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- ContentsArticle 1 : Human Dignity / Catherine Dupré Art......e 3 : Right to the Integrity of the Person / Steve...... : Prohibition of Torture and Inhuman or Deg...... : Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour ......ght to Liberty and Security / Dan......ate Life, Home and Communications......ct for Private and Family Life / ......ct for Private and Family Life / ......8 : Protection of Personal Data ......Right to Marry and Right to Found......ght to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion / Ron......e 11 : Freedom of Expression and Information / ......2(1) : Freedom of Assembly and of Association / ......2(2) : Freedom of Assembly and of Association /...
- Subject HeadingCharter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union......ember 7) Civil rights--European Unio......ountries Human rights--European Unio......opéenne Human rights. Civil rights. European Union countries.
- Alternative TitleEuropean Union Charter of Fundamental Rights
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Based on four years of field research......tinian refugee women, aid workers, and representatives of international organisations and NGOs in Jordan - the book reveals the extraordinary layers of Palestinian women from Syria dis......ced to Jordan. The women's experiences show them caught betwee......bal governance and gender regimes......that subjected them to multiple forms of structural gen......ased violence. The book argues fo......inist analysis of settler coloni......temic violence of anti-Palestini......nism to expose the history and geopolitics of intersecting o......t work through and upon gendered bodies of Pales...
- Contents...temic violence of settler coloni......acement Legacy of Jordan's entanglement with the settler-coloni......ine Governance of refugees: life......long precarity and anti-Palestinian policies The Palestinian condition: gendering multiplicities of dispossession ......s for justice, and GBV Conclusion......ersectionality and decoloniality of feminist knowledge
- Subject HeadingWomen refugees--Jordan--Social conditions Women refugees--Syria--Social conditions Women, Palestinian A......gainst--Jordan Women's rights Réfugiées--Jordanie--Conditions sociales Réf......giées--Syrie--Conditions sociales Pale......Femmes--Droits Women refugees--Social conditions Jordan Syria
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."For the first time, here is the full, definitive story of the movement for voting rights for American women, of every race, told through the voices of the women and men who lived it. Here are the most recognizable figures in the campaign for women's suffrage, li......h Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, but also the black, Chinese, and American Indian women and men who were n......y essential to the movement but expanded its directions and aims. Here, too, are the anti-suffragis......ed about where the country would head if the right to vote ......pertly curated and introduced by ......te so that together these 100 selections by over...
- Contents... Abigail Adams and John Adams Vot......on) Lecture at the Franklin Hall ......rom Letters on the equality of the sexes / Sarah ......ké Address to the Massachusetts ...... Grimké from "The great lawsuit" Petition to the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York / Ele......op Declaration of sentiments and resolutions / ......o Ohio Woman's Rights Convention / S......ruth Speech to the Second National Woman's Rights Convention / E......estine L. Rose The Woman's Rights Convention, the last act of the drama (New Yor......unt Address to the Legislature of New-York / Eli......t / Lucy Stone and Henry Browne Blackwell Addres...
- Subject HeadingWomen--Suffrage--Uni......tates--History Women--Suffrage--Uni......orities--Civil rights--History--Sour......rican American women--Political act......rican American women social reforme......rican American women--Political act......rican American women social reforme......orities--Civil rights Suffragists Women--Suffrage United States
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....en Revolution' and the 'Arab Uprising......ons that human rights are irrelevant......Middle Eastern and North African ......concern, human rights are at the fulcrum of the region's on-the-ground politic......ctual debates, and global politic......ntersections. 'The Routledge Handbook on Human Rights and the Middle East and North Africa': Emphasises the need to consider human rights in all their dimensions, rather than solely focusing on the political dime......rder to understand the structural reasons behind the persistence of human rights violations. Explores the various framew......consider human rights - conceptual, political and t...
- Contents...I Introduction and overview 1. Human rights and the Middle East and North Africa: ......bility, social rights, and structural, economic, and cultural rights in the Middle East and North Africa 2......, contingency, and rights in the Middle East and North Africa / 3. Economic rights in the Middle East and North Africa / 4. Cultural rights in the Middle East and North Africa: ......t, revolution, and repression / M......rsecting human rights and governance crises in the Middle East and North Africa 5. Genocide in the contemporary M......: a historical and comparative re......Martin Shaw 6. The ISIS crisis and the broken po...
