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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.A new field of collective intelligence has emerged in the last few years......pted by a wave of digital techno...... organizations and societies to t......r mind"--human and machine working together--has the potential to solve the great challenges of our time. So results? Gathering insights f......puter science, and biology, Big collective intelligence can guide corp...... universities, and societies to make the most of human brains and digital technologies. -- amaz...
- Contents...n : collective intelligence as a grand challenge Part...... is collective intelligence? : 1 The paradox of a smart world ; 2 The nature of collective intelligence in theory and practice Part ......I Making sense of collective intelligence as choice : 3 The functional elements of collective intelligence ; 4 The infrastructure......ort collective intelligence ; 5 The organizing principles of collective intelligence ; 6 Learning l......tive economics and triggered hierarchies ; 8 The autonomy of intelligence ; 9 The collective in collective intelligence ; 10 Self-suspicion and fighting the enemies of collective intelligence Part ...
- Subject HeadingSwarm intelligence. Big data--Soc......ts. Artificial intelligence. Human-computer interaction. ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1923 ed. published by Macmill...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1923 ed. published by Macmill...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAn analysis of Christopher R....... Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland An analysis of John P. An analysis of Amartya Sen's An analysis of Susan Sontag's......hy An analysis of Max Weber's the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism An analysis of Carlo Ginzburg's the Night battles : witchcraft and agrarian cults in the 16th anf [i. e. and] 17th centuries An analysis of Geert Hofstede's, institutes and organizations ......ns An analysis of Plato's the Republic An analysis of Virginia Woolf's a Room of one's own An analysis of Ferdinand de Saussure's ......cs An analysis of Theodore Levitt's Marketing m...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe nature of "intelligence" and the principles of cognition
- Alternative TitleThe nature of "intelligence" and the principles of cognition
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialStrategic family therapy Identifying and measuring alco......ospitalization The creative manag......g inner vision and wisdom in counselors and therapists : a dev......hat work Women of influence, women of vision : a cro......rational study of leaders and social change ...... role identity and ego developmen......ological study of causes and effects with t......rveys : understanding what they tell us Menta......onsultation in the schools Fulfilling the promise of children's ser......n efforts fail and how they can succeed Understanding testing in ......: transcending the models of family therapy Chil...
- Alternative TitleJossey-Bass social and behavioral science series The Jossey-Bass social & behavior...
- Alternative TitleJossey-Bass social and behavioral science series The Jossey-Bass social & behavior...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe integrative action of the nervous system Studies in the psychology of art General principles of human reflexol......y Fundamentals of social psychol......: a first book The mind of the child Social and ethical development The measurement of intelligence The Kallikak famil......ience Outlines of psychology Com......ive physiology of the brain and comparative ps......tary text-book The mind of the dog Traité méd......tale Attention The Psychology of skill : three ......ies Psychology and industrial Lectures on the elementary psychology of feeling and attention Trai......humaine : text and atlas Colour and colour theor...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related on behavior and cognition The psychology of courage : mode......l perception : the influence of H.W. Leibowitz......edical illness and positive life ......ization inside and outside the laboratory : essays in honor of Douglas L. Med......l psychology : the Yin and Yang of scientific pro......ntervention On the consequences of meaning select......y in context : the legacy of Kenneth B. Clark Chaos and its influence perspective The nature of remembering : essays in honor of Robert G. Crowder Unraveling the complexities of social life : ......hrift in honor of Robert B. Zajo......ld development and social policy : knowledge for...
- Alternative TitleDecade of behavior : 2000-2010
- Alternative TitleDecade of behavior : 2000-2010
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA primer of psychobiology : brain and behavior Stati......oach Cognition and reality : principles and implications of cognitive, cognition Theories of developmental methods for the social and behavioral sciences A primer of drug action Achievement and achievement mo...... psychological and sociological a......imental design and analysis Readings about the social animal The development of memory in children The brain : a neur...... preterm birth and early development The social animal The Criminal justi......ent in infancy The ideal problem, learning, and creativity An ......ear regression and correlation Self-perception :...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe psychology of animals in rel......ntal conflicts and misconduct The measurement of emotion The child's discovery of death : a stud......ild psychology The psychology of Alfred Adler and the development of the child Mastery ......, measurement, and social process......lected complex and its relation t...... a contructive theory of neurosis Selec......sion Telepathy and clairvoyance The child's conception of geometry The neurotic personality of our time The image and appearance of the human body : studies in the constructive energies of the psyche The psychology of the infant The mentality of apes Duality : a study in the...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of psychology Routledge international library of psychology
- Alternative TitleThe international library of psychology Routledge international library of psychology
