Search results 93
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ed look inside the world of the ultra-wealthy and their relationship to the natural world, showing how the ultra-rich use......redicaments in their lives. Justi...... Wyoming--both the richest county in the United States and the county with the nation's highe......d community in the twenty-first c......llionaires and the world's wealth......observation in the community, insight on the ultra-wealthy.......could speak to their experiences ......and members of the community with these wealthy peop...... He finds that the wealthy levera......even higher on the socioeconomic ladder, and they use their engagement with na...
- Contents...tting off into the wilderness Par...... New nation of the ultra-wealthy ......wealth through the eyes of the working poor N......gment Cracking the veneer Epilogue: the future of wealth and the west
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Profiles the world's most than 100 of their biggest idea...... human rights; the effects of globalization; the role of institutions; and the rise of urban living in moder...
- Contents...s never marked the end of a natio...... Auguste Comte The Declaration of......lation to half the human race / H......riet Martineau The fall of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat ar...... Society, like the human body, ha......́mile Durkheim The iron cage of r......t Mills Pay to the most commonplace activities the attention acco......arfinkel Where there is power there is resistanc......tion for which there is no origin......broadly accuse the bourgeoisie of......iedrich Engels The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line / W.E.B. DuBois The poor are excluded from the ordinary living patterns, cus...
National Diet Library
- Contents...Wagenen "Under the knife and analysis of the normalization ......lookin' at?" : the oppositional g......tionality, and the social geograp......ven D. Farough The commodificatio......d : tales from the advertising fr......m A. Gamson On the place of allegory in the methodological......arie Garroutte Eyeing the scene : the uses and (RE)u...... ideologies of the normative and the social control of the criminal innocent in the policing of Ne......dsey Resisting the welfare mother : the power of welfa......ivory towers : the place of race ......ian L. Baldwin The militarization......a lessons from the 1997 U.P.S. strike / Charlott...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... COMPENDIUM 2. The Global Urban: Studies and the Science of Studies and the Postcolonial E......pistemology of the Urban / Christ......D EVICTIONS 5. The Elite Habitus ....... Eviction and the Reproduction o......n Poverty / Matthew Desmond pt. I......or Researching the Translocal / S...... Urban Crisis: The Restructuring of the San Francisco Bay Area and the Geography of F......ILISATIONS 12. The Political's `Right to the City': Bond 14. Aesthetic Governmenta...... Administering the World-Class Ci......Cheek 16. What the Eye Does Not See: The Yamuna in the Imagination of ...
- Note (Content)The Sage Handbook of the 21st Century City focuses on the dynamics and disruptions of the contemporary constitutes the urban, and design. The handbook is or......round nine key themes, through wh......naries such as the urban/rural, a......e readdressed. These thematic sections together capture the volatile proce......on that reveal the turbulent nature of our early...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of the 21st century city 21st centur...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPart I. Theory and Method ...... Andy Bennett. The Many Worlds of......awe ; Notes on Sociological Theory and Popular...... ; Waiting for the Great Leap For......l Research and the Expansion of P......rrett Part II. The Business of Po......Production and the Pop Process / ......Advertising in the US: History Out Hits at the Song Factory /......sic Genres: Aesthetics, Commerce ......ennan Part IV. The Global and the Local / Andy B......ualization and the Case of Psytra......Everyone Else: The Origins and Pe......enfler Part V. The Star System / ......tton ; Dancing the Popular: The Expressive Int......odds ; Shaping The Past of Popular Music: Memory...
- Subject Heading...als, etc Music theory Sound recor......industry Music theory. Popular music. Sound reco...
- Note (Content)"The SAGE Handbook ......ble summary of the key aspects studies. The text is 9 sections: Theory and Method; The Business of Po......Music History; The Global and the Local; The Star System; sub-fields. The handbook const......cant period of theoretical and em...... innovation in the field. This is a benchmark wo...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...47" -- Catalog Thesis (M.S.) -- Purdue Universit...
- Alternative TitleIt's supposed to be about the love of the game, not the love of Aaron Rodgers' eyes : towards a feminist sociological analysis of sports fandom
- Alternative TitleIt's supposed to be about the love of the game, not the love of Aaron Rodgers' eyes : towards a feminist sociological analysis of sports fandom
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reprint. Originally published: Chicago : Aldine-Atherton, 1971 Includes bibliograp...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Based on contributions to the second international conferen...
- Alternative TitleEyes across the water, two
- Alternative TitleEyes across the water, two
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"The paperback edition of The sociological eye : selected papers is being pu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"The paperback edition of The sociological eye : selected papers is being pu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Ryōsai kenbo : the educational id......d wife, wise mother" in modern Ja......elations in Southeast Asia : the family and bey......s in Vietnam : the agency of wome...... diversity and the emergence of a...... model through the eyes of historical......nsformation of the intimate and the public in's voices : the lives of moder......ill workers in their own words In......d children and their parents in 2......stfeminism and the politics of re......ant workers in the Arab Gulf States : the growing foreig......population and their lives Sentim...... language, and the arts : the Japanese-Brazilian heritage