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National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Toc / Article... Yohei Sasakawa||Alexander Losyukov||Age B. Grutle PR...... ABBREVIATIONS NORTHERN SEA ROUTE; THE PERSPECTIVE JA......nd Outcomes/ 3 The Changing Utility Pattern of the High North/ 9 ......rine Access in the Arctic Ocean/ ...... W. Brigham Further Development of the NSR in the Coming Decades...... I. Peresypkin The Republic of Sakha; The Country's Development and the Northern Sea Route/ 45 V. Chlenov......s Resources in the East of Russia......rastructure in the Russian Far Ea......tegic Plan for the Russian Far Ea......n of Coal from the Russian Far Ea...... Land, Rivers, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Northern Sea Route/ 109 G. Y....
- Contents...l condition of the Sea of Okhotsk by ......rine regime in the Sea of Okhotsk and...... of an Okhotsk Sea environmental ......tual design of the Okhotsk regime by Koh Izumiya...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsOverview of changes in the Arctic environment and the law of the sea Scientific bac......hwest Passage, Northern Sea route and trans-polar route New challenges : Arctic marin...
- Subject HeadingLaw of the sea -- Arctic Ocean -- Congresses...
- Note (General)...ssociated with the Center for Oce......1-22, 2009, at the Center's 33rd Annual Conferen...
Peaceful maritime engagement in East Asia and the Pacific Region (Oceans law and policy ; volume 25)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... East Asia and the Pacific Region....../ Shunji Yanai The legal regime of the deep seabed as a paradi......jurisdiction : searching for sust......e solutions in the Southeast Pacific / R......oll states and sea level rise / C......ska Revisiting the legal status o......? / Dai Tamada The applicability ......t/revisionist' theory of self-defense at sea? / Kyo Arai In quest of the optimal legal ......ate vessels in the territorial sea / Masahiro Kur......nal rights and the coastal state'......urisdiction in the Northern Sea route / Kentaro Wani The role of East / Zhen Sun The quest for a solution in the delimitation of continental s...
- Subject HeadingLaw of the sea--Pacific Area-......gresses Law of the sea--East Asia--Co......gresses Law of the sea. Security, International. Eas...
- Note (General)...Policy (COLP), the event continues under the auspices of the Stockton Cente...... Law (SCII) of the US Naval War C......lege. Although the Center for Oce......ed in 2020 ... the 44th COLP was ...... virtually) by the Japan Institute of Internatio...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsAn ocean in the making : orders 2 The current and fu......tic governance The rise of Asia a......tion and strengthening of Arctic ......s influence on the future of Arct......ence on Arctic sealing, whaling a......carbon regimes The Arctic Five-pl......s : reflecting the interests of A......rticipation in the Central Arctic......ries Agreement The role of transn...... pertaining to the Northern Sea Route and its intera......ic cooperation The Arctic Science......cooperation in the Arctic China in the Arctic Council : existing pro...
- Subject Heading...egions. Law of the sea--Arctic law. Law of the sea. Arctic regions--Internationa...
- Title HeadingRoutledge research in polar law.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....y adversarial. The contributors e......le and explore the shrunken, yet ......een Russia and the EU"--
- Contents...ents policy in the Baltic states ......ive parties in the Baltic-Nordic ......rey Makarychev The political discourse of the Kremlin in / Julien Théron Russian thr......push factor in the European integ....../ Rafal Riedel The European Union and Russia in the contested Sout......v Who may sail the Arctic: Russia's and the EU's perspectives on the legal status of the Northern sea route / Emdunds Broks The institution of......ach Russia and the EU / Stefano Braghiroli, Thom...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Russian Far energy and other resources, also one of the least overview of the region. It exa......rce issues and the related enviro......ems, considers the Arctic and the problems of sea routes, maritime bou...... and considers the ethnic peoples of the region and als......ects. Overall, the book provides ......praisal of how the region is likely to develop i...
- ContentsEconomic development of the Arctic regions......development in the Russian Arctic......asumi Motomura Northern Sea route (NSR) shipping......development in the Yamal-Nenets a...... Elena Efimova The twofold development of the Arctic : where do the Arctic States disputes in the Arctic: the Russian perspe......unin Examining the execution of R......nd programs in the Arctic / to explore the Russian mariti......innish SMEs of the Russian market...... black fish in the lower Ob River...... conflict over the use of fish re......licy stories : the case of Russia...... sovereignty : the role of the Arctic in constru...
- Subject HeadingPower resources--Russia, Northern. Energy policy......ation) Russia, Northern--Social conditions. Russia, Northern--Economic cond......tions. Russia, Northern--Strategic aspects.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ific Russia in the changing regio......ific Russia in the new regionalis......n Centralising the ‘Far East’ : h...... dynamic of northeast Eurasia / N......nsformation of the economic model......initiative and the development of......sactions in northeast Asia / Sato......’s Siberia and the Far East on the new infrastruc......sia Likhacheva The Russian Far East and the northern sea route in evolving Si......s relevance to the free port of Vladivostok / Se...
National Diet Library
- Contents...R") roadmaps : the legal and poli......nd Diana Moise The political of OBOR and the global economi......sman W. Chohan The OBOR global ge......itical drive : the Chinese access......ndro It is not the end of history : the financing institutions of the belt and road initiative and the Bretton Woods ......a Adele Carrai Northern sea route : an alternati......d Gao Tianming The effect of the "belt and road......e responses of the Eurasian Economic Union to the belt and road ......sman W. Chohan The international ...... network under the "belt and road......wen Dai Paving the silk road bit ......projects under the belt & road / Initiative / LA...
