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- Contents...tents note: 1. The Party Politics......entralization: Theory, Definition......ods 2. Setting the Scene: The Direction and ......tralization on the Agenda: The Role of Political Parties 4. 5. Frames: The Art of Justifying Preferences...
- Subject HeadingPolitical government. Political parties. Politics and governm...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book examines the recent political debates movement in the EU within the context of res......stories across the continent"--
- ContentsThe context : the history of fre...... : reproducing the community of the European Union...... solidarity as the ultimate aim Setting the scene : migration po......y histories of the analysed countries Free movem...
- Subject Heading...m of movement--Political aspects Emigration and immigr...
National Diet Library
- ContentsLate modernism and the outward turn The last snapshot of the British intell......bservation and the fate of the liberal avant-garde The historical nov......modernism's geopolitical imagination: e......eryday life in the global hot zon......r fictions and political belonging Epil......nts to keep in the past."
- Subject Heading... / Semiotics & Theory
- Note (Content)"In 1935, the English writer......der wrote that the historical pre......a should "turn the reader's and w......rom himself to the world." Combin......e, locating in the heightened scr......nceptualize geopolitical disorder"--Jacket
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, approach to the study of nudgi......g to highlight the foundations an......king trends in the neoliberal age of behavioural...
- ContentsSetting the scene : the concept of nudge The nudge approach......rns Nudging in the context of neoliberalism : their hidden side.
- Title HeadingRoutledge frontiers of political economy ; 263.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book investigates how political actors - and m......tion affecting the functioning an......nal balance of the European Union......a challenge to the idea of an eve...... union' and to the democratic pri......iples on which the EU has been bu......iaments across the continent as well as the European Parliament, the chapters in th......ions regarding the evolution of d......s in Europe in the wake of Brexit......tatives assess the UK's decision ...... withdraw from the EU and its con......ondly, what is the impact of Brexit as regards the politicisation of the debate on Euro......bated existing political divisions or generated new cl...
- Contents...s, Brexit, and the future of Euro...... sovereignty – the Europeanisation of the House of Commo......homas 3. Who's the Boss? An analysis of the vote on the 'European Unio......awal) Bill' in the House of Commo....... Rally around the EU flag: Irish......y positions on the EU in the wake of Brexit......ry Costello 6. The politics of the Brexit debate ......ean debates in the Bundestag / Ma......n Baloge 9. In the spotlight, or behind the scenes? The European Parliament as an act...
- Note (General)"The chapters in pyblished inthe Journal of Contemporary Europ...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe underground Tokyo hardcore scene Trains, 20,000......r Records, and the illicit intimacy of the spaces of play......und girls, and the multiple identities of the people who play More than the musical in the performance of hardcore.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book describes the Islamisation p...... Malaysia over the last fifty yea......d classes", or the "elite", regarding their reactions to the changes that h......sation and how they feel it has impacted them. It includes ......ts relevant to the book's subject. The book gives a c......nd illustrates the extent of chan......ccompanied it. The feedback from the research parti......d non-Muslims. The reasons behind there being so lit......lamisation and the concerns that ......ined. Finally, the author gives his opinion on the impact the change in government in May 2...
- Contents... Islamisation, the Global Scene 4. The Factors Drivin......l Reactions to the Islamisation Phenomenon 7. Im...
- Related MaterialCritical studies of the Asia Pacific series
National Diet Library
- Contents...ion 2. Setting the Scene: History of a ...... 3. Explaining the Genesis of a Policy 4. The European Integ......ngible Threat? the Effect of a Explaining the Implementation of the European Integration Fund 7. ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, edition of the leading text on the European Union...... and features, the eighth edition......evelopments in the EU, including the ongoing fallout from the eurozone crisis.--
- ContentsSetting the scene: the 'crisis', the challenges, and their implications for the nature and operation of the EU The post-war trans......Western Europe The creation of the European community The deepening of the integration process The widening of the integration pr......m Rome to Nice The constitutional......s Treaties and the integration process The commission The Council of the European Union The European Council The European Parli...... Union Law and the EU's courts Other institutions Interests The member states ......ernal policies The budget Conceptualising the European Union Theorising European integration a...
- Subject Heading... Commission of the European Commu......ies Council of the European Commu...... of Justice of the European Communities European...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Fractured Scenes is the first extensiv......all outside of the scope of mains......s by key local scene actors in orde...... music (among others). It examines these Hong Kong re-defining the notion of a mu......underground in the context of contemporary Hong ...
- ContentsPart One, Perspectives on the Hong Kong unde......s : notes from the Hong Kong unde......improvisation. The politics of no......portunities in theatre performing...... reflection on the relevance of the technical prod...... underground : the Hong Kong DIY rock scene in the post-hidden ag......hun-kwok Wong. The transformation......und club music scene through Absurd......articipation : the politics of pe......ry of sound in the arts in Japan between the 1960s and 1990......akagawa. "Like the apocalypse is ...... amateurism in the garage rock underground of To...
