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National Diet Library
- ContentsThe problem of clean hands : negotiated compromise in lawmaking /......? / Anton Ford The moral distinctiveness of legislated law......d Dyzenhaus On compromise, negotiation, ....../ Amy J. Cohen Compromise in negotiation......c conflict and the political morality of compromise / Michelle M. Moody-Adams The challenges of conscience in a world of compromise / Amy J. Sepinwall Necessary compromise and public har...... / Andrew Sabl Compromise and representative government...
- Subject HeadingPolitical ethics. Compromise (Ethics)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... independently of Britain has be......ue, dominating the independence referendum of 2014 and conti......luence British politics since. But, book shows, the Scottish econo......d constructed. The book explores the history of how Scotland control" to the ongoing debate...... for examining the political meaning of "the economy", the book also considers the origins of efforts to measure the Scottish economy in the British nationalist terms of "regional policy". It then considers the influence, in turn, of North Sea oil, in changing the meanings attached to the Scottish economy. These form necessary conditions f...
- Contents...ning Economies Theorising Nations, Regions and the Imagined Econo......, Planning and the Emergence of the Scottish Econo......aginary Before the 1970s North Sea Oil and the Scottish Econo......onal Space and the post-Imperial ......truggle, Class Compromise, and Scotland'......ce" An Economy of Enterprises: D...... Neoliberalism The Financial Crash, the Question of Independence and after: Chang...
- Subject Heading...licy Scotland--Politics and government
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....thority places the American state......aratus back in the foreground to rethink the development of the country's government in the context of its unfulfilled promise of equality. The book argues that the tensions betwe......r equality and the simultaneous tolerance of inequality, have accompanied the rise of modern mass so...... and, with it, of liberal calibrating the relationship between the interior and the exterior of the nation, moving......ipation inside the national commu......tinue to belie the historical promise of equality. The authors draw on a range of literatures th......been accepted. They conclude that the legitimiza...
- ContentsPreface Crises of democracy, mor......Modern sources of legitimacy Universalisms of an elite natio...... democracy and the Fordist compromise Maintaining the promise in the era of globalization Rethinking equa...
- Note (General)Translation of: Das Versprechen der Gleichhe...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book is a history of how the political influence of the very wealthy a......orporations in the postwar era. The historian Davi......nfluence it in the rightward shift in US politics in the 1970s, driven ......ess groups and the wealthy elite. After the realignment of the Republican party in the 1960s, driven to white Southern Democrats, the historian Davi......y threats from the Soviet Union a......nsformation to the public. Busine...... standards and compromised economic security for the majority while advancing the interests of the already wealth......ibuted upward. The stable growth ......ssociated with the postwar era came to an end wi...
- ContentsIntroduction The rich accept a compromise The rich revolt Bu......a new Cold War The rich go global The triumph of laissez faire Conclusion
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ent shutdowns. Compromise in Congress se......ns deserve all the blame? Legisla...... stand firm to their convictions voters want them to do. If thi......true, however, then citizens must shoulder some of the responsibility......mericans value compromise as a way to re......ences in times of partisan divis......from a variety of surveys and in......e experiments, the book demonstra......want more from politics than just ideo......presentation - they also care about the processes by w......s believe that compromise is a virtuous ......e's desire for compromise is deeply root...... beliefs about compromise can serve as a check on parti...
- ContentsThe challenges of compromise Public support for political compromise Compromise as a democratic value The bounds of public support for compromise Partisan motiv...... consideration of compromise Campaigns, com...... for political compromise Policymaking, ......nd support for compromise Do people want members of Congress to compromise? Support for compromise in principle and in practice ...
- Subject Heading...-United States Compromise (Ethics)--Poli......United States--Politics and government......litical ethics Politics and government--Public opinio...
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleUnited States and the Arab countries of the Middle East
- Alternative TitleUnited States and the Arab countries of the Middle East
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The ailing Liberal......ts limped into their 2011 annual ......w strategy. In the year and half since joining the Conservatives ......vernment since the second World War their popularity h......nge. Clegg and the Liberal Democrats had spent the last year learning what many of their continental is vital to the cabinet's abil......ooperation may often come at the cost of electoral capi......tes are won on the promise of pursuing a core set of policies, not on the promise of cooperation with some (often as yet unna...... in part, with the understanding that they will adhere to these campaign pro......ppear to shirk their charge - to trade away or o...
- Contents...ce Perceptions of coalition compromise Costs of coalition compromise Collective responsibility and...