- Subject HeadingHuman rights--Middle East. Human rights--Africa, North. Human rights. North Africa.......ka 86.81 human rights.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ent, accession conditionality, and gender equality : theoretical departures and research design Introduction Theoretical framework Exploring the data Case stud...... international and domestic analysis Poland : political swings and challenged com......ate cooptation of reforms and marginal compl......licy emulation and strong complia......ppendices List of interviews Bibliography Index...
- Subject HeadingWomen's rights--European Unio......nation against women--European Unio......nation against women. Women's rights. Europe--European Union count...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book offers insights into the development of social welfare......licy, practice and thought throug......ut history, it offers the potential for the development of new thinking, policy making and practice
- ContentsList of tables List of abbreviations About the author Acknowl......, continuities and critique Discourses and power Habitus,......apital, fields and practices Ambivalence and social welfare Overview of the book 2 A brief history of British social welfare Care and welfare Early roots of welfare: religion and charity The English Poor L......lfare: towards the welfare state and beyond The conditions for welfare reform Birth and growth of the welfare state Impact of the welfare state Rolling back the frontiers of the state: the New Right and welfare Communitarianism and the social contract: New Labo...
- Subject Heading...ide sociale--Grande-Bretagne--His......ide sociale--Grande-Bretagne Publ......ocial policy Grande-Bretagne--Pol......le--Histoire Grande-Bretagne--Politique sociale ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsJAPAN CONDITIONS, ISSUES, AND U.S. RELATIONS ; JAPAN CONDITIONS, ISSUES, AND U.S. RELATIONS......sary Statement and Regional Relat......P Negotiations and Trade Promotio......FOREIGN POLICY AND U.S.-JAPAN RELATIONS ; Abe and Historical Iss......rine ; Comfort Women Issue Territor......(ADIZ) ; Japan and the Korean Peninsu......ia, Australia, and ASEAN ; Japan-......-Era Prisoners of War (POWs) ; J...... Iran ; ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ......; U.S. Exports of Liquefied Realignment of the U.S. Military ......UES ; Overview of the Bilateral Econ......; Emphasis on "Womenomics"; Bilater......Issues ; Japan and the Proposed Trans-Pacific Pa...
- Subject Heading...istory. Social conditions. United State......apan--Economic conditions--21st century...... Japan--Social conditions--21st century. Japan. United...
- Title HeadingAsian political, economic and social issues.
National Diet Library
- ContentsGoverning women : will new for some women make a difference for all women? / Anne Marie Goetz Crossing the lines : women's social mobil......r Consequences of political liberalization and sociocultural ......bilization for women in Algeria, Egypt and Jordan / Marni......ional feminism and women's human rights : successes and challenges of a political st......oke A. Ackerly and Bina D'Costa Women, political parties and social movemen...... / Amrita Basu Women and political enga......legislatures : women and party politics in southern Africa / Ona......itical parties and gender in Lati...... : an overview of conditions and responsiveness...
- Subject HeadingWomen -- Political activity. Democr...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Capitol Riots maps out the events of the January 6, 202......onary riots at the United States ......ext for understanding the contributing factors and ongoing implications of the uprising. This...... text explores the rise of populism, disi......on, conspiracy theories, the alt-right, and white supremacy during the lead-up to and planning of the Stop the Steal campaign, as well as the complex interplay during the riots of political perf...... race, gender, and-ultimately-pow...... selfie photos and videos, and mainstream journalism, the authors develop a timeline and data visualiza......s representing the events. They delve into the c...
- ContentsIntroduction: The cascading crises propelling the Capitol riots / Sandra Jeppesen, Mi......ael Hoechsmann and iowyth hezel Against apartheid pedagogy in the age of white supremac......atized visions of a nation on fi......ting epistemic conditions / Michael Hoe......hsmann Mapping the events of the Capitol riots in time and space / iowyth......el ulthiin, Miranda McKee and David VanDyke Coded data ......sive trends in the January 6 Parl...... data / David VanDyke Photographing the spectacle : cu...... a crisis / Miranda McKee Awakening the beast at the Capitol riots ......fect, cruelty, and QAnon / iowyth hezel ulthiin ...
