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National Diet Library
- Contents...nary debates : the relations betw......n human rights and political prac......, feasibility, and power Humanist and political pers......n human rights The feasibility of......s Human rights and power Part II : The dignitarian approach Understanding human dignity in human rights Defending the significance of human dignity Dignity and solidaristic empowerment The dignitarian ap......mplications of the dignitarian ap......human rights : dignity and the arc of humanist justice.
- Subject HeadingHuman rights. Dignity. Respect for persons--Law and legislation. 86.81 human righ...
- Note (Content)Human dignity: social moveme......s enshrine it, and it features pr...... what is human dignity, why is it important, and what is its re...... sophisticated and comprehensive defence of the view that human dignity is the moral heart of......, it clarifies the network of con......ssociated with dignity. Paramount wit......otion of human dignity as an inherent......, egalitarian, and high-priority ......s in virtue of their valuable hum......n capacities rather than as a result of their national origin and other conventional ......hows how human dignity gives rise to ......solidaristic empowerment, which or destroy, and positive duties to protect an...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....Turkey a great power ... Erdogan ha......hodox model in the context of as a stand-alone Middle Eastern power. In doing so T......ies, including the United States and has embraced a......era reach into the Arabian Middle East and the Balkans."--
- Contents...storing Turks' dignity-as Muslims "St...... Building soft power Europe's slap ......merican affair The Syrian disaste......m Belt" Turkey and the West: a never-ending love aff...
- Subject Heading...ions. Politics and government. Pr......rkey--Politics and government--1980- Middle East...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Despite the global endorsement of the Sustainable De......owing all over the world. These struggles ar......that privilege the few while infl......ting misery on the many and threatening ec......ollapse. This handbook offers cri......erspectives on the multi-dimensio......ntal injustice and the cross-cutting ......ion that unite and divide these struggles, i......race, poverty, and indigeneity. The work sheds new light on the often-neglecte......sustainability and its relationsh......o human rights and environmental frameworks and case studies from around the world, this illustrates the importance of overcoming the ...
- Contents...mental Justice and Sustainable De......ment : Framing the Issues / Sumud......en G. Gonzalez and Sara L. Seck The Indivisibility of Human Dignity and Sustainability / Erin Daly and James R May En......tal Justice in the Global South /......mental Justice and Sustainability......ial Capitalism and the Anthropocene /......z Human Rights and Resilience and its Relation to the Social Pillar ......mental Justice and Sustainability : The United States ...... Morris Collin and Robert W. Collin The Role of Public......lvão Ferreira and Mario Mancilla...... Water Justice and The Social Pillar of Sustaina...
- Subject Heading...velopment--Law and legislation En......velopment--Law and legislation.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....sgivings about the push to legalise euthanasia and assisted suici......sity professor and former president of the Danish Council......bate. Alive to the case that assi...... questions: whether the answer to suff......g is to remove the sufferer, and whether self-determination in dying and death is an personalize the ethical argume......ts' narratives and make reference......erent opinions and well-informed about the details and nuances of dif......itten from a Scandinavian perspec......t for autonomy and high quality p......ative care go hand in hand, Hartling's is......ontribution to the arguments that surround a que...
- ContentsObviousness of the question Death......hanasia Acting and omitting to act Man's power over life and death Bathtub ......n arguments in the pro-/ Respect for the right to self-......lemn arguments Dignity Language More ......ble notion? Another possibility
- Subject HeadingEuthanasia--Moral and ethical aspects Euthanasia--Moral and ethical aspects.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Most observers did not expect the Arab spring to......idity, massive and unprecedented ......ace, which put the regime very much on the defensive; what began as the Syrian Uprisin......ed into one of the world's most damaging and protracted con......g passed since the inception of the Syrian Uprisin......erlying forces and long-term impl......napshot of how the uprising devel......ped in roughly the first two to (2011-2013) and addresses key ......ions regarding the domestic origins of the uprising and its early traj......tly, what were the causes of the conflict, both......contradictions and crisis within the pre-uprisin...