National Diet Library
- ContentsRethinking the (non)state : t......rmance Setting the scene : contested na......arsal spaces : the material and s......xile Scripting the state : constructing a popula...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ontribution to the burgeoning int...... literature on the topic, this Handbook charts the various methodological, theoretical, compa......inisterial and political advisers. With......ic analysis of political and ministeria......ditions around the globe. Chapters examine their emergence on the executive stage, the circumstances ......ments in which they operate, their workers and their turbulent re......ationship with the media. Questio...... corruption in political-administrative......derstanding of the nature and age......inisterial and political advisers. Addr......inisterial and political advisers, this innovative Han...
- ContentsPart I. Setting the scene 1. Introduction to the handbook on ministerial and political advisers / Ric......: Advisers and den Berg 3. The story so far: ......uglas Part II. Theorising the field 4. Insti...... approaches to the study of minis......s: Advisers in the executive mena......oints between: The theoretical contex......Askim 9. Using the interpretivist......e Cecchini 10. The comparative me...... and profiles: The prosopographic......dvisers around the world 13. Trad......arek Rybar 15. The continental advisers in political systems of the napoleonic adm......ive tradition: The ministerial cabinet / Arthur ...
- Subject HeadingPolitical consultants Government consul...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- 2.Origin of the Modern System Chairs and the Birth of Subst......son A Tool for Political Oppression in the Pre-war Period...... Job Half Done The Scene Being Set, Enter the Players Conclu......ills Monkey on the MOJ's Back Som......ent Compromise The Nagoya Saga Ti......o Alternatives The Aftermath 5.Deconstructing the Substitute Pri...... Jurisdiction: The Mutually Symbi......back 6.Towards the Future: Lay Judges and the End of the Status Quo 7.Conclusion.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.In the twenty-first century, the gap between th...... 1 per cent of the world owns as much as the other 99 per cent. ......eed, author of the acclaimed A Qu......ness is one of the defining issues of our time. The author is conc......ase studies on the effects of pov......In proposing a theory of social relativity the author provide...... insights into the effects and me......y issue facing the world today."--Publisher's de...
- ContentsIntroduction: Setting the Scene Part one. Land......Divides ; Half the World: Identit...... Wars ; War on the Skin ; Intact Arguments ; The Argument from ......l Comparison ; The Psychodynamic ......ty: Notes on a Theory. A Theory of Social Relativity ; The Politics of Po...... Understanding the Triggers: Indi......ial Category ; The Effect of Ineq......esignation and the Protest ; The Politics of Equal Worth.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... and analysis, the Handbook probl......tic account of the field. Thematically organized, the chapters address political, social and hi......howcasing both theoretical and em......d induction in the Middle East. It positions the didactic at the centre of inqu......s. Substantive themes include sec......e" politics of the Middle East. L...... of knowledge, the Middle East is......s, but also by the cultural, spat......r scholarship, the Handbook scholars of political and social sciences, the Handbook is si......erstanding how the Middle East is written and re...
- Contents...iki Travelling the Middle East wi...... Literature in the Arab postcolon....../ Miriam Cooke The primacy of fie......xplorations of the MENA state / L......Nationalism in the Arab Middle Ea......elvin Studying the international relations of the Arabian Penins...... account and a theoretical Reimagining the Middle East and its place in the world / Robert......ualizations Of The Democratic And The Authoritarian ......y research and the study of politics in the Arab world / M......ritarianism in the Middle East an...... North Africa: the trajectories of the MENA republics...... reform' since the 1980s: the political corollar...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe foundation of R. Service The land-without-e......élène Clastres The Republic of Plato and the Guaraní / José......inghame Graham The revolt of the Comuneros / Ad......on Paraguay in the London press o......Thomas Whigham The Treaty of the Triple Allianc......Leandro Pineda The Lomas Valentin......pez Memoirs of the Paraguayan war......spar Centurión The women of Pirib....../ Juan O'Leary The death of López...... / Eliza Lynch The psychology of ......yan society in the post-war decad......Gaylord Warren The "Lincolnshire ......ike to work in the yerba plantati......Rafael Barrett The treatment of tree-fellers and...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Analyses the exponential gr...... and discusses the extent of impa......generated from these portals in M......ral elections. The mainstream med......t laws such as the Printing Press......Act (PPPA) and the Sedition Act, ......s and editors. The rise of INP faster than the mainstream media. The undeniable speed of the news posted on...... to expressing their political views. Some of the INPs have also......information to the public. The interviews news and at the same time prov......observation on political events includi......esentatives of the Malaysian middle class, Oppos...
- ContentsObserving political landscape Inte......NP challenging the media landscap......ners observing the political scene.
- Subject HeadingOnline journalism--Political aspects--Malay......Digital media--Political aspects--Malaysia. Political participation--Technological ...