- Subject Heading...Great Britain--Politics and government......Great Britain--Politics and government......itical parties Politics and government Voting Great B...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ourselves with the history of political part......s 1. Prophetic politics of Henry Wallace:......nt anticipated the dangerous time......Hope in a time of war: four free...... one world and the dream of overcoming our......rew blood from the cave dwellers"......emagoguery and the wealthy men wh......ritarianism 4. The fight against ......ry Wallace and the consequences of speaking truth......gan to abandon the New Deal 6. Into the wilderness: birth of the not-as-bad-as-the-Republicans De......race, cold war compromises and the degeneration of the Democratic party 8. Party the lost its way: but for the Vietnam War, the dream of a N...
- Subject Heading...United States--Politics and government......United States--Politics and government......tical culture. Politics and government. Racism. Socia...
- Alternative TitleEnduring legacy of Henry Wallace's antifascist, antiracist politics
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Over the span of two weeks in m...... 2011, reports of numerous selfi...... at five times the subsidized price. On the same day, Moha......mself on fire. These immolations,......y in emulation of the events that sparked the uprisings in T......ught to ignite the fires of popular protest against the Mubarak regime in Egypt"--
- Contents...emporary Egypt The Purpose and Scope of the Study Capitali......m and Networks of Privilege Capi......and Society in the Middle East Fr......rces Structure of the Book 2.The Developmentalist State and the Market Economy......Arab Socialism The Contradictions and Limits of Arab Socialism...... and Conflict: The Outcomes of Infitah Conclu......ion 3."We Need the Government to Unleash Us, the Tigers": Mubarak and the Neoliberal Tur......possession and the Transformation of the State The Crisis of the 1980s The Neoliberal Turn, 1991-1995 The Minister of the Poor, 1996-199......ion, 1999-2004 The Government of Businessmen, 20...
- Subject Heading...entury. Egypt--Politics and government......--21e siècle. Politics and government. Protest movem...
National Diet Library
- ContentsSocial contracts: the formation of political sove......ce indicators: the kingdoms of Israel and Jud......auma: Children of the exile Mimickin......n Isaiah Legal compromises: imperial contexts of the Pentateuch Wis......ations: places of understanding in Job Colonial...
- Subject HeadingPolitical theology. Bible. Old Testament--Politics and government......Old Testament. Politics and government. Bible--Politics and government...... et exégèse. Théologie politique. Souverainet...
- Note (Content)The Hebrew Bible i......ified" account of the national history of Israel. The texts, with their myriad genre......pectives, show the forming and re-forming of Ancient Israel......dy in a number of geographical settings. The communities ar......own in and out of political powe......n. Ultimately, the Hebrew Bible i...... and empire in the ancient world....... reflection on the intersections of religious and "Political Theology." In Locations of God, Mark G. B......s primarily on the historical books of the Bible, comparing them with selected......s, setting all of them against the lived realities under the shadow of successive empires....
National Diet Library
- ContentsCauses of interest group......interest group politics The competitive mo......rical analysis of group competit......n Consequences of interest group......n in coalition politics Institutional constraints on ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe decline of tax politics in Eastern Eur......sumption taxes The race to the bottom? : corp......rate taxes and the competition for capital Politics and personal income taxes Politics and taxation in Russia : the case of an oil economy......ion, electoral politics, and European taxation.
- Subject, Eastern -- Politics and government. Europe, Easte...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Rarely do acts of civil disobedi......ella movement. The two protests c...... as regards furthering notions of political spee......n, and testing the limits of authority. Thi......ok breaks down these two movements and explores their complex lega...... significance. The collection ... [addresses] the legal and poli......l significance of both movements, including the complex questions they posed as rega......emocracy, rule of law, authority, and freedom of speech. Given ......esters to make their cases to bot......nts, exploring the legalities of these significant ......ents, wherever they may transpire...... this in mind, the book does not stop at implica...
- Contents...and democratic compromise : the Sunflower Move...... and Yen-Tu Su The right to free assembly and the Sunflower Move......Jiunn-Rong Yeh The law and politics of societies : the case of the occupy central......g / Fu Hualing The nomos of Hong Kong's Um......nt / Daniel Matthews Unpopular so......entity through the lens of the Sunflower and ......ot to punish : the question of civil disobedience and the Umbrella Movem......o Dancing with the dragon : close......cracy and rule of law in Taiwan ......racy, and rule of law / Han Zhu Democratic poli...