- ContentsIntroduction : origins of the Syrian uprisin......ond Hinnebusch and Omar Imady The tragedy of Ba'....../ Adham Saouli The power of "sultanism"...... Søren Schmidt The dynamics of power in Syria : gen......zed corruption and sectarianism /......téphane Valter The uprising and the economic interests of the Syrian militar......aid Revisiting the political economy of the Syrian uprisin......thoritarianism and the shifts between secularism and Islam in Syria......mist movements and the Syrian uprisin......David W. Lesch The Alawis :, perception and agency in the Syrian securit......h Emergence of the political voice of Syria's ci...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The Palgrave Handbook of Tolerat...... toleration as the foundational i......versity. This handbook is intende......of toleration, the central justif......resentation of the different conc......on) as well as the discussion of the many problems dominating the controversies ......ration at both the theoretical or practical level. The Palgrave Handbook of Tolerat...... looking for either a detailed pr......of toleration, the most important......ith toleration and the many problems dividing either scholars, policy-makers or p...
- ContentsThe Anatomy of Tol......ation: Concept and Conceptions A ...... of Toleration The Epistemic Just......ned Toleration and Political Power Toleration and Political Change Toleration and the Law Toleration and Domination Sta......ce: Toleration and Transformation Toleration and State Neutrality: The Case of Symbol......nse Toleration and Moralism Toleration and Neutrality Pol......n, Neutrality, and Respect Toleration and its, Skepticism and Pluralism Tole......easonableness, and Power Toleration and Reasonableness......ion Toleration and Tolerance in a......lticulturalism and Toleration Recognition and Toleration Toleration and Dig...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of toleration Toleration
National Diet Library
- Contents...Shane R. Thye, and Jeongkoo Yoon The evolutionary biology and sociology of rationality and weak solidarit......An integrative theory of action: the model of frame...... Hartmut Esser and Clemens Kroneberg The center cannot ......echo chambers, and polarization /...... J. DellaPosta and Michael W. Mac......ocial exchange and social order: an affect theory approach / ......Shane R. Thye, and Jeongkoo Yoon ......utions, trust, and social order /......y verification and the social order /......Peter J. Burke and Jan E. Stets I......tities, roles, and social institu...... J. MacKinnon, and Wolfgang Scholl The gender fr...
- Subject Heading...ung. Soziales Handeln. Interazione sociale--Rice...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe Federal Constitutional Court The basic law and its interpreta...... Separation of powers Political representation and democracy Jurisprudence of the open state Human dignity, personal liberty, and equality Freed......speech, press, and art Religion, conscience, and family rights ......omic liberties and the social state.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents1. Introduction: The challenge of animal ethics / Andrew Linzey and Clair Linzey Section I. The ethics of cont...... Introduction: The ethics of cont......Valéry Giroux and Carl Saucier-B...... 4. Rethinking the ethic of human......ain of fools : the language of power / Les Mitchell...... duties to ill and aging companio...... 7. Speciesism and the ideology of domination in the Italian philos......imal advocacy, and the ethics of Section II. The ethics of capt...... Introduction: The ethics of capt......tion, liberty, and dignity / Lori Gruen ;......11. Speciesism and zoos : shifting the paradigm, maintaining the pre...
- Subject HeadingAnimal welfare--Moral and ethical aspect......onships--Moral and ethical aspects.
- Note (General)"Palgrave Handbooks" -- Cover.
National Diet Library
- Contents...eam, America's power The newcomer The hyperpower Unstoppable Am......ncept America" Dignity and equality The exceptional power Problem Bush and Europe's vote Conclusion: The power of the American dream.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The author introduces the concept of economic woman and makes her visi......n duality with and opposition to the exclusive competition and maximization o......ic inequality. The book demonstra......n's situation, and that economic ......nnot thrive in the conditions of ......m. Emphasising the international ......ields of life, the author documen......lic, financial and corporate inst......ns, employment and entrepreneursh......ositions. Nevertheless, using glo......evere economic power deficit, an un......act of poverty and barriers to equality in the family. The book analyses the trap of women's increased bur...
- Contents... 4. Outline of the book Part I. Economic Power 1. Economic's economic power deficit Part II. The Sale of Human ......) 2. Promotion and gender pay gap......ent at work 5. The pension gap 6. The third and fourth industr......s 7. Maternity and gendered care ......tic workers 9. The unfulfilled pr......rty Revisiting the Feminisation o......ty Paradigm 1. The incidence of p......women's bodies and dignity 3. Development and human rights equality in the family histori......traditionalist and modernist fami...... investment in the family and women breadwin...... caregiving 5. The economics of biological mothe...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe Federal Element of the German Republic Issues and Developments /......d, Bundesstaat and Staatenbund: The German Element......icholas Aroney The Impact of the German Human Dignity Principle on the Right to Life and the Right not to b......askia Hufhagel The Common Law and Human Dignity: Australian Pe......ernational Law and International Cooperation and Integration in the German Basic L......ernational Law and the War Power in Australia /......eorge Williams The Role of the Basic Law in M......lf Schwartmann The Role of the Constitution i......tharine Gelber The Legislative and Executive Branch versus the Federal Constitutional Court ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The contradictory trends of the ‘post-Arab Spring' landscape form both the backdrop to, and the focus of, this volume on the changing secur......ty dynamics of the Persian Gulf, defined as the six GCC states plus Iraq and Iran. The political and economic uphea......l triggered by the uprisings of 2011, and the rapid emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in 2014, underscored the vulnerability ......stic pressures and external shocks. The initial phase of the uprisings has ......eries of messy and uncertain tran......eply fractured and ignited violence both within and across states. The bulk of the protests, with th...
- Contents...tween Domestic and Regional Secur......sen 3. Renting the Casbah: Gulf S......h Africa since the Arab Uprisings...... Matthiesen 4. The Emerging Energy Landscape: Economic and Strategic Impl......gat 5. Towards the End of the Oligarchic Pact? Business and Politics in Ab......habi, Bahrain, and Oman / Marc Va......ndia: A Rising Power in the Persian Gulf? Markakis 7. The Rise of ISIS: Iraq and Persian Gulf Entessar 9. The Politics of Su......Youth, Protest and the New Elite: Domestic Security and Dignity in Kuwait / Al...... Alsharekh 11. The Transformation of UAE Foreign...
- Subject Heading...gion. Politics and government. Se......gion--Politics and government. Middle East--Pers...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.A compelling history of the famous London club and its members' i......fic, creative, and official life ......unded in 1824, the Athenaeum broke the mold. Unlike in other preeminent cl......were chosen on the basis of their achievements rather than on their background o......tion. Public rather than private life dominated the agenda. The club, with its......ters, artists, and intellectuals ......Charles Darwin and Matthew Arnold, Edward Burne-Jones and Yehudi Menuhin......ston Churchill and Gore Vidal. Th......t presented in the traditional, i......s attention to the influence of Athenians on the scientific, creative, and off...
- Contents...en formed' 3. 'They have built a ......2. Victorian grandeur (1830-90). 4 'The most eminent persons in the land' 5. 'A score o......rt 3. 'Reserve and dignity' (1890-1939) 7. Strangers and brothers 8. Culture w......e than just another London club' (1939-). 10. 'The secret power of England' 11. Cultural revolution 12. ...
- Subject HeadingAthenæum Club (London, England)--History Athenæum Club (London, England)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The year 2017 marked the 150th annivers...... Confederation and the 1867 Constitut......versaries like these are often se...... both emerging and established scholars, The Canadian Const......on reflects on the ideas that will shape the development of......utional law in the decades to com...... Moving beyond the frameworks tha......onal thinking, the scholars in th...... highlight new and innovative app......nial problems, and seek new insig...... who will lead the constitutional......onversation in the years ahead - and who represent the gender, ethnic, linguistic, and demographic ma......orary Canada - The Canadian Constitution in Tran...