- Subject Heading...ates--Politics and government--20......States--Social conditions--2020-
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This collection of essays discusses the concept of conditionality within the context of Turkey-EU relations. The contributors analyze the dynamics of conditionality focusing on how, when, and under what conditions it works or fails"--
- Contents...Onur Özçelik and Cenap Çakmak ......s, benchmarks, and tensions : exp......thony Costello The rule of law as "arrest......development" : the Turkish experiments with the political condition / Mustafa Yaylalı The collapse of Turkey's three......licy as a part of reversed third...... Devrim Şahin and Ahmet Sözen A...... governance at the cost of Turkey's EU de...... Devrim Şahin and Ahmet Sözen Turkey on the frontline between the West and the Middle East : ...... Devrim Şahin and Ahmet Sözen E......ession process and women's rights in Turkey : the effects on family values and culture / Cenap Çakmak and Ali Onur Özçelik The EU's c...
- Subject Heading...on--Membership Conditionality (Internat......rkey--Politics and government--1980-
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This innovative and thought-provoking Research Handbook explores n......ent debates in the area of gender, sexuality and the law but also points the way for research and scholarship. I......nging insights and debates from across the globe, includi......Eastern Europe and Australia, wit......ading scholars and activists alongside exciting ...
- ContentsIntroduction to the Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and Law / Chris Ashford and Alexander Maine Part I......New boundaries and activism From the litigants' per......on v Kitzinger and the pursuit of marriage equality in England and Wales / Sue Wilkinson and Celia recognition of adult relationships and legal gender i......rpe Diplomacy, conditionality and transnational LGBTI rights / Kay Lalor Legislating and litigating sam....../ Tingting Liu and Jingshu Zhu Striking women : the politics of gender, sexuality and the law in South A...... Melanie Judge and Dee Smythe Part II. Identity and state Life at the corner of p...
- Subject HeadingSex and law. Sexual mi......sexuality--Law and legislation. G...... identity--Law and legislation. S...... marriage--Law and legislation. Homophobia.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Most in the United States ......kely associate the concept of the child bride with the mores and practices of the distant past. ......n his sweeping and sometimes shocking history of youthful marri......using on young women and girls - the most common un...... Syrett tracks the marital history of American minors from the colonial period to the present, chronicling the debates and moral panics related to these unions. Although the frequency of child marriage......declined since the early twentiet......t reveals that the practice was h...... widespread in the United States ......that 9 percent of living American women were ma...
- Contents...: a new nation and its marriage laws The child was to b......wife: patterns of youthful marri......olly unfit for the marriage condition: Parton v. Hervey and struggles over age of consent laws The great life-long mistake: women's rights advocates and the feminist critique of early marriage......tle girl wife: the transformation of childhood and marriage in the late nineteent...... century I did and I don't regret......child marriage and the contestation of childhood, 188......arriage during the 1920s Marriage......comes early in the mountains: the persistence of child marriage in the rural South Are they marrying too young? the teen...
- Subject HeadingAge of consent--Unite...... marriage--Law and legislation--U......rriage customs and rites--United States--History...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....created a rich and multifaceted t......ican realities and an imaginative response to them. One of the great many kinds of verse: formal,......acular, lyric, and protest. The anthology open...... testaments to the power of poetry as a means of self-assertion......d people voice their passionate r......olume captures the power and beauty of this diverse tradition and its challenge ......merican poetry and culture. The volume also biographies of each poet and notes that ill......ral references and allusions to historical event...
- Contents... me in a free land: 1770-1899 1900-1918 The dark tower: 19......9-1936 Ballads of remembrance: 1936-1959 Ideas of ancestry: 1959......aise songs for the day: 1990-2008 After the hurricane: 200...... ME IN A FREE LAND 1770-1899. On ......ollection ; On the Death of the Rev. Mr. Georg......Lucy Terry A Mathematical Problem......ker To Eliza ; The Slave's Compla......t ; On hearing of the intention of a gentleman to purchase the Poet's freedom ; Division of an estate ; The Art of a Poet ; Georg......eal to Woman ; The Grave of the Slave / Sarah ...... / David Drake The Natives of America ; Reflections / Ann P...
- Related MaterialThe library of America
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Philippines is......nating example of a 'poor countr......' where issues of economic development and poverty, polit...... participation and stability as w......l as ethnicity and migration are crucial. The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary P......nsive overview of the current politi......onomic, social and cultural issues of the country. The Handbook is divided into the following four......fferent aspect of the Philippines: D......ons, Economics and social policy, Cultures and movements. Chapters discuss the political parties and contested elec......l as dynasties and local governance in the Politics section, and the Eco...
