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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA24299559
- Subject HeadingMachinists -- Germany -- Chemnitz. Working class -- Germany.
- Note (General)Translation of Drei Monate Fabrikarbeiter und Handwerksbursche. Reprint of the 1895 ed.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLabor and laboring classes -- Saxony. Labor and laboring classes -- Germany.
- Author HeadingGöhre, Paul, 1864-1928. Carr, A. B.
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- ContentsNo. 1801: Release of Raw Silk No. 1802......k Test Certificates No. 1803: R......f Mrs. Kimiko Takeichi No. 1804: Acquisition of One Room in The Shisei Kaikan Building No. 1805: Transmittal of Correspond......or Use of Yen Bank Accounts by German Concerns for ......he Purpose of Paying Salaries and Incidental Expenses No. 1807: Application of Mitsubishi Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., (Mits......ssion to Sell War-Damaged Plant and Dormitory No......hipment of Cereals to Japan No. 1809: Release of Raw Silk No. 1810: Travelling Allowance for Demobil...... Settlement of Incomplete Foreign Exchange Transaction by Yasuda Bank...
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/13692166
- Collection (particular)国立国会図書館 > 日本占領関係資料 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 日本占領関係資料 > GHQ/SCAP文書 (RG331) > 高級副官部文書 (AG)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In response to new forms of research output and mandates for open data and science, scholarly communications and related work on research data management, copyright, and open access have become important services for academic librarians--including instruction and liaison librarians--to offer faculty and students. Academic libraries have become increasingly vital throughout the entire research process. The Scholarly Communications Cookbook features 84 recipes that can help you establish programs, teach concepts, conduct outreach, and use scholarly communications technologies in your library. The book is divided into 4 thorough sections: 1. Tak...
- ContentsSECTION I: TAKING YOUR PROGRAM TO THE NEXT LEVEL Souping up scholarly communications via the power of co-location / Carol E. Smith Research strategies certificate program: a recipe for librarians who prefer their scholarly communications instruction program well done / Brian Quinn A teaching-focused scholarly communication starter: kneading strategic partnerships / Daina Dickman and Melissa Seelye Promoting student authorship and research skills through campus collaborations / Heather F. Ball The ScholCom......ymposium Stew: introducing students to the research life cycle ingredients / Manda Vrkljan and Silvia Vong Campus engag...
- Subject HeadingAcademic libraries--Relations with faculty and curriculum Communication in learning and scholarship--Technological innovations Open access publishing Institutional repositories Libraries and scholars Communication in library science Communication in learning and scholarship Libraries Scholarly Communication Open Access Publishing Bibliothèques universitaires--Relations avec le corps enseignant et le programme d'études Communication savante--Innovations Dépôts institutionnels B......iothèques et savants Communication en bibliot......onomie Communication savante Bibliothèques libraries (buildings)
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA7555747X BA24098182
- Subject HeadingMachinists -- Germany -- Chemnitz Working class -- Germany
- Subject Heading (ID)Machinists -- Germany -- Chemnitz Working class -- Germany
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA11765852
- Related MaterialThe coming of Bill Recollections of three Kaisers The child in the changing home Love among the chickens Eggs, beans and crumpets Running and Runners Music and the European mind Impressions : Nigeria, 1925 Cheiro's guide to the hand Thirty days of India : a note-book Wet and windy Barmy in Wonderland Woman in world history : her place in the great religions Nothing serious The mutiny of the Albatross The problem parent Thank you, Jeeves Athletics for bo......ers of O Toyo, a Japanese schoolgirl......The Odyssey of a digger If I were you Crazy days Through the Congo Basin The secret of the silver car : further adventures of Anth...
- Alternative TitleA Herbert Jenkins book
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00946298
- Related MaterialEconomics : an account of the relations between private property and public welfare The Usury debate in the seventeenth century : three arguments Promoting prosperity : ......enth century tracts Capitalism and fascism : three right-wing tracts, 1937-1941 ......tem of economical contradictions : or, ......sery Religious attitudes toward usury : two early polemics The inside history of the Carnegie Steel Company : a romance of millions......he effects of machinery on wages The decline of American capitalism Capital and labour : including the results of machinery The freedom of the seas : or, The rig...... the Dutch to take part in the East Indian tra...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA03636038
- Related MaterialThe ethics of socialism : being further essays in modern socialist criticism, &c The purse and the conscience : an attempt to show ......ween economics and ethics Commercial crises of the nineteenth century England's ideal and other papers on social subjects The ...... English corn laws Neighbourhood guilds : an instrument of social reform The condition of labour : an open letter t......e Leo XIII Socialism : its grow......The Students' Marx : An introduction to the study of Karl Marx' capital Modern humanists : sociological studies of Carlyle, Mill, Emerson, Arnold, Ruskin, and Spencer : with an epilogue on social reconstru...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00474814
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: London, Dublin, North Shore Publisher varies: Penguin Books India, Bodley Head, Penguin Books Australia, Viking, Penguin Group (NZ)
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Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA2550615X
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Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00388836
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- Alternative TitleB.A.R. international series International series of British archaeological reports BAR S
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA86594015
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- Alternative TitleTechnical report Coastal Engineering Research Center Technical report C.E.R.C
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA06632044
- Related MaterialReport for the year ... Report to......he Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department Report for Social and Economic Research Conférence internationale du travail : projets de......tions et recommandations adoptés par la conférence ... = International Labour Conference : draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the c......eport of the Standing Committee respecting tools Report of the Standing Committee respecting copper plates, sheets,, rods, wire and tubes National Health Insurance : Report of the National Health Insurance (International arrangements) Board to the Nationa...
- Alternative TitlePapers by command Cmd
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00973825
- Related MaterialPublic transport subsidy in cities Higher education in other countries Fourth general report, July ......July 1979 Portland cement price...... presented to Parliament by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Minister of Public Building and Works Malaysia : agreement conclu......en the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore The Govern...... expenditure plans, 1982-83 to 1984-85 Detailed provisions...... : constitutional conference 1965 Education in 1959 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and statist...
- Alternative TitlePapers by Command. Cmnd Cm