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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....pseudoscience. The material is presented in layp...
- Contents.../ Bill Poirier The singular quant......ird? ; What do the experts say? ; What hope is there for the rest of us? ; ...... use this book The bipolar quantu......uantum soccer: the double-slit ex......iment: quantum The plural quanta: expanding the wavefunction. ......ödinger's cat The "spooky" quant......ables ; Bell's theorem ; EPRB as ......sion ; Playing the "What If?" game Where the weird things are. Where are they? Where are we...... Looking under the hood: the mathematical "method" behind the "madness" Misc...... colliders and the universe. The Higgs boson ; Physics in the news. Cell pho......xtra material: the equations behind the words. U...
- Subject HeadingQuantum theory. Black holes (Astronomy) M...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- ContentsDISC1(1)Aperture Synthesis(2)Inner Pla...... Transitions(4)The Leonids(5)Stor......)Heliosphere(7)The Multiverse(8)Time Flies Like ...
National Diet Library
- Contents.... 2. Japan and the globalisation ......religion in Southeast Asia pt. 3. Postcolonial r...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... empirical and theoretical perspectives on how the relationship b......rnance. One of the most interesti......evelopments of the past decade has been the adoption by so......ry governance. These strategies h......ce equality in the UK and the USA, to consti......m and Iceland. The chief ambition......d challenge of these new forms of......stitutionalise the prefigurative ...... that inspired them in the first place, by mobilising the bureaucracy to respond to their claims for and rights. The authors of thi......ed and explore the impact of such......eflections on: the constraints im......r relations on these new empowered participatory...
- ContentsChallenging the "rules of the game" : the role of bottom......governance and the (de)commodific......neoliberalism? The politics and e....../ Markus Holdo The democratic mul......sociations and the prospects for ......n governance : the role of social...... what right to the city? Insights......? Lessons from the incomplete exp......d obstacles in the implementation of the decidim platfo......Padró-Solanet The embeddedness o......institutions : the citizen Arguing on the case of Ahora ......sappointment : the uneasy inclusi......m below : from the shack to munic......arks : towards the messy middle. The next genera...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The aim of this bo......s to introduce the most important......ology, and how they altered our perceptions of the origin, size, ......d evolution of the universe. The book covers a, spacetime, the Big Bang, dark......nsions, string theory, neutron st......nal radiation. The text contains ......ify and extend the discussion, of many of the concepts intro...... in particular the mathematics involved. It will provi...
- Contents1. The scientific met......ntroduction to the scientific met......od 1.2. Some mathematics 1.3. Exp......distances 4.1. The cosmic distanc...... nebulae : are they extragalactic? 4.3. The chemical compo......Spacetime 5.1. The speed of light 5.2. The special theory of relativity 5.3. The general theory of relativi......l expansion 6. The big bang 6.1. The structure and history of the universe 6.2. The geometry of spacetime 6.3. The father of the big bang 6.4. The creation of the elements 7. Co......radiation 7.1. The "smoking gun" of the big bang 7.2. ...... How bright is the CMB? 7.4. "Mat......How uniform is the CMB? 8. Dark matter 8.1. Dark...
- Subject HeadingCosmology--History Cosmologie--Histoire Cosmology & the universe. SCIENCE--Cosmology....
National Diet Library
- ContentsV. 1. Theory: geometric ....... Performance: theory, software, and case studie...
- Subject HeadingMusic theory--Mathematics. Music--Philosophy and aesthetics.
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleDoctor Strange in the multiverse of madness
- Alternative TitleDoctor Strange in the multiverse of madness
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsFoundings Oxbridge The collegiate way......nd of colleges The German impress Coming of age ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ributes ch. 1. The necessity of God and the psychology of ......? two types of theology / Benjami......t III. God and the universe ch. 5......pace-times and the beginning of the universe / Wil......inclair ch. 6. The theistic multivers......ow relevant is the cognitive scie...... Visala ch. 8. The rationality of classical theism and its dem......Efird Part VI. The compatibility ......d religion / Katherin A. Rogers ch. 12. The compatibility ......hy teh warfare thesis is false / Michael Ruse.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents〈GUARDIAN SPIRITS OF THE QUANTUM MULTIV......edish Coffee(4)The Milkman(5)Never Forever Together(6)Cosmic Cryp......ic Drive-by(12)The Forging of Jim's Multigalaxy ...
- Alternative TitleGuardian spirits of the quantum multiverse
- Alternative TitleGuardian spirits of the quantum multiverse
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... Younis and Matthew Aldrich; Arabic translation ...
- Author HeadingAl-Aayd, Saad Younis, Ahmed Aldrich, Matthew (Writer on Arabic language)
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) re-print of the Hardcover 1st edition 2018"--...