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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Arab-Israeli been one of the most protracte......tbook examines the diplomatic and......g within which the conflict devel......ped, from both the Israeli and overview of the peace process. The new edition in......ocuments up to the first year of the Trump presiden......uments through the supportive fra......of a textbook, The Arab-Israeli C......over eighty of the most important......d documents in the history of the Israeli-Palest......ict - presents these documents in......ter which sets the context for the study of the history of the area - covers ......, ranging from the 19th Century to the present d...
- Contents...ion as a state Theodor Herzl, the Jewish state (1896) The Basle program,......resolutions of the first Zionist ......enry McMahon : the McMahon letter......ober 24, 1915) The Sykes-Picot agreement The Balfour declar......ember 2, 1917) The Weizmann-Feisa......nuary 3, 1919) The white paper of...... (June, 1922) (the "Churchill white paper") The mandate for Pa......uary 13, 1931) The Palestine Roya......h government : the white paper ( reaction to the white paper The Biltmore progr......esolution 181, the partition of P......Declaration of the establishment of the state of Israe......n of Israel to the United Nations, General Assem...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ord written on the day that the Abe cabinet de......ded to 'revise the Japanese Const......concerned with the future of Japan."--Dust jacke...
- Contents...irō 1. Should the aim be to prev......four years ago The deep historica......titutionalism? The difference bet......itics based on the people' Should......fective? : Why the roots of 'peac......emains outside the world of victo......ocracy Turning point after the Cold War 3. Is there a political ......te holds power The present Prime ......ter is part of the anti-system el......te not emerge? The rationale of b......iousness 4. Is the Liberal Democr......l conservatism The rallying of pre-war con......rvative forces The light and shade of the LDP pursuit of......evolution Have they mixed up prin......y adherence Is the Abe Government as firm as a r...
National Diet Library
- Contents...o ... [et al.] The challenges of ......-Floyd Towards the establishment ......icily (Italy): the Brassica wild ......d A. Tribulato The AEGRO Brassica......: gap analysis points the way forward / ......onservation of the forage species......lementation of the Regional Act 1......second look at the European strat......m ... [et al.] The challenge of I......d relatives in the biotechnology ......monitoring for the In Situ conser......inventory - on the way to a Swiss......and C. Koehler The role of EURISC......OT analysis of the German seed sa......chievements of the European nativ......: lessons from the conservation of crop wild rel...
- Alternative TitleSecuring the diversity of crop wild relati...
- Alternative TitleSecuring the diversity of crop wild relati...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Alternative Title...nd Funakoshi Appointed ; Economic R......P Distribution Points Raided, Stude......igence – JCP Appoints Central Headquarters' Chief,...
- Alternative Title...nd Funakoshi Appointed ; Economic R......P Distribution Points Raided, Stude......igence – JCP Appoints Central Headquarters' Chief,...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...(3)Feel easy(4)The four seasons(5......uckiness(10)in the excess of one’......(23)Passage(24)The reverse side(2......0)Tick tick(31)The Night DISC2(1)......ust-Illusion(3)Point 7(4)A singing contest(5)Fly w...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ts from around the world that established the rights of gays, lesbians, bis...
- Contents...ker Is Awarded the Medal of Honor......Kertbeny Coins the Terms "Homosex......schfeld Founds the Scientific-Hum......ects Third-Sex Theory Friedlaender Breaks with the Scientific-Hum......rian Committee The Eulenburg Affa......nter Publishes The Intermediate S......bles Fights in the Mexican Revolu...... Contribute to the Harlem Renaissance The God of Vengean......Gide Publishes the Signed Edition...... Gerber Founds the Society for Hu......Censors Risque Theater Hall Publishes The Well of Loneli......ler's Night of the Long Knives Behavior in the Human Male Behavior in the Human Female One Magazine Beg...
- Note (General)First edition published under the title: Gay, lesbian, bisexual...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Fourier transf......having turning points with applicat......ated topics On the ideal structur......igroups and on their compactifica......ves on graphs, their homological ......and a proof of the Hanna Neumann ......ctive surfaces The generalized Po......owers Charting the operator terrain The classification......G-spaces Gauge theory on compact ...... hyperboliques The existence of v......pact manifolds The structure of s......ure flow Limit theorems for null ......-Wang dynamics The moduli space o......with tubes and the sewing operati......ity Estimating the error of numer......rinciples, and the homogeneous model theorem The...
- Author HeadingAmerican Mathematical Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...lf : armada in the Pacific Japan : the final agony Battle of the Reichswald Rocket fighter The buccaneers Kas......aptism of fire The guns : 1939/45 The Nuremberg rall......lied armour in the Second World W...... air to battle The raiders : dese......cret weapons : the war of science The battle for Berlin : end of the Third Reich Barrage : the guns in action Bastogne : the road block Pea......rn Waffen SS : the asphalt soldie......: bid for Rome The defence of Mos......mando Midway : the turning point Bomber offensive : the devastation in Malaya : the fall of Singap......ighter Kursk : the clash of armour France : summ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related in Malaya : the fall of Singap......rule by terror The guns, 1939/45 ......legend is born The defence of Mos......for Mars B29 : the superfortress Bastogne : the road block Nor......ts Waffen SS : the asphalt soldiers Japan : the final agony Ra......e Stalingrad : the turning point The siege of Lenin......ic of survival Their finest hour : the story of the Battle of Brit......out : drive to the Seine Aircraft carrier : the majestic weapo......zer division : the mailed fist The Nuremberg rall......arbor Commando The battle for Berlin : end of the Third Reich Fr......r 1940 Kursk : the clash of armou......rning U-boat : the secret menace Leyte Gulf : ar...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMen in black : a novel The winner The partner Silas man's river The house of the seven gables P......e suspect Emma The luck of roaring camp and other stories The wrong man Gone with the wind The fox (Volpone) Man from the South and other stories Moby Dick The mill on the Floss The mayor of Caste......Lost love and other stories Savin...... Money to burn The Mosquito Coast Far from the madding crowd ......nd plays Round the world in eight......Eden Moonfleet The room in the tower : and other ghost stories Psycho The man with two shadows and other ghost stories......dow Business @ the speed of thought David Copper...