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National Diet Library
- ContentsHow films began, by C. Friese-Greene Film censors, by J. K. Newnham Secrets of screen fashion, by Alice Williamson The art of make-up, by M. Factor Over 1,000 film biographies Ways to film success, by R. Colman [and others]--Players' addresses at a glance When they were born Players' birthdays at a glance Player's real names at a glance Player's marriages at a glance Players' first films at a glance Wampas babies Awards of merit 500 casts of famous films Where films are made The amateur cinema British amateur cinema clubs British fan clubs How films are made Men and money behind......Winter News on the screen, by J. Smith-Ross Inte...
- Subject HeadingMotion pictures. Motion pictures -- Biography.
- Author HeadingWinchester, Clarence, 1892-
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- Title HeadingThe world film encyclopedia
- Author HeadingWinchester, Clarence.
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- NCIDBA12911836
- Subject HeadingMotion pictures Motion pictures -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Motion pictures Motion pictures -- Biography
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- NCIDBA00339411
- Note (General)"Spectrum paperbacks" -- [175] p. of S-23
- Related MaterialFaulkner : a collection of critical essays Baedeker's Spain The Future of foundations Arthur Koestler : a collection of critical essays Stars and galaxies: birth, ageing, and death in the universe The Philosophy of mind Daniel Defoe : a collection of critical essays Michelangelo : a self-portrait A man's place : masculinity in transition The complete thinker : a handbook of techniques for creative and critical problem solvi......ntury interpretations of As you like it : a collection of critical essays Law and the American future Hawthorne : a collection of critical essays Baedeker's Israel Jobs for Americans Inner balance : the p...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA0013663X
- Note (General)Imprint varies: London ; New York : Rout...
- Related MaterialTale type- and motif-indexes : an annotated bibliography Flore et Zéphyr ; The yellowplush correspondence ; The tremendous adventures of Major Gahagan A concordance to Herman Melville's The confidence-man, his masquerade The Regency companion Archaeology of prehistoric native America : an encyclopedia The new Arthurian encyclopedia The musical microcomputer : a resource guide American women short story writers : a collection of critical essays Alchemy in Europe : a guide to research The "Jewish question" in German-speaking countries, 1848-1914 : a bibliography The lives of Jesus : a history and bibliography Richard II : an annotated ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00474814
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: London, D......ore Publisher varies: Penguin Books India, Bodley Head, Penguin Books Australia, Viking, Penguin Group (NZ)
- Related MaterialAh, but your land is beautiful The enigma of arrival : a novel in five ......ctions Winter garden Miscarriage Dot.con : the greatest story ever sold When the United States spoke Frenc......refugees who shaped a nation First nights The tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African stories Tempe......Confessions of an actor : an autobiography Mesdames, Messieurs ....... Tell no lies The struggles of Albert Woods Sweetness and power : the place of sugar in modern history Let's parler Franglais! Einstein's universe : the layperson's guide A castle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book o...
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- NCIDBA00075182
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Clarendon Press
- Related MaterialComplete poems The Gorbachev factor The accidental guerrilla : fighting small wars in the midst of a big one Early jazz : its roots and musical development The language of music The tender passion The Oxford history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-first c......reflections on the challenges ahead Four essays on liberty Malign neglect--race, crime, and punishment in America The witch-cult in ...... Europe Codebreaker in the Far East The user : the truth about drugs, what they do, how they feel and why people take them Sociology The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Pacific...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00548998
- Related MaterialMexico City blues The sea of fertility Memories of the Ford administration : a novel Light in August Shooting an elephant and other essays Meetings with remarkable men Babette's feast ; and other stories The outsider The longest journey In the making : the story of a childhood Near to the wild heart The samurai The room : a novel The philosophy of Andy Warhol : from A to B and back again The waves The Pat Hobby stories Fever pitch Charlie and the chocolate factory The trial The green child Nostromo : a tale of the seaboard Go down, Moses, and other stories Shadows on the grass The home and the world The unvanquished South ...
- Alternative TitleModern classics
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA62797390
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated environment : California, 1878-1905 Crisis management in the power industry : an inside story ......ple, resources and power Plato to-day Ancient Rome at work : an economic hist......y of Rome from the origins to the empire Language, schools, and classrooms International business handbook Social policy 1830-1914 : individua...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge library edition
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA0090382X
- Note (General)Publisher varies
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