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- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)土性力学 基礎工 Soil mechanics Foundations
- Alternative TitleThe Soil
- Alternative TitleThe Soil
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, overview of the distribution, ......nd function of soils in Japan. Fir......escriptions of the country's clim...... and land use, the history of the Japanese soil classification......nesis of major soil types follow. ......tive region of the country - there is a chapter......enges of major soils. Maps of soil distribution, ......ded throughout the text and appendices
- Chapter 2. Soil Forming Factor......ji) Chapter 3. Soil Classification......apter 4. Major Soil Types (TAKATA Yusuke) Chapter...
- Subject HeadingSoils--Japan Soils. Japan.
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...2. Concepts of soil formation and soil survey / Rober....... Indorante 3. Soil properties and......lassification (soil taxonomy) / Cr...... A. Ditzler 4. Soils of the USA : the broad perspect......G. Bockheim 5. Soils of the Pacific Coast ......Scott Burns 6. Soils of the Rocky Mountain......A. McDaniel 7. Soils of the Western Range Holleran 8. Soils of the Great Plains /......uel Ruppert 10 Soils of the Northern Lake States ....... Schaetzl 11. Soils of the Central Feed G......M. Kabrick 13. Soils of the southeastern USA : LR......siovsky 14. Northeastern Forage a...... R.K. Shaw 15. Soils of Florida and the Caribbean...
- Subject HeadingSoils--United States. Soil geography. Soil science. Soils. Sols--États-Unis. Pédolog...
- Related MaterialWorld soils book series
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The Soils of Japan
- Additional TitleThe Soils of Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)日本土壤肥料學會 Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition J...
National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ances in geosynthetics engineering. Soil reinforcement ......cost-effective soil structures in ......inable manner. The most commonly ...... strips, geosynthetics in the form of woven ...... recent years, there have been advances in the area of soil reinforcement, especially in the utilization of the technique in field projects. The researchers ha...... to understand the behaviour of reinforced soil considering the field challeng...... of reinforced soil structures.
- Subject HeadingGeosynthetics--Congresses. Civil engineering--Congresses. Civil engineering. Geosynthetics.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction : The Great Cut across the Face of Nature......bysmal Gullies The Most Picturesque Features of the Coastal Plain ......Gullied Land : Soil Scientists Arr......e and Focus to the Fact of Soil Erosion Gullies and What They Mean Somewhere between the Grand Canyon a......oid Epilogue : The Ecology of Erasure.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The Spirit of the Soil
- Additional TitleThe Spirit of the Soil
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The continuous discoveries in the field of photosynthesis have resulted in the compilation of......ormation since the publication of the Third Edition of the Handbook of Photosynthesis, necessitat......ion to include the latest discove...... predecessors, the Fourth Edition of the Handbook of Photosynthesis offers a un......n of topics in the field of photosynthesis, serving as...... material, and the remaining 30 p......ially revised. Therefore, overall, over 80 perce...
- Contents...dy for Photosynthesis / Joanna Wo...... of Light from the Perspective of......ays of Photosynthesis in Plants a......Edged Sword in the Photosynthesis Process / A...... Radicals with the Photosynthetic Process / S...... Emissaries to the Chloroplast Ki......Aflaki Photosynthetic Enzyme Cati......i Crop Photosynthesis under and Photosynthesis / Hong Li S......pplications of the Cytochrome bc ......x from Photosynthetic Purple Bact......Di Xia Photosynthetic Apparatus i......cio Rethinking the Limitations of Photosynthesis in in Photosynthetic Bacteria / ......rage Crops and Their Photosynthesis / M. Anowaru...
- Subject HeadingPhotosynthesis Photosynthèse
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
National Diet Library