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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....history traces the American novel......s emergence in the late eighteent......ncarnations in the multi-ethnic, ......-media culture of the present day. In a set of original essay...... from all over the world, the volume extends......itical debates and frames new ones. Offering new views of American class......ground to show the role of popular genres......cience fiction and mystery novels - in the creation of the literary tradition. One of the original features of this book is the dialogue between the essays, highli......etween authors and their works as wel......periods. While offering a narrative of the development of the genre,...
- Contents...t I. Inventing the American Novel......antic currents and the invention of the American novel......ebster Foster, and the seduction novel in the early US; 3. C......Brockden Brown and the novels of the early Republic; 4. The novel in the Antebellum boo......; 5. American land, American landscape, American......els; 6. Cooper and the idea of the Indian; 7. The nineteenth-cen......; 8. Hawthorne and the aesthetics of American romance; 9. Melville and the novel of the sea; 10. Religion and the nineteenth-cen......11. Manhood in the early American...... 14. Imagining the South; 15. Stowe, race and the Antebellum American novel...
- Subject HeadingAmerican fiction--History and criticism.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....along--a story of discovery and invention unfolding in speeches and images, letters and poetry, unprecedented feats of scholarship and imagination. In these myriad, expressions of the American experience, the authors and editors of this volume fi......ook brings together the nation's many voices. From the first conception of a New World in the sixteenth century to the latest re-envisioning of that world in ......ience fiction, and hip hop, the book gives us ......idoscopic view of what "Made in ......ural creations of every kind app......ation to each other, and to the time and place that give them shape.--...
- Contents1507, the name "America"......d according to the truth" / Micha......dio 1607, Fear and love in the Virginia neighbor to the Indians / Ted ......e Dimock 1670, The American jerem......mory Elliott ; The stamp of God's image / ......Fountain 1673, The Jesuit relatio....... Brophy 1692, The Salem witchcra......muel Sewall's "The selling of Joseph" / Davi......amin Franklin, the Silence Dogood...... Chaplin 1740, The Great Awakenin......Two national anthems / John Picke......ia Zafar 1776, The Declaration of Independence /......dison's "Notes of the debates in the federal conven......Philip Freneau and "The National Gazette" / Jeff...
- Subject HeadingAmerican literature -- History and criticism. Literatur. United ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingIndustrial arts. Inventions and discoveries.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingInventions. Inventors.
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. The story of Isaac Holden, ....... S. C. Lister and the story of "silk waste." The Low Moor compa...... Josiah Mason. The romance of invention: Sir Henry John Brown. The Salts, and the discovery of alpaca. The Peases of Darlington. The Fisons and The Forsters of Burley-in-Wharfedale. The Fieldens of Todmorden v. 2. The Fosters of Queensbury. Hornby castle. The fortunes of the Gladstone family. The fortunes of the Bright family. The Fairbairns of Manchester and Leeds. The revolutions of industry: W. H. Perkin. F.R.S. The Cunard steamsh......s Wilson, sons and co., the Hull shipowner....... Messrs. Bass and the Burton breweries v. 3. Ho...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingInventions -- History Inventors Discove...
- Subject Heading (ID)Inventions -- History Inventors Discove...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTale type- and motif-indexes et Zéphyr ; The yellowplush correspondence ; The tremendous adventures of Major Gahagan Melville's The confidence-man......his masquerade The Regency compan......on Archaeology of prehistoric na......n encyclopedia The new Arthurian encyclopedia The musical microc......: a collection of critical to research The "Jewish questi......a bibliography The lives of Jesus : a history and bibliography R......raphy Folklore and literature of the British Isles photographs and slides of paintings in the visual collect...... research Snow of fire : symbolic meaning in Th...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the humanities
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the humanities
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... chapters from the history of the science in the United States The story of public utilities History of composing machines Origin of modern calculating machines The electrical man......hnical change, and economic growt......ll, as it was, and as it is men trade : the romance of the cash register ......brics : origin and history, manuf......aracteristics, and uses Professional amateur : the biography of Charles : a history of beer and ale in the United States Homes for the people in suburb and country : the villa, the mansion, and the cottage The story of the Pullman car Wi...... a continent : the history of the telegraph indu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher name of different representation: "W....
- Related MaterialMechanization takes command : a contributi......history Poetry and Humanism The problem of anxiety The quest for power : the lower houses of assembly in the southern royal colon......ay fishermen : their peasant econ......: architecture and sculpture : with 254 black and white plates : 23 maps and plans Consensus and continuity, 1776-1787 Play and development : ......frican Negroes The natural history of flies Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world Captain ......y An anthology of Elizabethan, madrigals, and rounds Understanding causality The human habitat ......ic semantics Mothers of the South : portraiture ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialModels of nature : ecolo......, conservation and cultural cold days : the 1942 massacre of Novi Sad, Hung......urope, Russia, and minority inclu......ion in Estonia and Latvia The emergence of modern Jewish ......tics : Bundism and Zionism in Eastern Europe The truth of authority : ideology and communication in the Soviet Union Swans of the Kremlin : ballet and power in Sovie......m : literature and the market in late......Tsarist Russia and the Kingdom of Poland Into the cosmos : space exploration and Soviet culture......s : messianism and terror at the Leningrad Comm......ussian history and Soviet historiography Trouble...