- ContentsThe most opaque branch? The (un)accountabl......h of executive power in modern Cana...... / Mary Liston The future of, political, and centralism and legal pluralis......tution outside the courts" : prov......lism in Canada and Quebec's chang......ivan Religious and political communities in the Canadian judic......tive diversity and jurisdictional......hal Difference and inclusion : rights from the past / David M......titutionalism? The 1867 Canadian Constitution and the legacy of the residential sc...... Sujith Xavier The unstable scope......c, indigenous, and private / Dwight Newman A rol...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....peacemakers in the Middle East, i......lvaro de Soto, and others. It provides......nique insights and lessons learne......bout diplomacy and international ......fe experience. The personal stori...... of successful and unsuccessful, as well as the chances and limits of solving the most intractab......e conflicts in the region and other parts of the world. The talks in this ......e were part of the Bill and Sally Hambrech......ture series of the Issam Fares In...... Public Policy and International Affairs at the American Unive......peacemaking in the Middle East, i......lvaro de Soto, and others. It provides unique in...
- Contents...Karim Makdisi, and Martin Wahlisc......I. Peacemaking and the United ; 1. Making and keeping the peace: reflect......experiences in the Middle East and Afghanistan / ......cemaking under the United Nations......armouk, Syria, and the predicament of the Palestinian / Filippo Grandi ; 5. The UN in the Middle East and the Arab Awakening...... Falk Part II. The Arab-Israeli c......vid: a memo to the Arab world, Israel, and the Quartet / Jimmy Carter ; 7. The situation in the Middle East: a vision for the future / Amr M......ith Islamists: the need for mutual dignity and respect / Alastair Crooke ; 9...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....erent parts of the world provide ......xhibit many of the answers that m......ers have given and are giving to ...... if not all of the following questions in their varied setti......First, who has the authority to w......econd, who has the authority to e......itative? Third and closely relate......tures, limits, and guides for gov......Fourth, should the constitution b...... added)? Fifth and broadest, what......ixth, finally, and perhaps most i......t: what should the purposes of a ......nstitution be? They offer reflect......e been adopted and how far they may be judged successful"--
- ContentsIs the influence of the U.S. Constitut....../ David S. Law and Mila Versteeg Is the U.S. Constitut...... would we know and do we really c......tional details and America's posi....../ Emily Zackin Dignity, rights, and the comparative constituent power / Kim Lane Sch......tional moments and the paradox of con......h Constituting the state in postcolonial Africa ...
- Related MaterialDemocracy, citizenship, and constitutionalism
National Diet Library
- Contents...chings Kantian themes in ethics and international relations / Matthew Lindauer Glob......rican views on the construction and implementation of the international ......y, explanation and ethics in inte......s / Damian Cox and Michael Levine Hunting the state of nature : race and ethics in post......constructivism and international ......vercroft Truth and power, uncertainty and catastrophe : ......n IR realism / Andrew R. Hom Ethics and feminist inter......onal relations theory / Elisabeth......ick Morgenthau and the ethics of real...... Molloy Ethics and critical secur...... approaches to the study of the ethics of war / ...
- Subject HeadingInternational relations--Moral and ethical aspects.
- Alternative TitleHandbook of ethics and international relations
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Defamation and privacy are no...... publications, the emergence of p......ctions outside the US. A number o......ent defamation and privacy law re...... in defamation and privacy law fo......ia, journalism and contemporary c...... it brings together leading and emerging analy......ddress current and proposed reforms and the impact of chan...... environments, and to re-examine ......s such as harm and free speech. This book will b...
- Contents... 1. Defamation and privacy in an ...... 'more speech' Andrew T. Kenyon; ......n any medium'? The scope of Canad......pas une pipe': the autopoietic inanity of the single meaning rule Andrew Scott; 4. N...... 5. Defamation and democracy Russ......ic Barendt; 7. The effects of med......Nicole Moreham and Yvette Tinsley......Press freedom, the public interest and privacy Gavin Phillipson; 9. The Atlantic divide on privacy and free speech Kirsty Hughes and Neil M. Richards; 10. The 'right to be f......y law: a legal and policy analysis of the Costeja decisi....... 'Privacy for the weak, transparency for the powerful' Melissa de Zwart; 1...
- Subject HeadingFreedom of expression--Congresses. Privacy--Congresses. Libel and slander--Congresses.