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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsCollective security: the classical lega......m dedicated to the prevention of conflict: the visionary architects The balance of pow......e contribution The rise of international law: the decisive contr......vereignty: how the Peace of Westphalia defined the UN's view of nationhood The UN and the rise of the humanitarian tradition The peaceful settlement of disputes The development of the Universal declaration of huma...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...arm policy and the GATT Ideas, institutions...... and policy: a theoretical framew...... GATT 1947 and the URAA Explaining the erosion of agr......eptionalism in the Uruguay Round Dispute settlement and its implic......stitutions and the CAP: coping wi......TT/WTO Setting the limits: CAP reform and WTO fa...
National Diet Library
- ContentsMaritime Europe and the Ming / John E....... from heaven : the introduction o......istianity and other Western ideas into late Min......c missions and the Chinese reacti......iplomacy under the Qing / John L. Cranmer-Byng a...
National Diet Library
- Contents...making Crisis, ideas, and path dependence : theoretical framew......lee's postwar "settlement" (1945-1970) decline and the unravelling so good" to the "winter of dis......on, Hayek, and the overhaul of the British state ......7-2005) : from the Lawson boom to...... Gordon Brown, the "great recession," and the future of neoliberalism.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....sian actors in the League of Nati......otal moment in the early stage of the development of......ow actors from the region played ......les in shaping the emerging norms...... that underpin the international system. The chapters cover cases from the three East Asi......s that involve the intersection o...... co-operation. The research outlook and the decolonization of the curriculum. Ch......l Relations at the LSE, where he Director of the Asia Research ......ign policy and the impact of cult......y and power on the evolution of i......14), China and the Internet: Politics of the Digital Leap Forward (ed. Wth...
- Contents...stern Asia and the League in glob......tsue Shinohara The League of Nati......iberalism, and the League of Nati......ns in Asia and the Pacific / Tomoko Akami The League’s technical work in the years of growi......civilisations. The Far-Eastern Bureau of the League of Nations : linking the regional and lawyers and the codification o......ational law in the League of Nati......ements between the League of Nati...... : coping with the League of Nati......s diplomats in the League Council : the challenge of m......ging power and ideals in the Pacific settlement of disputes / ......'s response to the Ethiopian crisis (1935-1938) ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...nd Megan Davis Settlement / John Waugh F...... / Susan Kenny Ideas / Patrick Eme......w Australia in the International ......h Authority of the High Court of Australia / Kri...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....tainability in the context of climate change. The edited volume advances the "state of art"......d learning. In the volume, knowle......rily refers to the combination of......fic changes of the building stock...... heat waves at the neighborhood s......egional scale. The editors adopt ......this volume of the Springer serie......on resilience. The volume geography, the social sciences, and urban pl...
- Contents...ributors About the Editors Contri......ral Hazards in the Context of the Focus and Agenda of the Edited Volume ......e and Focus of the Volume 1.2 Introducing the Agenda 1.2.1 B.......4 Learning in the Context of Par...... Overview Over the Contributions to the Volume 2 Resilience-the Example of Flo.......4.1 Means and their Justificatio......ment: What Are the Socio-Politica......Different, but the Same 3.2.1 Soc...... Resilience in Settlement Areas-an Example of the Elbe Village B......Background and the Idea of House Lifti......vestigated for the Case Study Brockwitz 4.3.2 Re...
- Note (General)5.4 Applying the Sustainability Check
National Diet Library
- Summary, April 1952, the treaty came into effect. The San Francisco ......nt ways shaped the post-World War......ional order in the Asia-Pacific. ......ments, it laid the foundation for the regional struc......rontation, and the resultant "San......ully reflected the strategic inte...... priorities of the peace conferen......s host nation, the United States. The treaty fell fa......ding issues in the wake of the Pacific War or......lean start for the "post-war" period. Rather, critical aspects of the settlement were left equi...... book examines the key developments of the contentious po......rity issues in the Asia-Pacific that share a com...
- ContentsIntroduction : The San Francisco ......ts Legacies in the Asia-Pacific /......ea and Japan : The Dokdo/Takeshim......ia and Japan : The Algorithm of the Kuriles/Northern Territories ......aku/Diaoyu and the Liuqiu/Ryukyu ......UNRYU SUGANUMA The South China Se......ts for Dispute Settlement / NONG HONG The San Francisco ......ignty Status : The Neglected Taip...... MAN-HOUNG LIN The San Francisco ......tem at Sixty : The Okinawa Angle ......AVAN MCCORMACK The Japanese" Issue and the San Francisco ......ROFUMI HAYASHI The Cold War, the San Francisco ...... HARRISON From the Margins and Beyond : Racism, the San Francisco System and Asia...
- Subject HeadingConference for the Conclusion and Signature of the Treaty of Peace with Japan (1...
National Diet Library
- Contents... / Chang-fa Lo The China-Australi......a's FTAs with other Asian countries : their implications......assessment and the way forward / ......ia, China, and the coexistence of......tive review of the investor-state......-state dispute settlement and the Australian con...... Gao Expanding the E-commerce cha......(Jeanne) Huang The ideas boom : the innovation economy in the post-ChAFTA Australia-China r...
National Diet Library
- Contents...f introduction The British order The organisation of this study The imperial world......n Aviation and the evolving idea of world order The messy business......of integration The trouble with A......nd regionalism The Canadian analy......American power The Canadian conun......ew Zealand and the big two Organising the peace : the new global technocracy The peculiar challenge of the Soviet Union P......r. Britain and the 'Four Power' plan The military impli......s of a general settlement British policy......ica : hinge of the Commonwealth? ......ada : squaring the quartersphere America and the...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ion people. Whether we want a 'Bi...... think outside the box. Richard W...... solutions for the future with one imperative: w...
