Search results 1,714
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This publication focuses on the characterization of the Slovak party system and its analysis from the perspective of......rnment groups. The monograph also......description of the individual typ......coalitions and their politological analysis on the basis of the RILE index (ri...... positioning). The said index is ......sed to specify the programmatic differences of the emerging coali......overnments and the impact of the development of the party system in Slovakia on their nature in the period from 1990 to 2012. The work is focused on the development trends of the Slovak party system on the background of programmatic he...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Across Western Europe, the global financi......eaval. Many of the political manifestations of the crisis seen in other Western and especially Southern European cou......ghbours due to the importance of the territorial di......ics in shaping the political expression of the crisis. This b......ns how and why the territorial di......ted to shaping party system continuity in Spain in the aftermath of the financial cris......cular focus on party behaviour. The territorial di......on encompasses the demands for ev......parties within the historic regions of the Basque Country......ompasses where these historic regions sit within...
- ContentsTerritorial politics and the party system in Spain The political consequences of the 2008 financial...... discontents : the role of the financial cris......n accelerating the Catalan indepe......l politics and the evolution of the Spanish left T......l politics and the evolution of the Spanish right Conclusion: Con...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ositioning and the role of religi......periphery and other essential soc......ientations and the electoral system in Turkey PART......GMS IN TURKEY. The initial paradigm, 1950-1965 The ideological im......igm, 1965-1980 The "national cent......igm, 1983-1991 The culture-identi...... A predominant party paradigm? : 2011-? Conclusion...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....convergence in the study of polit......y bringing together theoretical and em...... countries and the USA. It addresses the needs and chal......a more generic theory on politica...... incivility in the parliamentary,......and effects in these various aren......oncerned about the quality of democracy or publi...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies on political parties and party systems
- Periodical TitleRoutledge studies on political parties and party systems
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....untry study of the consequences of the expansion of intra-party democracy, the trend towards ...... selection for party candidates and leaders, and the impact of these on political......s. It explores the link between p......s, by studying the role of partie...... its impact on the political lead......s, it analyzes the party elites that not only on the analysis of the processes through which party elites are selected and the consequences at the level of the party but also at the level of party elites themselves, i.e. what impact party primaries have on the characteristic......s and leaders. The book offers a theoretical, co...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies on political parties and party systems
- Periodical TitleRoutledge studies on political parties and party systems
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ajor fields in the social science......tly written by the world's leadin...... yet rigorous, they offer concise......cid surveys of the substantive an......ntroduction to Party Systems expertly draws upon major theories and conce......ontribution to the field of party systems. Webb rigorously explores the different types of party systems that exist, the role of socio-...... and electoral systems in shaping them, their evolution over time, and their significance......government and the wider function......res: Discusses the ways in which ...... factors shape party systems; Provides a r...... conspectus of the different party systems which...
- Contents1 Defining and classifying party systems 2 The origins of party systems: Socio-politi...... electoral and party system change 4 Party systems and instituti......l constraints: The effect of the electoral systems 5 Party organizations ......titutionalized party systems 6 Office or p......y: What drives the formation of g......nts? 7 What is party government and......oes it work? 8 Party systems and political legitimacy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."In the broader context of the accountability......ook focuses on the obligation of the United Nations - like many other organisations...... which it is a party. The book advocates a systematic approach i......onformity with the rule of law in......ed to increase the legitimacy of ......ile bolstering their jurisdictional immunity. The book develops the basic features of a comprehen...
- ContentsIntroduction The international ......overning third-party remedies Section 29(A) of the general convention The jurisdictional......ganisations in the Netherlands and the view from Stra......omplete remedy system' for third-par...... Section 29 of the General Convention Findings a...
