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- Summary, etc.How the conflict betwe......sts has shaped the history of the modern Middle ......wo years after the popular overthrow of Hosni Mubarak'',the Egyptian military ousted the country's firs......-Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood--and subs......tal repression of the Islamist group. These bloody event......t in Egypt and the Middle East: the splitting of nationalists a......lamists during the rule of Egyptian presi......ser. In Making the Arab World, Gerges, one of the world's leadin......authorities on the Middle East, tells how the clash between ......ism has shaped the history of the region from the 1920s to ...
- ContentsEgypt's "Liberal age" The anti-colonial struggle and the dawn of underground politics The Free Officers and the Ikhwan The birth of the deep state Sayyid Qutb The lion of the arabs The accidental Isl......anzim al-Sirri The decline of the Nasserist proj......dat's coup and the Islamist revival The Mubarak era: keeping the Ikhwan in the freezer.
- Subject Heading... 15.59 history of great parts of the world, peoples......ivilizations: other. Islam Fundamentalismus Midd...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....policy through the lens of a geopolitical......concept named "the periphery doctrine". The idea posited that due to the fundamental hostility of neighbouring A...... engaging with the "periphery" of the Arab world research in the Israeli diplom......t this concept of a periphery wa...... a core driver of Israel's foreign policy. The periphery was borne out of the debates among ......les concerning the geopolitics of the nascent Israeli State. The evidence from ......ies shows that these principles survived the historical rel......e emulated in other cases: Azerba......tain extent in the attempted exchanges by Israel...
- ContentsFirst part : the genesis of the periphery doctrine The intellectual foundations of the periphery The shaping of Israel's secur......deconstructing the periphery doctrine The enduring ambiguities of Turkey-Israel relations The Israeli-Irania......el's errand in the remote areas of the periphery Thir...... continuity in the periphery approach The new periphery ......lculus Towards the periphery of all?
National Diet Library
- Contents...s and Patterns of Script Change ....../ Kyle Steinke The Development of Writing in Jap......hen D. Houston The Shape of Script in a Co......Transitions in the History of Written Numerals / Stephen Ch...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ts note: ch. 1 The Gate of Iron: Conceptualizing the Eastern Fronti......terature ch. 2 Shaping the Eastern Frontier: The Sasanian Empir......ighbours ch. 3 The Arab-Muslim Conquests and the Late Antique I......tterzone ch. 4 The Frontier Beyond the Caliphate: Khurasan and the Second Fitna ch. 5 Extending the Frontier: The Umayyads in So......d Beyond ch. 6 The Unsettled Frontier: The Abbasid and Other Revolutions and the Eastern 7 Unifying the Frontier: The Formation of Greater Khurasan.
- Subject Heading... 15.75 history of Asia. Civilization. Central A...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, J. Burns is the most distingui......rican diplomat of the last half century. Over the course of four decades, ......entral role in the most consequen......matic episodes of his time--from the bloodless end of the Cold War to the collapse of post-Cold War ......9/11 tumult in the Middle East to the secret nuclear......ery short list of American diplo......rge Kennan. In The Back Channel, ......analysis, some of the seminal moments of his career. on a trove of newly declassi......izarre camp in the Libyan desert ......d his warnings of the "Perfect Storm......e unleashed by the Iraq War will reshape our und...
- ContentsApprenticeship : the education of a diplomat The Baker years : shaping order Yeltsin's Russia : the limits of agency Jordan's moment of transition : the power of partnership Age of terror : the inversion of force and dipl......-primacy world The Arab Spring : when the short game int......cedes Iran and the bomb : the secret talks P......America's tool of first resort.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The modern Middle emerged out of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire......ce partitioned the Ottoman Arab l......lonial states. The following peri......formative time of unrest. Insurg......g to lose from the fall of the Empire, challenged the mandatory powers in a number of armed revolts.......his is a study of this crucial p......story, tracing the period through...... movements and the experience of colonial rule.......nce emphasises the continuity between the late Ottoman a......erged, and how the seeds were sown for many of the conflicts which have defined the Middle East in the late twentieth......d for students of Middle Eastern history and po...
- Contents...s pilgrims and the war to end war......colonialism in the making of the Middle East Ot......n modernity in the long nineteent......od Modernizing the state Conscrip......ttoman society The military acade......become saviors of the nation Civilia......Conclusions 2) The theory and practice of colonialism in the post-Ottoman M...... proclamations The Paris Peace Co......r negotiations The San Remo Conference and the Treaty of Sèvres The League of Nations and An......colonialism in the Middle East Ma......ce in practice The mandate in Palestine The mandate in Syria and Lebanon The mandate in Ira......rdan 3) Losing the war and fighting the settleme...