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...mental reports and theses : abstracts of Engineering de......mental reports and titles of theses of the University of Illinois College of Engineering Principles relating to the engendering of specific habits The Cahokia mounds......ble attributes of work Long-term......portunities in the Upper Mississi......ntroduction to the basic phenomena, modes of characterization, and terminology of turbulence Eur...... variations on the mediation theme Organic chem...... wall footings and column footings Tests of reinforced con......beams : series of 1905 Marketing research and business manag......s delivered at the 1951 Illinois Marketing Sympo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"the late Harry Bra...... called Harry "the Hat", the founder of Bradford books...... ... et al., rather than series
- Related MaterialPreference, belief, and similarity : Confessions of a medicine man......ers, learning, and literacy Natur......aces : aspects of meaning constr......tural language The meaning of language Medic......nical textbook and reference for the health care professions Beyond directions The cognitive neuroscience of mind : a tribu......l S. Gazzaniga The creative cogni......patial schemas and abstract thoug......ata structures and applications A...... philosophical and empirical issu......linary science of mind Body lang......tion Causation and explanation The rational Vision and mind : selected readings in t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... : readings in the philosophy of mental represe......: essays in aesthetics and epistemology C......nition, agency and rationality : proceedings of the Fifth Internat......ophy in mind : the place of philosophy in the study of mind Democracy, justice, and equality in an......e : historical and philosophical ......Psychosyntax : The Nature of Grammar and its Place in the Mind The concept of reduction Ethics and policies for c......Defence Centre of Excellence ini......els : language and its evolutiona......tistic account of fictional enti...... deliberation, and causation The ascent from no......gues Issues in theoretical diversity : persisten...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPersonality and psychotherapy : an analysis in terms of learning, thinking, and culture Introd......for psychology and social sciences Industrial and Essentials of psychology : Personality theories : basic a......ons, research, and applications personality The psychology of learning Readi...... in industrial and business psych......y Psychometric theory Applied mul...... in psychology and education Pers......sting Feelings and emotions : the Mooseheart Sym......operation with the University of Chicago Abnorm...... in psychology and education The psychology of language : an introduction to...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...Aldershot, England ; Brookfield, ......te brought together thsese former......ury, Dartnouth and Variorum, asso......lish ... under the Gower imprint.
- Related MaterialBurke's dramatic theory of politics Essay......on metaphysics and the theory of knowledge The constants of nature : a rea......ught, language and philosophy : from theory to therapy The right to know and the right not to k......ork incentives and welfare provision : the 'pathological' theory of unemployment Time, self, and social being :......ext Philosophy and health care : essays in the philosophy of anthropology Bertrand Russell on modality and logical releva......: making sense of other minds André Malraux : politics and the temptation of myth Coleridge and Mill : a study of influence Socialism and communication : reflections o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...etics Minerals and mining in Anta......tica : science and technology, economics and politics Foundations of inorganic chemistry Mathematics mastercl......s : stretching the imagination The Mathematical Olympiad handbook : an intro......lving based on the first 32 British mathematical olympia......anach algebras and automatic cont......ity Mechanisms of organic reacti......ray scattering and absorption by ...... : proceedings of the Ninth Valencia......iation : risks and benefits The nature of the hydrogen bond : outline of a comprehensiv...... hydrogen bond theory Threading h......try Dictionary of computing Effective FORTRAN 7...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Subtitle varies Subtitle of -117:, philosophy of science, sociology of science and of knowledge, and on the mathematical methods of social and behavioral sciences Subtitle of 119-: studies ......, methodology, and philosophy of science Publishers vary: Dord...
- Related MaterialThe structure of appearance Definitions and definability :......blems A precis of mathematical logic A model-theoretic realist interpretation of science Studies in the methodology and foundations of science : sele......irical studies of scientific cha......: elaborations and applications The logic of time : a model-theoretic investigation into the varieties of temporal ontology and temporal disco...... an essay on mathematical instrumentalism A theory of social action ......cault's strata and fields : an in......archaeological and genealogical s......icist Diamonds and defaults : studies in pure and applied intensional logic Sci...
- Alternative TitleSynthese library : st......, methodology, and philosophy of science Synthese library :, philosophy of science, sociology of science and of knowledge, and on the mathematical methods of social and behavioral sciences Synthese library : a series of monographs on the recent development of symbolic logic......ics, sociology of language, sociology of science and of knowledge, statistics of language and related fields
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFrom the Gracchi to Nero : a history of Rome from 133 ......o A.D. 68 Life and thought in the Greek and Roman world The imperial theme : further interpretations of Shakespeare's ......dies including the Roman plays Thackeray the novelist Mysti......m : a study in the nature and development of man's spiritua......ntroduction to the French poets : Villon to the present day Id...... in conflict : the political theories of the contemporary : a survey of psychological ......gical change : the United States and Britain in the nineteenth century Fantasy and mimesis : resp......ern literature The course of German history : a ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAncient fiction : the novel in the Graeco-Roman w......rld A pastoral and liturgical theology China fights for the world Developm......ood intentions The value dimensio......versus Ricardo and Sraffa A history of English Romanticism in the nineteenth century The modernization of the American Stock......nge, 1971-1989 The British and the Grand Tour Governing......ce, technology and medicine : an ......ks in crisis : the legal response The geometry of vector fields ......t : its nature and conditions : Max Weber and masculine thin......tory framework and social dynamic......hall's mission The psychology of conservatism Wo...