リシャルト・カプシチンスキ 著, 北代美和子 訳中央公論社1993.8<GA88-E44>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The soccer war
- Additional TitleThe soccer war
Ryszard Kapuściński ; translated from the Polish by William Brand ; afterword by Bill BufordGranta Books2007
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RyszardKapus´cin´ski. ; translatedfromthePolishbyWilliamBrand.Granta in associatio1991.
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- Title HeadingThe soccer war
Ryszard Kapuściński, Translated from the Plish by Willam BrandVintage Books1992
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Ryszard Kapuściński ; translated from the Polish by William BrandVintage Books1992
Other Libraries in Japan
Ryszard Kapuściński ; translated from the Polish by William BrandKnopf : Distributed by Random House1991
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Ryszard Kapuściński ; translated from the Polish by Wiliam BrandGranta in association with Penguin1991
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William H. DurhamStanford University Press1979
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