National Diet Library
- ContentsR2P in Theory and Practic......ntervention in the Nineteenth Cen......a, Kosovo, and the International ......Thakur Genesis of R2P : Kofi Annans Interv......e Moral Agents of Protection and...... Travel Beyond the West? / Faith ...... Yolanda Spies The Responsibility......chmidt Getting There, Being There : The Dual Roles of the Special Advise......d Strauss Role of Regional Organ......itt Europe and the European Union......son Addressing the Gender Gap in ......2P, Protection of Civilians, and......dividuals from the Scourge of War : Compleme...... Hugo Slim Use of Force / Taylor......ason Ralph Use of UN Sanctions to Address Mass ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsManagement's challenge of positioning me......anizations for the interactive gl......vic culture in the 21st century /......n students for the emerging media...... / Naila Hamdy The issues educators face in the convergence ma......ganizations in the era of convergence / ......udah Al-Obaidi The demise of traditional legal justificati...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This Handbook captures the salient features of Middle Eastern......cally examines the public policy to address the challenges and......unities across the region. Bringing together wide-ranging ......t specialists, the collection discussion of theory and empirical evidence, the book maps out the evolution of Middle East ec......esented in six thematic sections, the book enables the reader to gain...... understanding of the region's main economic themes and an overview of the principal relating to the countries in the Middle East and North Africa ...
- Contents...ning Growth in the Middle East / ....... Moghadam Can the GCC Economies Escape the Oil Curse? / R......: Lessons from the MENA Region / ......r Conflicts in the MENA Region : ......omic Growth in the MENA Region : ......ices Differ in their Impact on Gr......lnerability in the MENA Region / ...... Inequality in the Middle East / ......Development in the Middle East an......cial Policy in the MENA Region / ......Politics : Why the West got Rich and the Middle East Di......dallah Zouache The Arab Spring, a......dallah Zouache The Youth Bulge : The Mismeasured, M......evelopment and the Transition to ......disi A Pyramid of Privilege : How Cronyism Shap...
National Diet Library
- Contents...Elizabeth I on the university pro...... to John Hales of Eton, c.1624 /....../ John K. Hale The itinerant sibl...... Jones Milton, the attentive Mr Skinner, and the acts and discourses of friendship / C......Brown Printing the Gospels in Ara......lton's reading of The tempest / Karen L. Edwards The earliest Milto......homas N. Corns The ghost of rhetoric : Mil......on's logic and the Renaissance tr......r : Jonson and the absolute knave......axterianae and the shaping of the seventeenth ce......le Marvell and the Dutch in 1665 ......te : a tour in the Hebrides / Andrew McNeillie.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."During the 1930s and 1940......prang a series of dramatic event...... that, despite their profound impact on the course of World War II, uncover for the first time the complete story of this dangerous......ab politics in the twenty-first c......, for example, the full scope of Palestinian le......aini's support of Hitler's genoc....... In addition, they expose the extent of Germany's long......term promotion of Islamism and j......written about, the authors offer new insight on the intertwined development of Nazism and Isl...... its impact on the modern Middle East"--
- Contents...erial strategy of Islamic revolu......saini's revolt The Nazi-Arab/Isla......aini in search of an empire Germ......partnership in the Axis The war after the war The Arab states' u......eful Nazis How the Axis legacy shapes today's Mi...
National Diet Library
- Contents...eign policy in the Middle East / Geoffrey F. Gresh P......rests From "heathen Turks" to "cr......policy towards the Middle East / ...... policy during the Cold War / Nic......las A. Spencer The ties that bind...... Understanding the US-Israeli all......eremy Pressman The United States'......partnership in the post-Gulf area......l relations in the age of the Obama change and the spread of regional insta......ign policy and the War in Iraq / ......sell A. Burgos The United States ......: dealing with the Egyptian Muslim brothers in the Arab revolutio......isting change? The United States and the Egyptia...
- Author HeadingGresh, Geoffrey F, 1979- Keskin, Tugrul.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Based on decades of research and e......n by tutors at The Prince's School of Traditional Arts, one of the world's leading schools for the study of the traditional crafts of the East and West,......glorious range of techniques, and skills. The first chapter explores the fundamental principles of Islamic arts a......d calligraphy. The second introdu......d tools, while the third provides......step guides to the crafting of artefacts and ...... glassblowing. The history and significance of the techniques and...... illustrations of masterworks found throughout the Islamic world.