-, dynasties, and reformers in l......T. Sidel Party and party system i...... Jon S.T. Quah The civil service : weaknesses and constructive i......t Hodder House of clans : politi......l dynasties in the legislature / ......ansmogrified : the unending story of particularisti......ana J. Mendoza and Mark R. Thompson The presidency : a......rk R. Thompson The judiciary unde......e Sta. Romana, and Karen Rodrigo ......ions : norming and departures / R......ations between the Philippines and the United States ...... development : the economy since the lost decade / ......sel L. Beja Jr The changing configuration of capitalism / Antoinette R. Ra...
- Subject HeadingPhilippines--Politics and government--21......ppines--Social conditions--21st century......ines--Economic conditions--21st century......tory. Politics and government. Social conditions. Philippines.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- 2. Defining and Delineating Ce......w to Use this Handbook: Didactic Vision and Study Guide / ...... II IDENTITIES AND HISTORICAL ROOTS 4. The Original Islamization of Central Asia: From the Arab Frontier Colonies to the `Governorate D......storal Nomadic and Sedentary Societies in the Central Asian ......, Postcolonial and Decolonial Fra...... Central Asia: Theoretical Relevance and Applicability Religious Landscape: A `De-Se......larization' in the Making? / Seba......ien Peyrouse 8 The Historical Conditioning of Languages and Ethnicities in....... Clans, Class and Ethnicity in P......tial Elections and Ruling Parties in Central Asi...
National Diet Library
- Contents...elle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert The European Social charter as the social constitution of Europe / Olivi......tea Koukiadaki The Charter's supe......ert Article 1: the right to work ......kin Article 2: the right to just conditions at work / Kla......her Article 3: the right to safe and healthy working conditions / Klaus Lörcher Article 4: the right to a fai......on / Zoe Adams and Simon Deakin Article 5: the right to organ......obs Article 6: the right to barga......ont Article 7: the right of children and young persons ......ann Article 8: the right of women to maternity Article 15: the right of disabled persons to ...
- Subject Heading...rta Labor laws and Labor laws and legislation. Arbeitsrecht Eur...
National Diet Library
- Contents...n Le feminisme and professionalism in ......reflections on the history of women lawyers / Mary......air : feminism and the legal academy ......ture, culture, and social enginee......Mary Anne Case The new faces of feminism : fem......nism in action and organic femini...... / Michele Alexandre Feminist legal theory as embodied...... Isabel Karpin and Roxanne Mykiti...... Privatization and punishment in the new age of reprogenetics ......Roberts A tale of two bodies : the male body and feminist legal theory / Michael Thomson The vulnerable equality in the human condition / Martha Alber...... Resistance in the afterlife of identity / Darre...
- Subject HeadingFeminist jurisprudence. Women lawyers.
National Diet Library
- ContentsCollisions and crossroads: in......roducing human rights in Turkey / Ze......rt I: Freedoms and antidiscrimination Freedom of press and broadcasting /......lruba Çatalbaş The minority concept and rights in Turkey: the Lausanne Peace Treaty and current issues / Baskin Oran The human rights condition of the Rum Orthodox /......nguistic human rights and the rights of Kurds / Mary L......O'Neil Freedom of religion: secu......arist policies and Islamic II: Social and economic rights So near, yet so far: freedom of association and workers' rights / Edward Weisband and Sera Öner The right to educa......on / Fatma Gök and Deniz Ilgaz Environmental pro...
- Subject HeadingHuman rights -- Turkey.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIn my mother's house : dowry property and female inherit......chbourg Parker The law and order campaign......gersoll "Using the faculties conc...... slavery, law, and agency in Span......h Carolina's grand jury presentments : the eighteenth-cen...... George Tucker and judging in fed......essica K. Lowe The shades of loyalty : Elisha W. Chester and the Cherokee remov...... Alan Garrison The material conditions of dependency : the hidden history of free women's control of property in the early nineteen......rds Democracy, and lynching, in A......her R. Waldrep The world made by laws and the laws made by the world of the old South / Alfr...
- Subject HeadingLaw--Southern States--History.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction : framing the study Prisons ......ce deprivation and torturous conditions Violence against women and state indifference The victimization of other socially degradation and the two wars in Chechnya Russia i...
- Subject HeadingHuman rights -- Russia (Federation) Civil rights -- Russia (Fed......n) -- Politics and government -- 1991-
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //