Search results 45
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The quality of mercy
- Additional TitleThe quality of mercy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The quality of mercy
- Additional TitleThe quality of mercy
National Diet Library
- ContentsOverview / Mercy Tembon Schooli...... outcomes in mathematics from a : what does the international education : the gender perspec......way to gender equality in the labor market? ......tion : effects of gender, povert......y / Don Filmer The double disadvantage of gender and soc......ting education quality through gender......on in contexts of crisis, postcr......Sakena Yacoobi The effects of a reduction in......n ... [et al.] Quality and gender equality in education :......AWE's 15 years of experience? / for gender equality in basic and s......d approach tin the Republic of Yemen / Tawfiq A. Al-Mekhlafy...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
- Alternative TitleGirls' education in the twenty-first century
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...d Burghley and the Management of Elizabeth's En....../ Norman Jones The Earl of Essex / Paul E......bert Cecil and the Transition fro...... I / Pauline Croft James I and the Consolidation of British Monarc......m Shakespeare, the Irish and Mili......yal Honour and the Politics of Commonweal in ...... Patronage and the Prince's Court...... Timothy Wilks The Theatre and the 'Post-Reformat......l Training and the Elizabethan Gr......Paulina Kewes Other Republicanism...... Debora Shuger The Gordian Knot of Policy: Statecraft and the Prudent Prince...... Verstegan and the Battle for Bri......hur Williamson The Politics of Race in England, ...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of the age of Shakespeare Age of Shakespeare
- Alternative TitleHandbook of the age of Shakespeare Age of Shakespeare
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...Administration of -- China -- History. China --...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....oad definition of the topic, this Co......vides a survey of the literary magaz......rliest days to the contemporary moment. It offers a comprehensive theorization of the literary magazine in the wake of developments studies in the last decade, bringing together a wide variety of approaches and......s new light on the possibilities ......d difficulties of the concept of the literary magaz......nsive overview of key themes and example......ons, this book offers: Theory - it invest......ons and limits of what a literar......onnections and offers expanded d......Case Studies - these range from k...... magazines and the popular middlebrow to pulp fi...
- Contents... Lanzendörfer The magazine in theory / Patrick Collier The literary in theory / Travis Ku......ationalism and the literary magaz......ialization and the narrative scales of the literary magazine / Matthew Pethers Visuality in......ateriality and the American liter......ry magazine in the nineteenth century : at the mercy of logistics / Ma......David M. Earle The business of literary magaz......y America / Heather Haveman Liter...... magazines and the challenge of the digital / Seth...... Lanzendörfer The nineteenth-cen...... / Caley Ehnes The literary magaz......Mark Noonan Southern regionalism in the United States / Keri Holt Mod...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...United States. Quality of Health Care -- United States.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe breath of our fathers A losing pro......Wealth seems rather to possess them Worse poison ......Postcards from the year 2025 The quality of mercy Epilogue : the seventh generation.
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Merkavah In the world to above......bati Knowledge of human power and power and the divine reality : the Book of Bahir The Sefirot : the divine emanati...... : explanation of the ten Sefirot Revelation and the giving of Torah : "all of Israel saw the letters" in the Zohar Language......ohar, 2:99 a-b The many meanings of the Torah : "the old man and the beautiful maiden" in the Zohar The mystical Sabbath : "the secret of Sabbath" in the Zohar The end of exile and the future redempt......"Shekhinah" in the Zohar Divine emination and the names of God / R. Joseph Gikatilla The essential quality of God is mercy / R. Joseph G...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA selected edition of W.D. Howells
- Periodical TitleA selected edition of W.D. Howells
The quality of mercy : Cambodia, Holocaust and modern conscience : with a report from Ethiopia : pbk
Other Libraries in Japan