- Note (Content)...ume brings together academics analysis of the Belt and Road ......s developed in the West are being......into question. The book covers a ......s of new trade routes, foreign direct investment l...
National Diet Library
- ContentsRussia's Arctic policy and the interplay of d......ctic affairs ; The Arctic as a fl......" for Russia ; The Arctic, a soft......r an identity? The Far North in R......a's statehood. The imperial and S......viet memory of the Arctic ; What ......takeholders? ; The nationalist reading of the Arctic: Russia......; Is migration the future of the Arctic workfor......mate change in the Arctic ; Climate change in the Russian Federa...... ; Calculating the impact of climate change on the Russian econom...... change policy The Russian stance......ial conflicts. The Soviet historical referent: the 1926 decree ; ......sian claims on the Arctic continental shelf ; Th...
- Subject HeadingGeopolitics--Russia, Northern. Geopolitics--......tics / Russia, Northern. Russia, Northern--Strategic asp......pects. Russia, Northern / Strategic aspects.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Over the last few approach to the Arctic, culmin......rver status to the Arctic Council......ook brings together the latest research in emerging...... interests for the Arctic region, and the implications thereof this change has for the future. This b......nd activities. The book also demonstrates that there are common a......n countries to the Arctic, such a......te change, but there are also imp......ferences. From the Arctic Council to UNCLOS, Arc...
- Contents... Oran R. Young The Arctic governance and the interactions b......olvement strengthen Arctic govern......nd conflict in the Arctic / Jo In......chanisms among the nordic countri......ational use of the northern sea route : trends and p......ative study of the administration of the Canadian Passage and the Russian northern sea route / Zou Leilei a......d ownership of the Arctic ocean :...... resources and the continental sh......c interests in the Arctic : Singa......ang Changes in the Arctic and Chi...... and Yang Jian The cooperation an......South Korea in the Arctic / Gong ...... challenges of the North Pacific Arctic Conferen...
National Diet Library
- Contents...lerieva Yaneva The Northwest Passage and Northern Sea Route : sovereignty ......uzanna LaLonde The position of the European Union on the Svalbard water......evelopment and the protection of the Arctic marine ...... protection of the Arctic sea ice : European......laudia Cinelli The Arctic Council......governments in the global Arctic ...... Schram Stokke The Arctic develop......w navigational routes and maritime ......ues concerning their effective ju...... protection at the CJEU and the ECtHR / Sara mobility : the national and i...... relocation in the Arctic / Nuria......development in the Arctic / Cécile Pelaudeix The...
- Subject HeadingLaw of the sea--Arctic Ocean. Sovereignty--A...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsContext Objectives of the report Scope a......s Structure of the report Demand ......flows Regional routes and modal com......r transport in the Mekong delta I......(feeder cargo) Sea-river transpor...... framework for the waterway and p......infrastructure Northern waterways Southern waterways Ce......ssification of the waterways Plan......s in waterways The IWT master river ports Seaports Fleet Fle......ssels Fleet of sea-going vessels Fleet of sea-river vessels Translating the IWT/coastal sh......ions impact of the proposed inter......major waterway routes in the north and sout......y increases in the national IWT fleet Appendix D...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingShipping -- Northeast Passage Shipping -- Manage...
- Subject Heading (ID)Shipping -- Northeast Passage Shipping -- Manage...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....s, and tracing the astonishing development of the Viking age from the first foreign raids to the rise and fall ......pean horror in the face of the Viking onslaug......s and kings of the period are her......ature narrates the lives of Norse...... contextualize the translations a......e explained in the body of the text, making t......ntroduction to the Viking age.
- ContentsThe Scandinavian homelands. The voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan......description of the islands of the North Scandinavian society. The Lay of Rig Pol......ys a slave How the Hersir Erling ......y Scandinavia. The life of Anskar......on and belief. The Norse Creation......myth Ragnarok: the doom of the gods A prophet...... sacrifice (a) The death of King Vikar (b) The deaths of Doma......telgja Sigurd, the Earl of Lade, sacrifices to the gods The Temple of Uppsala The Temple in Icel...... Gormosson and the land-spirits N......omes a god (d) The death of Baldur the Good (e) Gunna......s burial mound The living dead (a) Gunnar's post...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNortheast Passage. Siberia (Russia) ...
- Note (General)...nuation ... of the author's ... The northern sea route [its place in Russian economi...
- Title HeadingStudies on the U. S. S. R. ; no. 14.
The oceans in the nuclear age : legacies and risks / edited by David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsAssessing the impact of the nuclear age on the oceans and its...... Scheiber Deep sea impacts / Hjal......nated sites in the Pacific and Au......nd perils from the perspective of the Republic of the Marshall Islan......hilip A. Okney The legacy of Fren......ear testing in the Pacific / Laur......substances and the Baltic Sea / Malgosia Fit...... for assessing the feasibility of sub-seabed high-level ......ste disposal : the application of......J. Fornari Sub-seabed disposal waste : the policy context then and now / Edw......erials through the Caribbean Sea : the development of......d for managing the dispute / Tulio Treves Mariti...
- Subject HeadingRadioactive waste disposal in the ocean (Interna......lation. Law of the sea. Spent reactor fuels. Securit...
- Note (General)"Law of the Sea Institute, University of Cali...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNortheast Passage -- ......tions. Russia, Northern -- Economic conditions.
- Note (General)"A continuation ... of the author's ... The northern sea route [its place in ...... of Studies on the U.S.S.R. Includes index.
- Title HeadingStudies on the U.S.S.R.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSoviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie Severnogo morskogo puti. Northeast Passage.
- Title HeadingScott Polar Research Institute. Special publica...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNortheast Passage. Siberia (Russia) ...