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National Diet Library
- ContentsWriting precolonial A......ry: words and other historical fragments Motherhood in north Nyanza, eighth through the twelfth centur......nd adaptation: the politics of motherhood in early Buganda and south Kyog......teenth through the fifteenth century Mothering the kingdoms: Buganda, Busoga and ea......teenth through the eighteenth century Contesting the authority of mothers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
- Subject HeadingMotherhood--Political aspects--Uganda--History--To 1890. Motherhood--Social aspects--Uganda--History--To 1890. Mothers--Uganda--Social conditions.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingUganda -- Politics and government. Buganda -- Politics and government.
National Diet Library
- Contentspt. I. Majoritarian systems. Uganda : Reserved sea......ive action for the national women's movement or the national resis......n Bauer United Kingdom : The 'mother of all parliaments' : Westminster's male fac......ed States : Feminist society, pa......politics : how the electoral syst......representation in the United States ......rom misogynist theocracy to gender-inclusive democra......nberg France : The single member district system : the hidden bonus / Mariette Sineau Australia :...... unfulfilled : the electoral repr......ation of women in Australia / Ia......rica : Challenging traditional thinking on electoral systems / Ha...
- Subject HeadingWomen politicians. Women in politics. Legislators. Sex ro...
- Note (General)...r biographical information http: //
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ensive and cutting-edge multidisciplinary lenses. It ......and how it is linked to a range ......f contemporary political, economic and ......cial issues at the global, region...... local levels. In a world where ...... economic and financial integration, soci......and education, there is a tendenc......s largely from the standpoint of economic, political and strategic interests of the dominant powers. Iss......partly because they are too compl...... to deal with. In this regard, the study of ethni......ty is critical in delving deeper into people's wor......tions of each other, relationships and sence of ...
- ContentsMachine-generated. Volume 1: Exploring Global / Sara N. Amin Historical Mem......thnic Myths / Cindy Zeiher Indian Identity in South Africa /......Kathryn Pillay The State and Minority Nationali......Ethnic Groups) in China / Roland Boer Ethnic Blindness in Ethnically Div......hnic Relations in Fiji / Romites......t Post-Arab Spring: The Arab World Between the Dilemma of the Nation-State and the Rise of Identi......licts / Hassanein Ali Part II The State, Society...... Ethnopolitics The Significance o......Ethno-politics in Modern States ......h Religion and Political Mobilization /......d Sovereignty: The Case of the Cook Islands' and...
- Subject Heading.... Ethnic cleansing. Ethnic identity. Politics. ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingUganda -- Politics and government. Buganda -- Politics and government.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction. Conceptualizing the impact of gend......ive competence in France / Rainbow Murray Gender and political backgrounds in Argentina / Susan Franc......qualifications in Uganda / Diana Z. O'B...... and patronage in Morocco / Jame......s and mandates in the United Kingdom / Sarah Childs......omen's double bind in Brazil / Luis ......ate conditions in South Africa / identities, institutions, sec......and state-building in Afghanistan / ......rson Paradoxes in the meanings of quotas in Belgium / Petra Meier Political engagement and......tic legitimacy in Mexico Women's......ultural change in Rwanda / Jennie Burnet Politi...
- Subject HeadingWomen--Political activity. Women political candidates--Go......ocracy. Women--Political activity--Cros......studies. Women political candidates--Government policy...
National Diet Library
- ContentsInstitutional mechanisms for the advancement of women: mainstreaming gender, democratizing the state? / Shirin M. Rai Gender mainstreaming: conceptual links to institutional machineries / women's machinery: state-based institutions to women's machineries: structur......d Selma Acuner The role of the women's movement in institutionalizing a gender focus in public policy: the Ecuadorian exp......ia Vega Ugalde The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women, the women's moveme......t and gender mainstreaming in the Philippines / Jurgette H......ulada and Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo National machinery...
- Subject Heading... policy. Women in politics. Women -- Social con...
- Note (General)...d on behalf of the United Nations." Related URL:...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBuganda -- Politics and government Uganda -- Politics and government
- Subject Heading (ID)Buganda -- Politics and government Uganda -- Politics and government
- Note (General)"First published in 1961 by Princeton Universit......erso With 1997 introduction (p. ......led: Democracy in Uganda : a comparison through time Includes bibliogr......references and indexes
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....s LGBTQ topics in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East, a......, and takes an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, using film, literat......ion, activism, the arts, events as points of entry into the content.
