outside world,...... conquests' on the one hand, and ......rporation into the European-domin......ld economy' on the other. However, accept that the Ottoman Empire was one of the - not very num......story compares the Ottoman to another of the great world empires, that of the Mughals in the Indian subcont......diversities in the linguistic and religiou...... problems, and the fates of ordinary subjects in...
- Contents... 1 Approaching the sources : Text......ondary sources The trouble with i...... religious and linguistic diversity. P...... Investigating the business of merchants Early modern crafts in the Ottoman and In...... Rural life in the Indian and Ott......nvironments On the margins of society: women, se...
- Subject Heading...great parts of the world, peoples......ivilizations: other. Social conditions. India--M...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction : Beyond the coffeehouse : between the World Wars / D......meters between the wars : a reassessment of the Vienna Circles......e in Vienna in the 1930s / John W......t Hollywood on the Danube? Vienna......silent film of the 1920s / Alys X...... a longing for the modern : theater in interwa....../ Birgit Peter The hegemony of Ge......rg's Vienna as the musical center of the German-speaking world / Therese Muxeneder ......t / Jon Hughes The VIennese legac...... of Casanova : the late erotic wr......s on Vienna in the 1930s / Robert Vilain.
- Related MaterialStudies in German literature, linguistics, and culture
- Periodical TitleStudies in German literature, linguistics, and culture
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The study of langu......ween cognitive linguists and linguistic anthropologi......that cognitive theories are relevant to linguistic anthropology. "--
- Contents...RT I COGNITIVE LINGUISTIC APPROACHES T......ralization and the Birth of 'Emot......T II: CULTURAL LINGUISTIC APPROACHES T......RE 5. Cultural Linguistics; Farzad Sha......bra J Occhi 7. The Ceremonial Ori......N OF COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS AND LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY......d Life in Late Modernity; Lionel Wee......dging in Psychotherapeutic Talk; Dennis Tay PART...
- Subject HeadingCognitive grammar. Psycholinguistics. Language a......nthropological linguistics. LANGUAGE A...... DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Psycholinguistics. PSYCHOLOGY / Cognitive Ps...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....fects from all the branches of the Indo-European ......s representing the first ever com...... 940 examples. The unique tempora......guages permits the investigation ......y exploited in the volume. Furthermore, the cross-linguistic perspective, as well as the inclusion of c......hich go beyond the boundaries of the Indo-European ......ison. As such, the volume is inte......arch both into the semantics of the perfect in across the world's languages"--
- ContentsIntroduction / Bernard Comrie The development of the perfect within....../ Arndt Wigger The development of the perfect in sel......gmatisation of the perfect and re......ja A. Seržant The synthetic perfect fro....../ Eystein Dahl The perfect in Mid...... Thomas Jügel The perfect in Nor...... Geoffrey Khan The perfect in Cla......niel Kölligan The Hittite periph......Silvia Luraghi The Gothic perfect......chail L. Kotin The perfect system......Robert Crellin The perfect in Medieval and Modern Greek / Geoffrey Horrocks The perfect Schumacher The perfect system......uing a quirk : the perfect in the languages of E...
- Related MaterialAmsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science
National Diet Library
- ellipsis in modern spoken Chinese......s of speech in the clause / distance in the process of distance on the syntactic deve......odifiers: from the perspective of dependency dis...
- Subject HeadingDependency grammar. Linguistics--Research.
- Title HeadingQuantitative linguistics ; v. 72.
National Diet Library
- Contents... and Birte Bös The dynamics of changes in the early English ...... Evidence from the Old English no......Subsumed under the dative'? The status of the Old English in......'Thone vpon thother': On pronouns one and other with initial ......aticalization: The origins of Old......based study on the development of......lish and Early Modern English / Sofi......onservatism or the influence of the semantics of m......n situation in the choice of perf......tion: Tracking the get-passive th......before-time in the history of Eng...... and change at the interface of s......e Schützler Further explorations in the grammar of intensifier markin...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... Literature is the fruit of a col......that addresses the Catalan linguistic and cultural......territories in their entirety. Since the thirteenth cen......acy, and since the mid-nineteenth......mportant role. The book presents the evolution of C......ies in each of the areas that make up the Catalan linguistic and cultural......rred to above. The period conside......stretches from the mid-nineteenth century, when the beginnings of ......oss Europe, to the present day"--
- ContentsThe beginnings of literature: The Romantic Perio....../ Emili Samper The Classical peri......ore studies in the first third of the twentieth cent......a i Pagès and the great folklore...... Research from the 1940s / Mónica Sales The Modern period Contrib...... / Carme Oriol The Balearic Islands The beginnings: Between the Enlightenment ......ume Guiscafré The Valencian Coun......y and El Carxe The Aragonese Strip Andorra Northern Catalonia L'Alguer.
- Title HeadingIVITRA research in linguistics and literature ; v. 21. 22...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Contents...evalainen 著 On the development of the subjective and......unctions of By The Way Minoji Aki......s Osamu Koma 著 Linguistic differences between the Hengwrt and El......Manuscripts of The Canterbury Tal......tianisation of the Anglo-Saxon vo...... 著 Meanings of the word Grace in ......ddle and early modern English Hirosh......ichio Hosaka 著 The Which in Shake......hota Kikuchi 著 The temporal Ago a......perative Do in modern English Fujio adverbs and the downward shift......ymous verbs in the nineteenth and......arumi Tanabe 著 The distribution o......bject order in the history of Eng...... pragmatics On the development of pragmatic Let'...
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)Nakagawa, Ken Modern English Association
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsWhat is language? The flux of language The Indo-European languages Ther germanic lang...... English Early modern English Late modern English English as a world la...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--History. Historical linguistics. English language.