- Note (General)Based on author's thesis (doctoral - Universiteit L...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book argues that the defeat of the main French Centre Right party in the 2017 president......egration, were the result of a fa......effectively to the challenges pos......realignment of the party system. By the start of the Hollande presi......ny sections of the electorate had lost faith in the traditional pa......government and the ideologies which they represented a......h to politics. The Left/Right div...... parties since the creation of the Fifth Republic......cs and Europe. These policy areas...... supporters of the Centre Right, ......cant number of them to abandon Le......ajor factor in the election of Emmanuel Macron
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe game of intra-party politics Facti......ce and Germany The determinants o......, factions and the selection of party platform Portf......location among party factions The politics of fission : party splits in Ital...... Germany Intra-party conflict and the survival of party leaders.
- Subject HeadingIntra-party disagreements ......--Italy. Intra-party disagreements ......-France. Intra-party disagreements (Political part...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book analyses the determinants behind the openings in party leader selecti......arties between the mid-1980s and the mid-2010s. Pre...... and revealing theoretical and em......rk, it tackles the impact of party change and the personalisatio......ta coming from the first expert survey on the personalisatio......estern Europe; the PoPES. A quant......alian parties (the Italian Communist Party - Democratic Party of the Left; the Northern League) and the (missed) opening of their leader selec......ook highlights the critical impor......ce of studying party leader selecti...... rules against the backdrop of allegedly declini...
- Contents...Western Europe Party decline and the rise of party leaders The focus on party leader selecti......isting studies Party change, the personalisatio......nd openings in party leader selecti......pter 2 setting the ground: the opening of party leader selection rules The dependent variable: party leader selecto......ime and space: the case selection and the features of the party leader selectorates The research question and the general framew......ysis Chapter 3 the internal and e......ternal factors The leadership change The membership decline The' control of party organisations Party family The electoral setback ...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies on political parties and party systems
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book examines the representativeness of party membership and analyses the potential cons......rangements and party systems. The book discusses whether changing repr......representative party candidate sele......legitimacy for the political system. The book bridges t......ion with each other: literature on the decline of party membership and......inorities and other social groups......nd scholars of party politics, political parties, ...
- ContentsParty membership as ......ation in local party associations a...... findings from the Canadian case ......iney Germany : the politicization of party membership / K......tical parties, party members and re......resentation in the Netherlands / Josje den Ridder, Ruu...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The 'secret garden...... some win and others lose their candidate se......cessful while others fail has to discover the relationship b......outcomes. Rare party and survey dat......used to reveal the inner workings of the secret garden.......imary focus on the British Labour party over several elections, the findings chall......ccessful over others and provides......g women's and other marginalised ...... fresh look at party selection proc......ore broadly to the study of political elites, co...
- ContentsStudy overview The selection proc......ralisation and the Labour Party's candidate se......tralisation in the British Labour Party's selection pr......dates Do local party members select "Ideal" candid...
- Subject Heading.... Conservative Party (Great Britain) Labour Party (Great Britain) Political can...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleLegislative Party Switching and Changes in the Party System of Japan
- Alternative TitleLegislative Party Switching and Changes in the Party System of Japan
- Additional TitleLegislative Party Switching and Changes in the Party System of Japan
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialComparative study of electoral systems
- Periodical TitleComparative study of electoral systems
- Title HeadingComparative study of electoral systems.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....parties beyond the national borders and their increasing i...... to understand their development, their organisation......specificities, their functions, and their impact on the party system and national p......broad and lays the foundation for......nce democracy. The generalisation......eas voting and the development transformed the civic and poli......een states and their diaspora. Th...... parties, with the task to reach ......road, mobilize them for elections...... even organize their representati......ook represents the first in-depth......itical parties/party politics, immigration, and mo...
- arenas for party politics / Tud......cross borders? The case of EKRE's...... structure and party politics as si......oppenfels Anti-party skew and varia......l A. Paarlberg The organisation o......h Expatriates! The booming emerge......ts overseas in the 2017 elections......llen Extending the incumbency presence abroad : the case of MPAIS ...... and Boyu Chen The activities of ......Kenig Building party sections around Europe : the construction p......odestos Siotos Party politics in tr......hilde Zederman The Algerian commu......acem Benzenine Party organisations ......-up alliances. The case of AKP and HDP in German...
- Title HeadingRoutledge studies on political parties and party systems.