- Alternative TitleRussian and East European studies Pitt series in Russian and East European studies
- Alternative TitleRussian and East European studies Pitt series in Russian and East European studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...inematic media and film in popula......entury Britain The fantastic and European gothi......ry, literature and the French Revolut......ender, history and the Gothic Gothic music : the sounds of the uncanny The queer uncanny ......erspectives on the gothic Gothic ......ntemporaries : the haunted text The Gothic ideolog......gious hysteria and Anti-Catholici......ion, 1780-1880 The Gothic conditi......error, history and the psyche The twilight of the gothic? : vampire fiction and the rise of the paranormal romance The Gothic and Catholicism : ......tural exchange and the popular novel,......ature, history and the spectre of self-invention...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Etablissements......ours, Orléans, and Paris Barbarian tides : the migration age and the later Roman Empire The complete Old E......en raised from the dust : adminis......rative service and upward Angevin England History of the Lombards The promised lands : the Low Countries through clothes in medieval F...... culture Poems of the Elder Edda Underworlds : the Dead, the Criminal, and the Marginalized A......ght's own book of chivalry A state of deference : Ra......a/Dubrovnik in the medieval centu......und : Cluny in the tenth century The magician, the witch, and the law Women in Frankish society...
- Alternative TitleMiddle Ages University of Pennsylvania P......le Ages series The Middle Ages se......dle Age series The Middle Ages
- Alternative TitleMiddle Ages University of Pennsylvania P......le Ages series The Middle Ages se......dle Age series The Middle Ages
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFunds and foundations, their policies, past and present Survey......ers, emigrants and others March of the iron men Socia......ty : a summary of the findings of the Springfield su......rteenth census of the United States : abstract of the census Compendium of the enumeration of the inhabitants and statistics of the United States ...... obtained from the returns of the sixth census H......nce : a report of film audience ......o 1964 History of the Louisiana Purc......ase Exposition The American Chris......tional culture The educational characteristics of the American people Training for the public profession of the law Compendium o...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant......ol : a history of infant and nursery educat...... management in the power industry : an inside st......ple, resources and power Plato to......onomic history of Rome from the origins to the empire Language, schools, and classrooms Int......onal business handbook Social pol......, collectivism and the origins of the welfare state ......ion in British industry Non-renewable resources and disequilibrium macrodynamics The contributions of John Maynard...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSecrecy and publicity : dilemmas of democracy Back to nature : the Arcadian myth Spain's men of the sea : daily life on the Indies fleets in the sixteenth century NASA and the space industry Religious politics and secular states...... Egypt, India, and the United States The secret of Apollo : syste......nt in American and European space......el Varnhagen : the life of a Jewess New w......ns, Europeans, and the remaking of early America The Federalist : a...... on federalism and free government The New York Irish......d death : from the Middle Ages to the present : challenge and response in the Middle East T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe social and religious designs of J.S. Bach's Brandenburg concertos The search for mathematical roots, ...... : logics, set theories and the foundations of mathematics from Can......public opinion and political part...... Thayer's life of Beethoven Essa......onal economics The politics of institutional choice : the formation of the Russian State ...... After Brown : the rise and retreat of school desegre......on Baseball on the border : a tale of two Laredos Sc......sical fashions and fictions The story of the Odyssey Americ......acy, 1760-1860 The rivals Why big......l law Rubens : the artist as in his time and ours : designing the decent s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNarrative of travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the seventeenth ce......a voyage round the world, on phys......tural history, and ethic philosop......ographi Graeci The history of Jamaica : or, General survey of the antient and modern state of that island: with reflecti......ommerce, laws, and government Letters on the laws of man's nature and development A handbook of plant-form : for students of design, art sc......ers & amateurs The Odyssey of Homer The constitution of man : consider......ternal objects The third part of King Henry VI ...... Brief notices of Hayti : with i......on, resources, and prospects Shakespeare in the ...
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nterpretations of church and state The European revol......bineau Anatomy of an African : a history of Bunyoro-Kitara......y A short life of Kierkegaard Af......ical adventure The awkward age The language of genes : solving the mysteries of our genetic past, present, and future A scientist in the city Science in the later middle ages and early modern t......-wide disaster The Bible for students of literature and art Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer Queen......hy Five stages of Greek religion The age of Constantine the Great Modern China and its Confucian past : the problem of intellectual conti...