Search results 3
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- Note (General)Utopia: "Translated into English by Ralph Robinson, His second......d edition, 1556: preceded by the title and epis......edition, 1551" The Scholemaster: "Written between 1563-8. Posthumously published. First edition,...... collated with the second edition......572" Toxophilus: "Large paper edition"
- Related MaterialEnglish reprints
- Periodical TitleEnglish reprints
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSerman on the ploughers, 18 ......9 Areopagitica : (24 November) 1644 : preceded by il......tive documents Utopia : originally printed in Latin, 1516 An apologie fo...... poetrie, 1595 . His trauailes, 1590 . Table-talk, 16...... 1689 Euphues, the anatomy of wit : editio princeps, 1579 ; Eu......nd his England : editio princeps, 1580 : collated with ......fore Edward VI : on each Friday in Lent, 1549 . Utopia : originally printed in Latin, 1516 Castara . The scholemaster Sermon on the ploughers : 18 January, 15......xophilus, 1545 . Criticism on M...... poetrie, 1595 The rehearsal, 1672 . The steele glas, 1576 . Micro-cosmographie, 1628 Areo...
- Author Heading (ID)DA02772478
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialInstructions for forreine travell, 1642......fore Edward VI : on each Friday in Lent, 1549 Red......and be nott wrothe, for I saye no thinge but trothe . The last fright of the revenge at sea: under the command of Sir...... Grenville, on the 10-11th of September, 1591 . Eglogs, epytaphes, & sonettes. 1563 : three copies o......t present known. from the copy in the possession of Henry Huth 1. Certayne notes of instruction in English verse, 1575 ; 2. The steele glas (c......d April 1575, finished ... ) April 1576 ; 3. The complaynt of p......pril 1562, continued in Apr. 1575, finished 3 Apr. 1576) April 1576 The arte of English poesie: (June...
- Author Heading (ID)DA02772478