- Contents...tes / Simon Trethewey Ceramic tiles / Jonathan H...
- Alternative TitleArts and crafts of the Islamic lands
National Diet Library
- ContentsColonial rule : shaping the destiny of a region Nationalism : the quest for iden......flict and lack of peace Past, pr......litics : Islam The ephemerals of democracy in the Middle East Women : the invisible popu......and minorities Them and us : the United States,...... and Russia in the Middle East The Arab Spring and the new era of uncertainty.
National Diet Library
- Contents"People of the Gospel," "People of the Book" : Christ......hristianity in the world of Islam Apocalypse and the Arabs : the first Christian responses to the challenge of Islam Christian theology in church life The shape of Christian theology in Arabic : the genres and strategies of Christian discourse in the world of Islam Christia......jor partner in the development of classical Isla......-definition in the world of Islam Between the Crescent and the Cross : Convivencia, the clash of theologies, and interreligious di...
- Subject Heading...istianity and other religions -- Islam -- Histor...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPart 1. Jews and Arabs before the conflict : the congruent origins of modern history and the emergence of modern politic......ab history and the origins of nationalism in the Arab world Par......ce and history of the conflict to 1948. The conflict takes shape ; The dual society i...... Routinization of the conflict, 1948-1967. The Palestinian di......8 ; Israel and the Arab states th......e 1967 Part 4. The Palestinian di......emerges : from the June War throu...... diplomacy and the rise of the Palestine resi......ment ; Israel, the Palestinians, and the occupied territories in the 1970s Part 5. The high price ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsHistory and context of 24-hour televi....... Three phases of 24-hour news t......evision / "All the world's a stag......ewspapers, and the ages of media / Global......ited : mapping the contemporary landscape of satellite tele...... news service. The hidden role of television logic : the race to be "Br...... : TV news and the challenge of live reporting......or breakfast : the rolling menu of 24/7 sports news Explaining the need for speed......and audiences. The changing face of Arab news medi......ter-hegemonic soft power in Lati......s. politics in the public sphere : how the Al Jazeera satellite channel ...
- Subject HeadingTelevision broadcasting of news. Broadcast journalism. 2...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe geometry of the Qurʾan of Amajur : a preliminary study of proportion in ......text and image of the unicorn in the Kitāb naʻt al-......visual defense of alchemy in an ......mic manuscript of the Mongol Period ......rsis Berlekamp The painted-glass decoration of the Mausoleum of Ahmad ibn Sula......zed pottery in the south of Bilad al-Sham ......rcus Milwright The Great Mosque of Córdoba in the twelfth and th......centuries / Heather Ecker Death i......ns in Syria in the mid-fifteenth ......ilding between the public and private realms of the Ottoman elite : the Sufi Convent of Sokollu Mehmed......t Ottomanism : the Elbise-i ʻOs̲māniyye album / ...
- Note (General)"Sponsored by the Aga Khan Progr......University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massac...
- Alternative TitleAnnual on the visual culture of the Islamic world
National Diet Library
- Contents...ating work and the public/private......y Keiko Takaki The new Islamic boundaries of gendered space......moko Yamagishi The Interest: Shaping the post-modern public sphere of Islam by Jon W......nd religion in the public and private spheres by...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....Cordoba covers the history and culture of Roman, late an......ibutions, from the foundation of the city in the 169/168 B.C. by the praetor Marcus...... Marcellus, to the end of the Muslim period in 1236, when the city fell into the hands of Ferdinand III the Saint, King of Castile. Making use of archaeological...... combined with the latest research on the various fields......elling account of Cordoba's most......ets throughout the most exciting ......teen centuries of the city"--
- ContentsHow an earthquake shaped the foundations of a new city : Cordoba from the 3rd to the 5th century AD......ich Corduba on the quiet Baetis :......apital between the 3rd and 5th Corduba and the Byzantine expansion in the western Medite......aíno-Sánchez The role of culture in a w......Iberia between the Romans and the Arabs / Esther Sánchez-Medi......Christianity : the architecture of a new faith (4......a del Castillo The city in new ha......Mohamed Meouak The medina : The old city of Cordoba / Albe......ntejo Córdoba The suburbs of the greatest city in the West / Juan Fr...... Casal-García The Christian and Islamic populat...
- Subject Heading...istianity and other religions--Islam.