- Subject Heading...--Taiwan. Rule of law--Taiwan. Kong. Rule of law--China--Ho......w reform. Rule of law. China--Hong Kong. Taiwan...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...Ahead 2.Origin of the Modern System of Police Chairs and the Birth of Substitute Pri...... Oppression in the Pre-war Period...... Job Half Done The Scene Being Set, Enter the Players Conclusion 3.A Tale of Two Detention ......ills Monkey on the MOJ's Back Som......step Amendment Compromise The Nagoya Saga You Can Put Off Until Tomorro......o Alternatives The Aftermath 5.Deconstructing the Substitute Pri...... Jurisdiction: The Mutually Symbi......back 6.Towards the Future: Lay Judges and the End of the Status Quo 7.Conclusion.
- Subject HeadingCorrections--Japan. Detention of persons--Japan. Police power-...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....- through both official and non-......oured billions of dollars into f...... causes around the world. The effect has bee......ate Wahhabism, the distinctively ......d austere form of Islam associated with the Kingdom's who explore the origins and evolution of Saudi religiou...... debates about the impact of these influences i......alities around the world, and dis......rends in light of new Saudi leadership
- Contents... Wahhabism and the World: The Historical, and Future of Saudi Religiou......yya to Riyadh: The History and Global Impact of Saudi Religiou......nal Wahhabism: The Muslim World League and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth /......or a Living in the Land of Allah": Labor ......nd Remittances of Wahhabism / Su......bø 12. Wahhabi Compromises and "Soft Salafization" in the Sahel / Alexan...... 13. Unpacking the Saudi-Salafi C......ix 14. Arab Brothers, Arms, and Karcic 15. The Shifting Contours of Saudi Influence in Britain / ...
- Title HeadingReligion and global politics
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....en society and the state. While the state has alwa......restore order, the unexpected outbreak of the Arab Spring re......cies to manage the Maghreb's rest......etrograde' and then as 'radicalis......states capable of controlling the population. Hi......pression to be the very bond that united them, but what continues to hold these communities ......ion-states together after is not at the heart of the state's action......tates approach these questions, showing that the fight against ......essential ties of state belongin...... also promotes the development of a border contr...... He highlights the challenges posed by fragile p...
- ContentsFrom Colonial Rule to the War on Terror The Trials and Tribulations of Nation-Buildin...... Tunisia: From the Specter of Civil War to Democratic Compromise Libya, A Multi......: A Society on the Brink The Deconstruction of Nation-States: The Jihadis' Reven......orging a Sense of Belonging and Loyalty to the State.
- Subject Heading...Africa, North--Politics and government--21st century.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....uction to what the most thoughtfu......ave said about the American experience from the colonial period to the present. The book examines the political thought of the most, helping another generation of students, scho......and more fully the meaning of America. This ......second edition of the book includes ......blic life when the first edition ......n made to many of the original, increasing the breadth and depth of the collection. --
- Contents...thaniel Niles: The Basic Principles of Puritan Politi...... Thomas Paine: The American Radic...... Forde pt. Two The New Republic (......'s Harmonizing of Traditions / P......John Adams and the Republic of Laws / Richard......and Education: The Political Philosophy of Thomas Jeffers......e Tessitore 8. The Political Science of James Madison Hamilton on the Grand Strategy of Free Brutus and The Federal Farmer......Murray Dry 12. The New Constitutionalism of Publius / Jame......tionalism, and the Judicial Defense of Rights: John Marshall / Matthew J. Franck pt.......n and Liberty: The Political Thought of Daniel W...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book explores the experience of China's migran......ered analyses, offering extraord...... insights into the life-world of the marginalized p......a has hundreds of millions of internal migra......ts coming from the countryside to the big cities in search of fame, fortune,......just a living. The author also examines the gender and leisure of this marginali......ry examination of the experience of restaurant wor......g new light on the experience of the megacity from the inside and will be of direct value to policymakers,...
- Contents...on, Gender and the Service Sector......ical Workplace The Short-Lived Obedience, Compromise and Resistance......ties Unpacking the Complexity of Gender, Class ......kouAn Overview of the Findings.
- Related MaterialNew perspectives on Chinese politics and society
National Diet Library
- ContentsUnderstanding the FILP system The common origins of budget restrai......d distributive politics, 1953-1970 The electoral logic of FILP allocatio......0-1993 Pushing the limits of the FILP compromise, 1970-1990 The politics of FILP reform, 1990-2001 The Koizumi reforms and the legacy of FILP, 2001 and after.
- Subject Heading...tory. Japan -- Politics and government -- 1945-
- Title HeadingStudies of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pa...