- ContentsBig cities, big ideas, big Australi......nd new cities. The East Coast megaregion (ECM). The West Coast meg......(WCM). Darwin: the new north Essa......s. Living with the land / Craig Burton. Back to the future / Rob F......enway and six others. Infrastructure: now and then / Stephen Alchin. New settlements on the fringe: unders....... And now, for the good news ... ...... Wong. Cooling the city / Sara St......kelund. Follow the money / Brian & Declan Harats...
National Diet Library
- Contents...Violence and a settlement 1955-1960 Cons......gotiations and the Greek Junta 19......tervention and the Geneva lines to the first UN plan 1975-1987 The set of ideas and confidenc......ding 1988-1994 The EU catalyst and the UN 1995-2002 The rise and fall of the Annan plan 2002-2004 After the referenda Conclusion.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Publisher: The result of a co...... and funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and the Australian Research Council, The Literature of Australia gathers the most distincti......significant of the nation's writi......l genres, from the 1700s to the present, and o......l authors from the early colonial period to the present. Work ...... details about the authors of the works selected......essays setting the works in their historical c......estions for further reading. The Literature of ...... a window into the myriad ways of being Australi...
- Contents...Keneally About the editors List o......ete account of the settlement at Port Jackso......Australis / Matthew Flinders (177......peditions into the interior of Southern Australia / ......) Aboriginal mother (from Myall's......o hell / Frank the poet (c 1810-c......etter to her father / Eliza Brown......summer noon in the Austrailian Fo......ady's visit to the gold diggings ......841) Letter to the editor by the Conranderrk Ab......ra Morison / Catherine Helen Spen......70) Spider and the fly / Waif hollow, and the valley of the grose / Louisa......46-1881) Where the pelican nonsensical idea / Louisa Lawson (1848-1920) M...
- Note (General)...Ltd 2009 under the title Macquarie PEN anthology...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe United States Army and the institution of......oung II (1974) The role of the Army in western settlement : Josiah Harma......Charles Scott, the Kentucky Mount......olunteers, and the Northwest Indi......nsidered : how the Americans lost the Battle of Keki......and command in the American Army,......ferson, Meriweather Lewis, and the reduction of the United States ......Jackson (1980) The antinavalists : the opponents of n......l expansion in the early Madison and the coercion of Gr......tain : Canada, the West Indies, and the War of 1812 / ....... Stagg (1981) The fog and war : the role of logistics in American...
- Alternative TitleWarfare in the United States of America, 178...
- Alternative TitleWarfare in the United States of America, 178...
National Diet Library
- Contents... countries and the GATT/WTO syste......reflections on the idea of free trade ......diversion, and the debate over pr......r Asymmetry in the Uruguay round and in the Doha round / countries, the Doha round, preferences, and the right to regul......bert Hudec and the theory of internat......economic law : the law of global ...... and losers in the panel stage of the WTO dispute settlement system / Berna...... to justice in the WTO : a case f......nhardt MFN and the third-party ec......TT/WTO dispute settlement / Chad P. Bown......evelopment and the World Trade Or......: proposal for the agreement on development faci...
National Diet Library
- Contents...litical change The war in Mossurize The war period in ......l Renamo areas The war period in ......on Violence on the periphery: Ren......zambique's war Ideas and memories ......ith civilians: the re-creation of......e" Violence at the center: Frelim......with civilians The return to civi......pture: postwar settlement and livelihoods Peace and settlement decisions Soci......e Veterans and the state External......ics from below The Veterans' Asso...... politics, and the war of words C...... citizens, and the state Expectations and entitl...
National Diet Library
- Complexity theory's network conception of the individual / J......avis Does game theory offer 'new' mathematical images ......e lessons from the recent history of market theory / Jean Cartelier The monetary-polic...... international settlement institution : the Keynes plan 60......nd prejudice : the statics and dy......ianello Beyond the quanty theory : a reappra......din's monetary ideas / Jérôme Equilibrium theory / Heinz-Pet......ctor, monetary theorist and corpo......ulability' and the heterogeneity ......ton's monetary theory of markets ......y and usury in the economics of Ezra Pound / Meg...
National Diet Library
- Contents...Alice B. Kehoe The world/nonworld...... of control in the esoteric tradi...... Austria: main theses / Alois Clo...... ecology among the Great Basin analysis of the content of Nep......nd world view: the case of the Ainu of the north-west coast of southern Sakhalin / E....../ Evon Z. Vogt The place of the cactus wine ritual in the Papago Indian ......ack O. Waddell The violation of t......s In search of the miraculous at ...... significants: their bearing on the rise of new imagined by the Surára and Pak...... traditions in the Ivory Coast / ......ional rites in the Tunisian marri......uatic rites in the Danube Straits at the Iron Ga...
National Diet Library
- Contents1. Ideas of Chinese di......2. Dialect and the Chinese idea of dialect 2 1......inese data and their use in of data and the cultivation of......escription and the need for corre......on reinventing the wheel 28 1.8. ......2. Wann'an and the problem of thi.......2. Meaning of the names "Hakka" ......"Miin" 42 2.3. Settlement of Wann'an, it....... "Shawwuu Hypothesis" 57 3. Wann......ffiliation and the cohesiveness o......lects 85 4.1. Other features of M......Chinese {h{ in the lower register......Miin evidence: the outright glott......op 121 5.3.3. Other Miin effects and uses of the shaang glottal stop 126 5.3.4...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ton & Co., and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes."-- T...