- ContentsACT UP Activism in Africa South of the Sahara Adoptio...... and surrogacy in Europe Adoption, fostering, and surrogacy (international) Aestheticism and decadence, nineteenth-century......morial quilt : the NAMES Project ......hezca (1992; Reinaldo Arenas) Anthropology in Africa South of the Sahara Anti-gender movement in Europe Anti-racist activism in Europe Anti-Se...... Anti-Semitism in Europe Antisod......rials Archives in Africa Archives in Asia Archives in Australia and ......aland Archives in Europe Archives in Latin America Archives in North America Argentina's gender identity law The art of identity in India The art of queering Asi...
- Subject HeadingSexual minorities--Histor......eople. Sexual minorities. Gays. Bisexuals. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Cul...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingUganda -- Politics and government Buganda -- Politics and government
- Subject Heading (ID)Uganda -- Politics and government Buganda -- Politics and government
- Note (General)Includes index
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The global political economy is currently in the midst of a ref......x and that remains poorly researched and under-theorized within both economics and political science. There is little understanding of the many diverse s...... all too often included in the category of forced migrants.
- Contents...Contents About the Editors About the Contributors L......knowledgements Introduction I Theoretical Framew......Refugee Crisis in the Last Decade Gl......od on Refugees The Economic Ecology and Infrastructure The Social Impact The Educational Co......ef Scenario of the Study Area Syr......erences 2. Eco-political Stability and ......: Some Queries The Model Stage 2:......ented Price of the Profit Maximizing MNC Macro-fou......ed Price Level The Model with Host Economy of the Refugees Concluding Remarks II Cl......itarian Crisis in India and Bangladesh Alarming Crisis in Bangladesh International Migration Looking ...
- Subject HeadingDeveloping countries--Social conditions...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ts from around the world that hav......identified, defined, and legally established the rights of gays......, transgender, intersex, and asexual persons."-...
- Contents...ker Is Awarded the Medal of Honor Karl Heinrich Ulrichs Sp......hts Kertbeny Coins the Terms "Homosex......ent for Sexual Inversion United Kingdom Criminalizes "Gross Indecency" Two-Spirit American Indian Visits Washington, D.C. Alic......uilty of Murdering Her Lover Osc......icted of Gross Indecency Der Eig......blishes Sexual Inversion Hirschfeld Founds the Scientific-Hum......rrest "Los 41" in Mexico City Stein Writes Q.E.D. ......ects Third-Sex Theory Friedlaender Breaks with the Scientific-Hum......rian Committee The Eulenburg Affa......nter Publishes The Intermediate Sex ...... Robles Fights in the Mexican Revolution U.S. N...
- Subject HeadingSexual minorities--History. Sexual minorities--Civil ......uals--History. Intersex people--......ights. Sexual minorities.
Other Libraries in Japan
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- Alternative TitleWorld Bank working paper Documento de trabajo d...
- Alternative TitleWorld Bank working paper Documento de trabajo d...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe hidden hippopo...... : reappraisal in African history : the early colonial experience in western and society in colonial Brazz......state politics in Sierra Leone The lions of Dagbon : political change in Northern Ghana The politics of ha......ute strategies in Swaziland Slav......nd capitalists in southern Angola, 1840-1926 Marrying well : marria......l change among the educated elite in colonial Lagos The politics of ev......tate power and the political imagination in South Africa Labour in the South African gold mines 1911-1969 De...... opportunity : political change in Ahafo Kingship and state : the Buganda ...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe kingdom of Toro in Uganda The military in African politics Kingdoms of the Yoruba A history of the Arab State of ......litary regimes in Africa Ghana u......ic 1960-1966 : the pursuit of the political kingdom Botswana : a short political history Swahili: the rise of a national language Kingdoms of the Sudan Warfare and diplomacy in pre-colonial W......Ghana and Mali The Nigerian army,......-1966 Politics in the Organization o......ékou Touré's Guinea : an experiment in nation building
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and deve...
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and deve...